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Kazakhstan-Turkey: partnership in the 21 century

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Kazakhstan-Turkey: partnership in the 21 century

Kazakhstan - Turkey partnership Modern Partnership The two nations partnered in creating the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA). Today, CICA has 22 member nations and has become one of the major forums and structures for guarding international peace and security across all of Asia. The two nations are also close diplomatic partners in the Istanbul Process, which is trying to bring peace at last to Afghanistan. The Turkish-Kazakh relationship took a giant leap forward when President Nursultan Nazarbayev visited Ankara in October 2012 and the two nations set up the High-Level Strategic Cooperation Council.

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«Kazakhstan-Turkey: partnership in the 21 century»

Қазтұтынуодағы жоғары Қостанай экономика колледжі

Костанайский высший экономический колледж Казпотребсоюза

Ашық сабақ жоспары/План открытого урока: №14

Пән/Дисциплина: Английский язык

Күн/Дата: 16 мая 2019 г.

Мамандығы/Специальность: 0515000 «Менеджмент»

Топ/Группа: Мн-26

Тақырып/Тема: « Kazakhstan-Turkey: partnership in the 21 century »

Сабақтың түрі/Тип урока: практическое обучение

Сабақтың мақсаты/Цели:


- презентовать партнерские отношения между Казахстаном и Турцией, научить студентов употреблять лексику в речевых ситуациях на основе текста «Ka-zakhstan-Turkey: partnership in the 21 century»;

- активизировать употребление тематической лексики.

-закрепить способ образования «Present Continuous Tense» и показать его практическое использование.


-сформировать умения и навыки использования лексики по теме «Kazakhstan-Turkey: partnership in the 21 century» и новых грамматических структур «Pre-sent Continuous Tense» в говорении, чтении и письме;

-совершенствовать развитие внимания, памяти, способности к сравнению и сопоставлению речевых единиц, к анализу, обобщению.


-воспитывать чувства ответственности, инициативности и взаимоподдержки, полиязычности, патриотизма, толерантности;

-воспитывать потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в паре и группе.

Әдістемелік мақсаты/Методическая цель:

- показать возможности интерактивной доски и отдельных стратегий педагогической технологии развития критического мышления через чтение и пись -

мо на практическом уроке.

Сабақтың жабдықтары/Оборудование урока: ТСО: компьютеры и интерак –

тивное оборудование.

Көрлекірік құралдар/Наглядные пособия: слайды презентаций.

Жұмыс орны/Рабочие места: ауд 307

Улестірімді құралдар/Раздаточный материал:

  1. Е.А. Гельпей, Т.В. Ефенская, Н.С. Котова - Английский язык для экономических колледжей.

  2. Т.Аяпова- English Английский язык.

3. Текст « Kazakhstan-Turkey: partnership in the 21 century »

The proceduce of the lesson


Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity


1. Organization movement.

The teacher greets the students:

Good-morning , students .Sit down ,please .I’m very glad to see you today .

Who is on duty ?

Who is absent ?

What day of the week is it today ?

What date is it?

What season is it now?

What is the weather like today?

A student answers the teacher’s question and listens very attentively.


2. Phonetic and Speech Drill.

Repeat the words: broken, hearted, words, wisdom, parted, hour, darkness, sounds, music, comes to me.

Let’s sing a song “Let it be”

The students repeat the words, they sing a song “let it be”.

19 min

3. Checking up homework.

And now it is time to check your homework. We are going to speak about «International organizations». So we start our lesson. Have a good time!


  1. What organizations do you know?

  2. Share these organizations?

The students retell a topic about «International organizations»..

2 min

4. Motivation

Our today’s class is devoted to getting about Kazakhstan-Turkey: partnership in the 21 century. Today we are going to speak about the structures for guarding international peace and security across all of Asia, review grammar rule about about Present Continuous Tense, do exercises and discuss information about Kazakhstan-Turkey. The teacher tells the students the theme of the lesson and explain what aims they are going to solve at the lesson.

Kazakhstan-Turkey: partnership in the 21 century


Brain storming

Error monitoring



The students listen to the teacher’s explanation what they are going to do at the lesson.

