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КИМ_английский_4 класс

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«КИМ_английский_4 класс»

Входная контрольная работа

по английскому языку

для обучающихся 4 класса


Часть I. Чтение

Прочитай рассказ и выполни задание.

Tad and Fred

Fred has got a little white puppy. His name is Tad. Tad and Fred are friends. They like to jump and run. They like to play hide-and-seek (прятки). One day (однажды) they play hide-and-seek in the park. Fred wants to find (найти) Tad but he can't see his puppy. Tad wants to find Fred, too. But he can't see his friend. Tad sees a big black dog.

"Where is Fred?" the puppy says. "I am sorry, I don't know" (Я сожалею, но я не знаю), the dog says. Tad wants to find his house. He runs and runs. He sees a big red house. Tad says: "This house is very big. It's not my house". Then he sees a little blue house. Tad says: "This house is very little. It's not my house". Tad runs and runs. He sees a green house. It isn't very big and it isn't very little. Tad says: " It's my house". He sees Fred and his family. It's nice to be at home.

Выбери правильный ответ в соответствии с прочитанным текстом.

1. Fred has got

a) a dog b) a puppy c) a cat.

2. Tad is

a) black b) grey c) white.

3. One day they play hide-and-seek

a) in the park b) in the house c) in the forest

4. Fred wants to find

a) his house b) Tad c) the park

5. "Where is …?" the puppy says.

a) my house b) your house c) Fred

6. His house is

a) green b) blue c)red.

Часть II. Лексико-грамматический тест

1. Какое из слов в каждой строчке лишнее? Выпиши его.

a) ten, twelve, tea, fourteen, thirty

b) hockey, tennis, football, corn, basketball

c) cheese, bread, breakfast, meat, cake

d) nose, rabbit, neck, teeth, arm

e) Monday, Sunday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Ben.

2. Выбери нужное слово.

a) Have / Has you got friends.

b) He eats /ate bread for breakfast.

c) His friend live/lives in the forest.

d) Cats like/likes milk and fish.

e) They go/goes to the park every day.

Входная контрольная работа

по английскому языку

для обучающихся 4 класса


Часть I. Чтение

Прочитай рассказ и выполни задание.

Dear friend,

My name is Kate. I’m eleven. I’m from London. It’s a very beautiful city. There are many parks in London. My favourite place is Hyde Park. There is a big stadium near my house. I like playing football and tennis there. I like my city very much.

Best wishes,


Выбери True (верно) или False (неверно).

Kate is twelve years old. True / False

She lives in New York. True / False

Kate’s favourite place is Hyde Park. True / False

Kate likes playing basketball. True / False

There is a big stadium near her house. True / False

Часть II. Лексико-грамматический тест

1. Какое из слов в каждой строчке лишнее? Выпиши его.

  a) pen,  book, school bag, pencil, bed

b) armchair, fridge, hospital, table, cupboard, lamp

  c) sheep, pig, dog, girl, hen, cat

  d) chair, dad, son, daughter, granny, aunt

  e) butter, cake, sweet, parrot, meat

2.Выбери правильный вариант и заполни пропуски.

1) Where …the gifts?

a) am b) is c) are

2) I … to go shopping.

a) like b) likes c) liking

3) My little sister doesn’t … a lot.

a) travels b) travel c) travelled

4) Does Ann… every day?

a) swim b) swims c) swam

5) What places … they visit every summer?

does b) do c) did

6)Last summer I … in England.

was b) be c) were

7) … you visit your grandparents last Sunday?

does b) did c) do



I. 1 – b 2 – c 3 – a 4 – b 5 – c 6 – a

II. 1. a) tea b) corn c) breakfast d) rabbit e) Ben

2. a) have b)eats c)lives d)like e)go








































Контрольная работа

по разделам: Летние каникулы. Любимые животные.

(4 класс 1 четверть)

I вариант

Инструкция по выполнению работы

Рекомендуется выполнять задания в том порядке, в котором они даны. На выполнение контрольной работы отводится 40 минут. Ответы к заданиям необходимо занести в графу ответов, представленную после каждого задания, в виде одной буквы или цифры, соответствующей номеру правильного ответа либо целым словом (лексико-грамматическое задание).

При выполнении заданий можно пользоваться черновиком. Записи в черновике не учитываются при оценивании работы. Баллы, полученные за выполненные задания, суммируются. Постарайтесь выполнить как можно больше заданий и набрать наибольшее количество баллов.

Желаем успехов!

