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Jack and the Buttermilk

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«Jack and the Buttermilk»


Jack is a good boy. He helps his parents. He sells buttermilk every day. One day a witch comes to him. She wants to have some buttermilk. But she does not want to pay for it. Jack does not give her the buttermilk without money. So she opens her big bag and puts Jack into it.

She walks home with Jack in her bag. She wants to eat him. Suddenly, the witch remembers that she does not have any salt. She must come back to the town.

She sees men on the road. She says, “Look after my bag, please.” The men agree and the witch leaves.

Jack cries to the men, “The witch wants to eat me! Please, take me out! I will give you my buttermilk!” The men open the bag and take him out. Jack gives them his buttermilk and runs away.

The men put thorns to the bag and give it to the witch. The bag hurts her. She comes home, opens the bag and sees the thorns. She is angry. She says, “Jack, I will catch you and eat you!”

Next day the witch comes to Jack. She wants to have some buttermilk. But she does not want to pay for it. Jack does not give her the buttermilk without money. So she opens her big bag and puts Jack into it again.

She walks home with Jack in her bag. Suddenly, the witch remembers that she does not have any bread. She must come back to the town. She sees women on the road. She says, “Look after my bag, please.” The women agree and the witch leaves.

Jack cries to the women, “The witch wants to eat me! Please, take me out! I will give you my buttermilk!” The women open the bag and take him out. Jack gives them his buttermilk and runs away.

The women put stones to the bag and give it to the witch. The bag is heavy and the witch is tired. She says, “Jack, you like to eat! You are very fat!” She comes home, opens the bag and sees the stones. She is very angry. She says, “Jack, I will catch you and eat you!”

Next day the witch comes to Jack. She does not want to have any buttermilk. She wants to eat Jack. So she opens her bag and put Jack into it again.

She walks home and she does not stop any more. She puts the bag on the table and says, “I will eat you, Jack!”

She goes to her fireplace and Jack jumps out of the bag. He sees the pots. He puts the pots to the bag and runs away. The witch comes back and takes the bag. She throws it to the fireplace and all her pots break. The witch is angry. She can not eat Jack.

She never comes back to the town again.


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