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Каада салттар, урп адаттар

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«Каада салттар, урп адаттар»

Customs and Traditions of Kyrgyz People

As tne proverb says: “Every country has own customs” the people have their own customs,traditions,rituals and popular games.The world “ak”in Kyrgyz means not only “white”. It means pure and honest,innocent and guiltless, true and right.In oldest days milk was the charm of the evil eyes and it is still used nowadays when one swears he is as innocent as milk.

On the day of the child s birth the eldest man names the newborn, if the newborn is a boy the parents present him a knife and kamchy. When the boys three or fife the parents celebrate his sunnot toy.

Many traditions are connected with Islam. The Islamic traditions are mainly on the calendar. Our new year begins on the towenty first of March when day and night are equal. This holiday is called “Noorus”.On this day people cook seven kind of dishes, “Sumalak”and have such holidays as “Orozo ait”which is held after thirty days keeping Orozo and Kurban ait, which is held after 70 days of Orozo ait and on this holiday many people visit the graves of dead relatives.


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