РАЗДЕЛ 1. Аудирование

Дети рассказывают о самом лучшем вы­ходном дне. Послушай четыре высказывания.

Соотнеси имена детей (1—4) с тем, что они любят делать в выходной день (А—Е). Один ответ лишний. Ты услышишь высказывания два раза.




likes visiting parks




likes shopping with her brother




likes going for walks with her parents




likes going to sports games with her father


enjoyed going to another city

РАЗДЕЛ 2. Чтение

Прочитай отрывок из книги «Путешествие Карен на самолёте» (Karens Plane Trip by Ann M. Martin). Установи соответствие между именами героев рассказа и информацией о них (А—I). Ты можешь использовать буквы (А—I), несколько раз.

I was in my room when I heard a plane in the sky. My little brother, Andrew, was at a friend’s house. Mummy wasn’t in the room. Seth was at work. (Seth is my stepfather.)

Usually I don’t look at planes. But soon I will fly to Nebraska to visit Granny and Grandad. (They are Seth’s mother and father. They live on a farm.)

“Hey, plane!” I called. “Soon I will ride on you!”

I went to my bed. A suitcase (чемодан) was on the bed. “Goosie,” I said to my toy cat, “I will bring you to Nebraska with me. But I will not pack (упаковывать) you now.”

Goosie didn’t answer. But I talked to him. I am Karen Brewer. I am seven years old. My brother is four. We both have blond hair and blue eyes. I like real animals and toy animals. You can talk to them. They cannot answer but you can think that they can talk.

“Goosie,” I said, “I hope you are not afraid of flying to Nebraska ... I am not afraid. Once I went to the camp. Kristy and her friends were there.” (Kristy is my big stepsister.) “But now I will stay with Granny and Grandad.”

I looked at my suitcase.

“Oh, I forgot my roller skates!” I put my skates. Then I put five books and my doll. I wanted to close the suitcase. But I could not do it.

“Do you want my help, Karen?” asked Mummy. (after Ann M. Martin)




will visit Seth’s moth­er and father




is four




is a toy cat


Karen’s grandparents


isn’t afraid of flying


Karen’s mother


live on the farm


has got blond hair and blue eyes


will fly on the plane


was in a camp once


wanted to help to pack a suitcase

РАЗДЕЛ 3. Лексика и грамматика

  1. Прочитай про живот­ных из семейства кошачьих и заполни пропуски (1—10) прилагательными в правильной форме. Задание (0) уже сделано в качестве примера.

Your cat is (0) smaller (small) than the lion, leopard, and tiger but they all are relatives. Tigers are the (1) _________ (large) cats in the world. The Amur Tiger is (2) _________ (big) than other tigers. It is the (3) _________ (heavy) wild cat in the world. The cheetah is (4) _________ (small) than the tiger, but it is (5) _________ (fast) than the tiger. In fact the cheetah is the (6) _________ (fast) animal on land. The lion is the (7) _________ (dangerous) animal in Africa.

  1. Прочитай, что рассказывают дети о проектах, кото­рые они делают в школе. Заполни пропуски (1—8) гла­голами в правильной форме. Задание (0) уже сделано в качестве примера.

“We (0) do (to do) lots of projects in my school, but my favourite project (1) _________ (to be) last year when we learnt about the elephants. We (2) _________ (to go) to the zoo. We also (3) _________ (to make) clay elephants and I loved it.”

“After tests we usually (4) _________ (to choose) a pro­ject. Soon we (5) ________ (to work) on one project. I think I (6) (to make) a huge painting!”

Контрольная работа

по разделам: Летние каникулы. Любимые животные.

(4 класс 1 четверть)

II вариант

Инструкция по выполнению работы

Рекомендуется выполнять задания в том порядке, в котором они даны. На выполнение контрольной работы отводится 40 минут. Ответы к заданиям необходимо занести в графу ответов, представленную после каждого задания, в виде одной буквы или цифры, соответствующей номеру правильного ответа либо целым словом (лексико-грамматическое задание).

При выполнении заданий можно пользоваться черновиком. Записи в черновике не учитываются при оценивании работы. Баллы, полученные за выполненные задания, суммируются. Постарайтесь выполнить как можно больше заданий и набрать наибольшее количество баллов.

Желаем успехов!

РАЗДЕЛ 1. Аудирование




likes visiting parks




likes shopping with her brother




likes going for walks with her parents




likes going to sports games with her father


enjoyed going to another city

РАЗДЕЛ 2. Чтение

Прочитайте историю из книги Бетси Биарс «Полуночная лиса». Установи соответствие между именами героев рассказа и информацией о них (А—H). Ты можешь использовать буквы (А—H), несколько раз.

