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Итоговый тест по грамматике для 10 класса.

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«Итоговый тест по грамматике для 10 класса.»

Тест по грамматике.
Английский язык, 10 класс

Во всех вопросах только один правильный ответ

1. Fill in the gap.

There are a lot of alligators in ...Nile.

A) a

B) an

C) -

D) the

2. Fill in the gap.

Which is ...building in the world?

A) highest

B) the highest

C) higher

D) most higher

3. Choose the correct word.

There aren't...fruits at that time of the year.

A) some

B) any

C) no

D) none

4. Fill in the gap.

What...he do for a living?

A) do

B) does

C) are

D) is

5. Fill the gaps with the correct word.

There was no bus, ...we had to walk.

A) because

B) although

C) that's why

D) due to

6. Fill in the gap.

Didn't you see the snow...Sunday?

A) at

B) on

C) in

D) for

7. Choose the right form of the word.

The boy works on the computer...

A) good

B) bad

C) better

D) well

8. Choose the right form of the modal verb.

Must we hurry? No, you ...we have much time.

A) can't

B) may not

C) won't

D) needn't

9. Choose the correct form of the verb.





10. Choose the right phrasal verb.

We are good friends and always _______ very well.

A) get along

B) get up

C) get away

D) get off

11.Choose the correct form of the verb.

I _______________ from town to town for two years when I met him.

A) travel

B) travelled

C) was travelling

D) had been travelling

12. Match up professions with their duties. Write letters in the right order.

1) Surgeon

A. to give legal advise or assistance

2) Waiter

Б. to perform operations

3) Lawyer

В. to serve people in a restaurant

4) Scientist

Г. to explore the world

A) 1Б, 2В, 3А, 4Г

B) 1Г, 2В, 3А, 4Б

C) 1А, 2В, 3Б, 4Г

D) 1В, 2А, 3Б, 4Г

13. Answer the question.

Where is Loch Ness situated?

A) Germany

B) Scotland

C) Australia

D) Denmark

14. Match the books with their writers. Write letters in the right order

1) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

А. Clive Staples Lewis

2) The Hobbit or There and Back Again

Б. William Shakespeare

3) The Tragedy of Hamlet

В. John R.R. Tolkien

4) The Chronicles of Narnia

Г. Mark Twain

A) 1Б, 2В, 3А, 4Г

B) 1Г, 2В, 3Б, 4А

C) 1А, 2В, 3Б, 4Г

D) 1В, 2А, 3Б, 4Г


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