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Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 9 классе.

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Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку (базовый уровень) 9 класс.

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«Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 9 классе.»


Волковец Расима Радисовна

учитель английского языка
МБОУ «Гимназия №64» ГО г. Уфа РБ

Описание работы: итоговая контрольную работу по английскому языку за 9 классе, УМК Spotlight-9. Работа содержит тестовые задания по трем видам речевой деятельности: «Чтение», «Грамматика и лексика», «Письмо». Данный материал рассчитан на 90 мин, задания направлены на обобщение и контроль пройденного материала.

Цель: выявить уровень сформированности знаний, умений и навыков учащихся в соответствии с целями и задачами изученных грамматических тем « Present Tenses, Past Tenses, Future Tenses в действительном и страдательном залогах», «Условное наклонение», «Степени сравнения прилагательных», «Prepositions», а также уровень владения лексическими единицами.

Задачи:1. Выявить моменты, недостаточно изученные учащимися;

2.. Закрепить грамматические и лексические навыки;

3. Обобщить полученные знания.


Match the questions and the texts, find the answers to the questions in the texts, put your answers into the table.

Определите, в каком из текстов A–F содержатся ответы на интересующие Вас вопросы 1–7. Один из вопросов останется без ответа. Занесите Ваши ответы в таблицу.


What nature-friendly ideas started a new branch in the tourism business?


What means of transport is the most popular with tourists?


Why can tourism be dangerous to nature?


What are the reasons that make people go on a trip?


What kind of tourism is getting popular with elderly people?


Why does travelling make people smarter?


What are the ways to save money while travelling?


Tourism has become a popular activity. Indeed, nowadays people travel more, and further, than they used to. The main reasons for tourism are: recreation, leisure and business. When travelling for recreation, people want to escape their stressful daily routine and to relax. Beach holidays are an example of such tourism. Business trips involve going to a distant place in order to settle business issues.


Whether on a business trip or on a honeymoon, people want to explore the place they are in. They go on excursions, try new activities like diving or mountain climbing and learn about the historical background of the place and its cultural peculiarities. Sometimes they find out amazing facts about people and places and about themselves too! In fact, when people travel, they broaden their horizons.


A new branch of tourism is ecotourism. It involves visiting relatively untouched places in remote areas. Ecotourism is often misinterpreted as any form of tourism involving wildlife - but it’s completely different from jungle tourism or safari. Eco-tourists are against disturbing the environment; even taking photos is not recommended. Take only memories and leave only footprints is a very popular slogan for them.


By educational tourism, most people mean different versions of Learn and Travel Programmes for students. But it’s not only for the young and brave. Lots of training and educational programmes for adults are offered in different corners of the world. Retired people participate in these programmes too. They gladly enroll on overseas courses ranging from gardening and design to computer skills and programming.


If possible, consider means of transport other than the plane. Rapidly increasing numbers of flights have put the environment in danger. Planes pollute the air, which results in global warming. In fact, tourism is not harmless fun as many may think: new airports and tourist infrastructure, pollution and crowds of noisy tourists make wild animals migrate, which may decrease their population or even make them extinct.



With all its benefits, travelling is still a very expensive activity and may not fit every budget. To reduce the costs, avoid travelling in high season when flight tickets and hotels are overpriced. Remember that, along with expensive destinations, there are less prestigious but even more interesting places. When planning a trip, find out about low-cost airlines, discounts and special offers.

Put your answers into the table.







TASK 2. Fill in the missing words.

Заполните пропуски словами.

Takes place, petrol, charities, annual, species, sociable, experience, rubbish, extinct, foster home, complete

  1. Unfortunately, humans are destroying the habitats of wildlife __________ and they become __________.

  2. La Tomatina is a (n) __________ festival that takes place in the Spanish town of Bunol in Valencia.

  3. Wildlife __________ are organizations that save the habitats which are in danger.

  4. The Pirates week festival in Georgetown, the Cayman Islands, let you __________ an adventure life from the past.

  5. I think superstitions are all a load of __________.

  6. Remembrance Day, or Poppy Day __________ each year on 11th November to remember the millions who died for their country.

  7. Some of the animals need more care than usual, so a ____________ is found for them.

  8. My next-door neighbour is very __________. She often visits us for chat.

  9. No visit to Sydney would be _________without seeing the famous Harbour Bridge and Opera House.

  10. We can fill the car with fuel at the ____________station.

TASK 3. Transform the word in capitals and fill the sentence with it.

Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию предложения. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.