I did not want to go to the farm. I was happy at hofne. I had a new plane model and I wanted to play with it, and then my mum told me about aunt Millie’s farm.

“I don’t want to go to a farm,” I said.

“But, Tom, why not?”

“Because I don’t want to.”

“You don’t want to go now,” my mum said, “but after you think about it, you will.”

“I will never want to go.”

“How do you know? When I first saw this farm, I loved it. It is the prettiest farm I saw. There are great big apple trees there. You can climb them and there are cows and horses and ...”

“Animals don’t like me. I’m scared of farm animals. I don’t want to go at all. Why can’t I stay here?” “Because we don’t stay in the city,” my mum said, and went out of the room.

That evening my father came in and talked to me.

“This is fantastic,” my dad said. “Fantastic! There is a lake there – did you know that? You can go swimming every day.”

“I can’t swim well,” I said to him.

“You can learn! And your mother has this chance to go travelling. She can’t wait to see Europe. I want to go with her, too.”

“But I don’t want to go.”

“You should think about your mum!”

I wanted to cry but I didn’t and I said, “All right, you can tell mum I want to go to the farm.”

Then I took my model and started looking at it.




didn’t want to go to the farm


Tom’s mum


didn’t want to stay in the city


Tom’s father


liked swimming


liked travelling


wasn’t happy


loved the farm


wanted to stay at home


was afraid of farm animals

РАЗДЕЛ 3. Лексика и грамматика

  1. Прочитай, что рассказывают дети о проектах, кото­рые они делают в школе. Заполни пропуски (1—8) гла­голами в правильной форме. Задание (0) уже сделано в качестве примера.

Toads and Frogs

Some children think that toads are (0) more dangerous (dangerous) than frogs. It isn’t so. They are not dangerous at all. Toads are (1) _________ (big) than frogs. But toads’ legs are (2) _________ (short) than frogs’. Frogs are (3) _________ (fast) than toads. Usually frogs are (4) _________ (small) than toads but the Goliath [gәʹlaiәӨ] frog is the (5) _________ (big) frog in the world. It lives in Africa. It is (6) _________ (large) than a duck.

  1. Прочитай про национальный парк Найроби и заполни пропуски (1—10) прилагательными в правильной форме. Задание (0) уже сделано в качестве примера.

My school (0) is (be) near Nairobi National Park. Every day I (1) _________ (go) to school by bus, and very often I (2) _________ (see) giraffes, zebras and different birds. Sometimes we (3) _________ (see) monkeys. Last Saturday when we (4) _________ (go) to the game park with my dad, I (5) _________ (watch) a lot of different animals there. It (6) _________ (be) very interesting.

I like living in Kenya because Africa (7) _________ (be) very beautiful.

Контрольная работа

по разделам: Это мое время. Я люблю школу.

(4 класс 2 четверть)

I вариант

Инструкция по выполнению работы

Рекомендуется выполнять задания в том порядке, в котором они даны. На выполнение контрольной работы отводится 40 минут. Ответы к заданиям необходимо занести в графу ответов, представленную после каждого задания, в виде одной буквы или цифры, соответствующей номеру правильного ответа либо целым словом (лексико-грамматическое задание).

При выполнении заданий можно пользоваться черновиком. Записи в черновике не учитываются при оценивании работы. Баллы, полученные за выполненные задания, суммируются. Постарайтесь выполнить как можно больше заданий и набрать наибольшее количество баллов.

Желаем успехов!

РАЗДЕЛ 1. Аудирование

Послушай, что говорят дети о том, что они обычно делают в разное время суток.

Обведи в каждой паре время, о котором говорится в каждом диалоге. Ты услышишь диалоги два раза

  1. 7:30 / 6:30

  2. 10 am / 10 pm

  3. 6 am / 18:00

  4. 16:45 / 16:15

  5. 21:15 / 9:15

РАЗДЕЛ 2. Чтение

В сказочной истории «Кто выполнил домашнее зада­ние Патрика?» (Who did Patricks Homework? by Carol Moore) рассказывается о том, что случилось с мальчи­ком по имени Патрик в День святого Патрика. Прочитай эту историю и oтметь галочкой (V) имя того персонажа, который, по твоему мнению, совершал следующие действия. Одно действие может быть использовано дважды.

elf — (мн. ч.) elves

Patrick never did his homework. It was boring. His teachers told him, “Patrick! Do your homework or you won’t learn a thing.”

