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Итоговая контрольная работа для 8 класса.

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«Итоговая контрольная работа для 8 класса.»

1. Выбери лишнее слово.

a) sociable, stubborn, honest, patient

b) beautiful, pretty, easy-going, handsome

c) steamed rice, boiled eggs, roast beef, grilled fish

d) jeweller’s, shoe shop, post office, clothes shop

e) Biology, Chemistry, Ecology, Education, Astronomy

f) cashier, waiter, sales assistant, bank teller

g) velvet, woolen, linen, leather, casual

h) pollution, drought, flood, tsunami, earthquake

i) frost, snow, cold, storm

j) train, helicopter, car, coach, motorbike

2. Выбери правильный вариант.

1. Sally is a … than Sue.

a) tall b) taller c) tallest

2. Harry is ... boy in the class.

a) popular b) more popular c) the most popular

3. He … when Jane called.

a) had left b) left c) have left

4. The food will be ready in a minute. Don’t be so …

a) patient b) impatient c) inpatient

5. I would like to thank you for your …

a) kind b) kindness c) unkind

6. You … be proud of your achievement.

a) can b) should c) have to

7. Poly always … in black when she was a teenager.

a) dress b) dressing c) dressed

8. They … football all day so they were very tired in the evening.

a) were played b) had been playing c) had played

1. Выбери лишнее слово.

a) sociable, stubborn, honest, patient

b) beautiful, pretty, easy-going, handsome

c) steamed rice, boiled eggs, roast beef, grilled fish

d) jeweller’s, shoe shop, post office, clothes shop

e) Biology, Chemistry, Ecology, Education, Astronomy

f) cashier, waiter, sales assistant, bank teller

g) velvet, woolen, linen, leather, casual

h) pollution, drought, flood, tsunami, earthquake

i) frost, snow, cold, storm

j) train, helicopter, car, coach, motorbike

2. Выбери правильный вариант.

1. Sally is a … than Sue.

a) tall b) taller c) tallest

2. Harry is ... boy in the class.

a) popular b) more popular c) the most popular

3. He … when Jane called.

a) had left b) left c) have left

4. The food will be ready in a minute. Don’t be so …

a) patient b) impatient c) inpatient

5. I would like to thank you for your …

a) kind b) kindness c) unkind

6. You … be proud of your achievement.

a) can b) should c) have to

7. Poly always … in black when she was a teenager.

a) dress b) dressing c) dressed

8. They … football all day so they were very tired in the evening.

a) were played b) had been playing c) had played

1. Выбери лишнее слово.

a) sociable, stubborn, honest, patient

b) beautiful, pretty, easy-going, handsome

c) steamed rice, boiled eggs, roast beef, grilled fish

d) jeweller’s, shoe shop, post office, clothes shop

e) Biology, Chemistry, Ecology, Education, Astronomy

f) cashier, waiter, sales assistant, bank teller

g) velvet, woolen, linen, leather, casual

h) pollution, drought, flood, tsunami, earthquake

i) frost, snow, cold, storm

j) train, helicopter, car, coach, motorbike

2. Выбери правильный вариант.

1. Sally is a … than Sue.

a) tall b) taller c) tallest

2. Harry is ... boy in the class.

a) popular b) more popular c) the most popular

3. He … when Jane called.

a) had left b) left c) have left

4. The food will be ready in a minute. Don’t be so …

a) patient b) impatient c) inpatient

5. I would like to thank you for your …

a) kind b) kindness c) unkind

6. You … be proud of your achievement.

a) can b) should c) have to

7. Poly always … in black when she was a teenager.

a) dress b) dressing c) dressed

8. They … football all day so they were very tired in the evening.

a) were played b) had been playing c) had played


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