1.I find April Fool’s Day quite ___________________TIRE

2. What is the most eco-friendly transport? I believe it’s the bicycle. There are a lot of bicycles on the streets of our town and that is probably why it looks so green and __________. BEAUTY

3. Next month I’m going to take part in a regional cycling __________________ and I hope to win it. COMPETE

4. You would think that people would get __________ after a while, but no. BORE

5. The Nobel Prize is a very prestigious award. Alfred Nobel, a successful businessman and the __________________ of explosives, established prizes for achievements in science, literature and economics. INVENT

6. In Britain, a writer who wins the Booker prize can expect to see their novel at the top of the bestseller lists and compete with ‘The Da Vinci Code’ for __________________. POPULAR

7. “If you were a couple of years__________________, you could manage it. But I doubt you can do it now,” I tried to talk him out of keeping the crow but finally agreed to take the bird home. OLD

8. Another autumn __________________ was connected with the passing of the dead. These two events later became Halloween. CELEBRATE

9. But remember that if the children don’t get the sweets, they may play some __________________ joke, for example splash some water on you. PLEASANT

10.Directors often ________________ old film classics such as The War of the Worlds. MAKE

TASK 4. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

Дополните предложения правильной формой глаголов.

  1. Jane looks worried. She __________ (break) the mirror.

  2. Sue promised __________(study) harder.

  3. It was really kind of David ________(give) you a lift home.

  4. Diana eventually admitted _______________(break) the window.

  5. Peter is __________(little) helpful person of all.

  6. The pink skirt was ___________(cheap) than I had expected.

  7. When __________ (the film\start) on Tuesdays? – It __________ (start) at 11 o’clock.

  8. If I had known about your birthday, I __________ (buy) you a present.

  9. I can’t stand __________ (wait).

  10. It’s not worth __________ (argue) with your parents.

  11. This time next year I ___________(fly) to Madrid.

  12. He will leave the office when he ____________(finish) work.

  13. If I were you, I __________ (tell) him the truth.

  14. She __________ (be) angry because she __________ (wait) for the bus for over an hour now.

  15. If you __________ (study) hard, you will get good grades.

  16. Our house ______________(burgle) last night.

  17. Viktor is making salad _____________(he)

  18. I promise, I____________(help) you.

TASK 5. Fill in the gaps with

To (2), across, in (5), of, with (3),for (2), from

Дополните предложения, употребив правильные предлоги.

  1. Every new invention starts _________ an idea.

  2. She is interested __________ learning foreign languages.

  3. Creating a robot is much more difficult _______practice than _____theory.

  4. What sort ______music do you like?

  5. He is popular ______ teenagers all around the world.

  6. The paintings add value ______to the house.

  7. All my relatives believe __________ superstitions except my father.

  8. The Oxford Street is always crowded __________ people.

  9. He is famous ______his landscapes.

  10. What is the reason __________ Earth Day celebration?

  11. Many of the animals in the shelter have been rescued ______ bad homes.

  12. Simon is allergic _________ bee stings.

  13. I came __________ this old photos in the attic.

  14. He didn’t succeed __________ passing the entrance exams.

TASK 6. Choose the correct word. Выберите правильное слово.

  1. Can you brush/ sweep the floor in the kitchen?

  2. Andrea has got a very vivid fantasy/ imagination/ illusion.

  3. They showed us a set of same/ similar/ alike pictures.

  4. Thomas Edison invented/ discovered the electric bulb.

  5. Can I access/ download the Internet from this computer.

  6. My sister takes/ makes photographs for a living.

  7. I’m going to a dance presentation/ performance at the theater tonight.

  8. Many pedestrians/ walkers can be seen hiking in these hills.

  9. When you reach the roundabout, follow the sign/ signal that says “North London”.

  10. “Don’t harm/ ruin/ damage the spider, Frank”/

  11. John leads/ passes/ spends a very busy life.

  12. Nowadays, more companies only offer/ suggest work to people with computer skills.


Ты получил письмо, напиши ответ, соблюдая все правила написания письма личного характера.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Kate.

We often travel as a family. Dad enjoys seeing new places and Mum likes buying souvenirs. And she's not the only one! The souvenir business is doing really well in some countries!…

Why do people buy souvenirs when they travel? What's the best souvenir to bring back in your opinion? What place would you like to visit?…

Write her a letter and answer her 3 questions.

Write 100120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.


Task 1. A4, B6, C1, D5, E3, F7.

Task 2. 1 species, extinct; 2 annual; 3 charities; 4 experience; 5 rubbish; 6 takes place; 7 foster home; 8 sociable; 9 complete; 10 petrol.

Task 3. 1 tiring; 2 beautiful; 3 competition; 4 bored; 5 inventor; 6 popularity; 7 older; 8 celebration; 9 unpleasant; 10 remake.

Task 4. 1 has broken; 2 to study; 3 to give; 4 breaking; 5 the least; 6 cheaper; 7 did the film start, started; 8 would have bought; 9 waiting, 10 arguing; 11 I will be flying; 12 finishes; 13 would tell; 14 is, has been waiting; 15 study; 16 was burgled; 17 himself; 18 will help.

Task 5. 1 with, 2 in, 3 in, 4 of, 5 with, 6 to, 7 in, 8 with, 9 for, 10 for, 11 from, 12 to, 13 across, 14 in.

Task 6. 1 sweep, 2 imagination, 3 similar, 4 invented, 5 access, 6 takes, 7 performance, 8 walkers, 9 sign, 10 harm. 11 leads, 12 offer.


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