Then on St. Patrick’s Day Patrick saw his cat with a little doll. He took the doll away. But it wasn’t a doll. It was a little elf. The elf started to cry, “Help me! Don’t give me to that cat. I’ll grant you a wish.” (исполнять желание) Patrick was happy. Here was the answer to all his problems. Patrick said, “I won’t give you to the cat if (если) you do all my homework.” The elf said, “I don’t like it but I’ll do it.”

And the elf started to do Patrick’s homework. But the elf didn’t always know what to do and asked Patrick to help him.

“Help me! I don’t know this word, bring me a dic­tionary or spell the word.”

Elves do not know maths. So the elf said, “Patrick, tell me what to do.”

Elves do not know history. So the little elf said, “Go to the library (библиотека) and bring me books. And help me to read them.”

Patrick worked day and night. At last school was over (занятия в школьной библиотеке закончились), there was no homework and the elf went away. Patrick was now the model kid. His teachers were happy. Patrick was happy, he thought, “The elf that did all my homework.”

But I’ll share a secret with you. It wasn’t the elf; Patrick did all his homework!

(Carol Moore)


The elf

read books on history

spelt the words

went to the library

used a dictionary

did not always know what to do

РАЗДЕЛ 3. Лексика и грамматика

  1. Заполни пропуски глаголами в правильной форме (Present Simple, Present Progressive or Imperative). Зада­ние (0) выполнено в качестве примера.

  1. I (to learn) am learning to ride a bicycle but I can’t do it well, (to help) Help me.

  2. Every day after school I (to learn) _________ to ride a bicycle.

  3. We (to do) _________our homework now but we don’t know how to do it.

  4. We never (to do) _________ our homework in class.

  5. Magi and Peter (to put) _________ their toys away. Help them, please.

  6. Magi and Peter never (to put) _________ their toys away.

  1. Составь и запиши вопросы в соответствии с ответа­ми. Задание (0) выполнено в качестве примера.


  • (0) What/vour grandfather/do?

  • (1) he/watch/football/on TV?

  • No, he isn’t. He’s watching a film.

  • (2) What film/he/watch?

  • “Tom and Jerry”.

  • Wow!








What is vour grandfather doing?


- (3) Where /you /go?

- Megan and I are going out to play.

- May I come with you

- Yes, please.


- (4) they/do a test/in English?

- No, they are doing their homework.


- (5) What/you/do Jack?

- I’m hiding from Jessica.

- (6) Why/she/look for/you?

- We are playing hide- and-seek.

  1. Заполните пропуски подходящими глаголами из рамки в утвердительной или отрицательной форме повелительного наклонения. Слова в рамке можно использовать несколько раз.

clean walk eat wash go have

read help bring have let’s

get up say be do open

  1. Eat your breakfast!

  2. _________ your hands!

  3. _________ your teeth!

  4. _________ your textbooks on page 28.

  5. _________ “Thank you!”

  6. _________ to school together.

  7. _________ a book.

  8. _________! It’s 7 o’clock.

  9. Please _________ the dishes after meal.

  10. _________ the blackboard, please.

Контрольная работа

по разделам: Это мое время. Я люблю школу.

(4 класс 2 четверть)

II вариант

Инструкция по выполнению работы

Рекомендуется выполнять задания в том порядке, в котором они даны. На выполнение контрольной работы отводится 40 минут. Ответы к заданиям необходимо занести в графу ответов, представленную после каждого задания, в виде одной буквы или цифры, соответствующей номеру правильного ответа либо целым словом (лексико-грамматическое задание).

При выполнении заданий можно пользоваться черновиком. Записи в черновике не учитываются при оценивании работы. Баллы, полученные за выполненные задания, суммируются. Постарайтесь выполнить как можно больше заданий и набрать наибольшее количество баллов.

Желаем успехов!

РАЗДЕЛ 1. Аудирование

Послушай, что говорят дети о том, что они обычно делают в разное время суток.