35 min

5. Presentation of new theme: « Kazakhstan-Turkey: partnership in the 21 century »

Look at the blackboard!

How do you think what is the theme of our lesson?

We are having an unusual lesson

The topic « Kazakhstan-Turkey: partnership in the 21 century » and what will we do at our lesson

We’ll do some exercises

Watch slides

Work in groups

Repeat the words

  1. Vocabulary:


diplomatic partners



to expand

a wide range

bilateral issues



  1. Reading with stops.

Team work strategy. The students are divided into 4 groups and each group reads its own extract. Then they tell the main ideas of the extracts.

Kazakhstan-Turkey: partnership in the 21 century

Kazakhstan - Turkey partnership Modern Partnership The two nations partnered in creating the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA). Today, CICA has 22 member nations and has become one of the major forums and structures for guarding international peace and security across all of Asia. The two nations are also close diplomatic partners in the Istanbul Process, which is trying to bring peace at last to Afghanistan. The Turkish-Kazakh relationship took a giant leap forward when President Nursultan Nazarbayev visited Ankara in October 2012 and the two nations set up the High-Level Strategic Cooperation Council. The Council was followed by a Joint Strategic Planning Group. It held its first meeting on April 26 during Foreign Minister Davutoglu’s visit to Astana. The JSPG is working on plans to expand a wide range of bilateral issues, “including the status and prospects of political dialogue, trade and economic, investment, military-technical, and cultural and humanitarian cooperation, inter-parliamentary relations and issues of cooperation in the security sphere. President Abdullah Gül and Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev signed a strategic partnership agreement to boost political and economic relations between Turkey and Kazakhstan.

c) Brain storming.

d) Reading with the missing words.

Complete the text with the appropriate words

  1. The Council was followed by a _________.

  2. It held its first meeting _______during Foreign Minister Davutoglu’s visit to Astana.

  3. The________ are also close diplomatic partners in the Istanbul Process, which is trying to bring peace at last to Afghanistan.

e) Comprehension questions:

1. How many member nations has CICA?

2. What role did the Turkish-Kazakh relationship take?

3. What did president Abdullah Gul and Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev sign?


f) Let’s compare Kazakhstan-Turkey: partnership in the 21 century ?

g). Сomplete the table «Insert»

I know

I want to know

I knew

h). Bloom`s cube

i)Author’s chair

The students listen to the teacher’s explanation.

The student repeats the words, read and translate it in order to understand its meaning.

The students are divided into 4 groups, read and translate their extracts. While reading the text they mark the main ideas of the extracts.

The students read the text with missing words and fill in the gaps with the appropriate ones.

The students answer the questions on the text.

The students compare Kazakhstan-Turkey: partnership in the 21 century

The students complete the table.

The students make the questions.

20 min

6. Presentation of grammar material:

Present Continuous Tense

am/is/are +

Present Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be и добавления к смысловому глаголу окончания ing 




he, she, it


we, you, they


We are looking for the Republic Square, which is the central square of the city.

The students are learning the history and culture of Kazakhstan in four exhibition halls.

The Johnsons are listening famous singers, poets and composers.

Time expressions: now, at the moment.

Open the books on page 40-41 ex. 9

Work with the Pencup.ru and do the exercises.

The students listen to the teacher’s explanation of grammar material and do different oral and written practice exercises.

The students translate the sentences.

The students work with the Pencup.ru and do the exercises.

4 min

7. Reflection

1)What can you tell about today’s lesson?

2)What is sensible, useful?

3)Have you enjoyed our lesson?

4)What kind of text did you read?

5)What have we discussed today?

6)Have we achieved the goal of the lesson?

The students answer the questions.

2 min

8. Home task

1. Kazakhstan-Turkey: partnership in the 21 century


The students write down the home task.

2 min

9. Marks

You have worked very well , have been active and have got good and excellent marks. I am grateful of all of you for today’s lesson. See you next week. Goodbye.

The students listen the results of the lesson.

Преподаватель: Бекмагамбетова Г.К.


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