Обведи в каждой паре время, о котором говорится в каждом диалоге. Ты услышишь диалоги два раза

  1. 7:30 / 6:30

  2. 10 am / 10 pm

  3. 6 am / 18:00

  4. 16:45 / 16:15

  5. 21:15 / 9:15

РАЗДЕЛ 2. Чтение

В сказочной истории «Кто выполнил домашнее зада­ние Патрика?» (Who did Patricks Homework? by Carol Moore) рассказывается о том, что случилось с мальчи­ком по имени Патрик в День святого Патрика. Прочитай эту историю и oтметь галочкой (V) имя того персонажа, который, по твоему мнению, совершал следующие действия. Одно действие может быть использовано дважды.

elf — (мн. ч.) elves

Patrick never did his homework. It was boring. His teachers told him, “Patrick! Do your homework or you won’t learn a thing.”

Then on St. Patrick’s Day Patrick saw his cat with a little doll. He took the doll away. But it wasn’t a doll. It was a little elf. The elf started to cry, “Help me! Don’t give me to that cat. I’ll grant you a wish.” (исполнять желание) Patrick was happy. Here was the answer to all his problems. Patrick said, “I won’t give you to the cat if (если) you do all my homework.” The elf said, “I don’t like it but I’ll do it.”

And the elf started to do Patrick’s homework. But the elf didn’t always know what to do and asked Patrick to help him.

“Help me! I don’t know this word, bring me a dic­tionary or spell the word.”

Elves do not know maths. So the elf said, “Patrick, tell me what to do.”

Elves do not know history. So the little elf said, “Go to the library (библиотека) and bring me books. And help me to read them.”

Patrick worked day and night. At last school was over (занятия в школьной библиотеке закончились), there was no homework and the elf went away. Patrick was now the model kid. His teachers were happy. Patrick was happy, he thought, “The elf that did all my homework.”

But I’ll share a secret with you. It wasn’t the elf; Patrick did all his homework!

(Carol Moore)


The elf

worked day and night

did all his homework

did maths

asked to help him

did not know history

РАЗДЕЛ 3. Лексика и грамматика

  1. Заполни пропуски глаголами в правильной форме (Present Simple, Present Progressive or Imperative). Зада­ние (0) выполнено в качестве примера.

  1. I (to learn) am learning to ride a bicycle but I can’t do it well, (to help) Help me.

  2. I (to look for) _________ my notebook. Where is it? I can’t find it.

  3. Every morning I (to look for) _________ my text­books.

  4. (to turn off) _________ the TV. Grandma is sleeping.

  5. (to give) _________ me a grammar book. I’m doing a test in English.

  6. (not to take) _________ Jack’s pencils. He’s draw­ing.

  1. Составь и запиши вопросы в соответствии с ответа­ми. Задание (0) выполнено в качестве примера.

  1. you/learn to work on the computer.

  • Are you learning to work on the computer?

  • Yes, I am. But I can’t do it well.

  1. — you/do/your homework?


  • Yes, I am. But it is not easy.

  1. — What word/you/spell?


  • I’m spelling the word ‘quarter’.

  1. — Linda/learn a new grammar rule?


  • No, she isn’t. She is learning a poem.

  1. — What/Thomas/look for?


  • He is looking for his maths book. But he can’t find it.

  1. — they/do a test in English?


  • No, they are not. They are doing their homework.

  1. — Jessica/write the word ‘drawing’ correctly?


  • No, she is not. She’s not good at spelling.

  1. Заполните пропуски подходящими глаголами из рамки в утвердительной или отрицательной форме повелительного наклонения. Слова в рамке можно использовать несколько раз.

clean walk eat wash go have

read help bring have let’s

get up say be do open


Eat your breakfast!


_________ your lunchbox!


Please _________ the dog!


_________ me, please!


_________ the text on page 17.


Always _________ your homework!


Always _________ polite to your teachers and classmates.


_________ a nice day!


_________ go for a walk!


Never _________ dangerous things to school!

Контрольная работа

по разделам: Мой дом. Место, где я живу.

(4 класс 3 четверть)



  1. Listen to the story about Oxford and complete it with the words you hear.

Oxford is a beautiful city in Great Britain. There are many (0) museums, (1) _______ and castles in Oxford. There are many beautiful (2) __________ in Oxford. Visit the Cotswold Wildlife Park and enjoy looking at the large collection of animals there. There are many (3) _____, (4) ______ ______ and (5) _____________ in the city. Visit the (6) _______________ old Blackwell`s Bookshop in Broad Street. You can buy (7) ___________, calendars, maps, CDs and toys there. There are also many (8) ___________ and (9) ________________ in Oxford where you can have your meal.


  1. Write the questions.

  1. You/Have/redecorated/the house?

Have you redecorated the house?

  1. Have/what/done/you/in the kitchen? _____________________

  2. Bought/you/Have/any/new furniture? _____________________

  3. Your parents/going/What/to buy/are? _____________________

  4. They/Are/to change/going/the cupboard/your room/in? _________________

  5. For Ashley/What/they/are/to buy/going? _______________________

  1. Choose the words and fill in the gaps in the story and you`ll learn what they have done and what they are going to do.

Mr and Mrs Mills (0) have redecorated their house. They have (1) ____________ the floor in the kitchen. They have bought a new (2) _____________ for their living room. They (3) _________ _______________ the wardrobe in Ashley`s room. Mrs Mills (4) ______________ going to buy a new (5) _____________ for her bedroom. And she (6) ___________ _____________ to buy a new cupboard for Andy`s (7) ____________________.

(0) a) have b) has c) are

(1) a) repaint b) repainting c) repainted

(2) a) bed b) sofa c) fridge

(3) a) is changing b) have changed c) has changed

(4) a) is b) are c) am

(5) a) chairs b) curtains c) carpet

(6) a) is going b) are going c) have gone

(7) a) bedroom b) kitchen c) living room

Контрольная работа

по разделам: Мой дом. Место, где я живу.

(4 класс 3 четверть)



  1. Listen to the story about Oxford and complete it with the words you hear.

Oxford is a beautiful city in Great Britain. There are many (0) museums, (1) _______ and castles in Oxford. There are many beautiful (2) __________ in Oxford. Visit the Cotswold Wildlife Park and enjoy looking at the large collection of animals there. There are many (3) _____, (4) ______ ______ and (5) _____________ in the city. Visit the (6) _______________ old Blackwell`s Bookshop in Broad Street. You can buy (7) ___________, calendars, maps, CDs and toys there. There are also many (8) ___________ and (9) ________________ in Oxford where you can have your meal.

I.Read the text..

Sasha lives in a small town. The town is very nice, clean and green. There are many beautiful parks in Sasha’s town.

You can see fine houses, nice streets (улицы) and a big stadium in this town. Sasha and his friends like to play in the stadium.

Usually they play games in the park. Sometimes children have picnics too.

It is fun to spend time together. Sasha likes his town and his friends very much.

True or False?
1. Sasha lives in a big town.

2. There are no beautiful parks and gardens in the town.

3. Sasha and his friends like to play in the stadium.

4. Children have picnics too.

5. They do not play games in the park.

6. Sometimes children have picnics too.

7. Sasha does not like his town.


II.Выберите правильную форму глагола.

My friend ……. to my place after lessons yesterday.

a) comes      b) come      c)came

2.  ….… you always help your mother?

а) Do      b) Does     c) Did

3. I……. swimming very much.

a) like     b) likes     c) liked

4. I …… eleven and I go to school.

a) are      b) is         c) am

5. There ….. many flowers in our garden last  summer.

a) were     b) are     c)is















Shopping centers











What have you done in the kitchen?

Have you bought any new furniture?

What are your parents going to buy?

Are they going to change the cupboard in your room?

What are they going to buy for Ashley?








C (repainted)




(have changed)






(is going)

A (bedroom)














Shopping centers
































Текст для аудирования:

Oxford is a beautiful city in Great Britain. There are many (0) museums, (1) theatres and castles in Oxford. There are many beautiful (2) parks in Oxford. Visit the Cotswold Wildlife Park and enjoy looking at the large collection of animals there. There are many (3) shops, (4) shopping centers and (5) supermarkets in the city. Visit the (6) famous old Blackwell`s Bookshop in Broad Street. You can buy (7) books, calendars, maps, CDs and toys there. There are also many (8) restaurants and (9) cafes in Oxford where you can have your meal.

Контрольная работа

по разделам: Лучшие моменты года.

(4 класс 4 четверть)

1. Ты услышишь 5 мини-диалогов Дэвида и его учителя мисс Лэйк. Каждому диалогу соответствует вопрос. В каждом случае выбери ответ-картинку из вариантов a - c. Ты услышишь мини-диалоги два раза.

2. Для каждого из описаний 1 - 6 подбери подходящее слово из рамки. Два слова в рамке лишние.

a snake a cafe a pencil a fridge a door a sportsman a watch a bus

1) We draw with it.

2) He can ran very fast.

3) It's in the kitchen.

4) A driver drives it.

5) It's a dangerous animal.

6) We can eat there.

3. Выбери верный вариант для заполнения пропусков.

1) It was the ___ day in my new school. a) one b) first c) eleven

2) ___ worry, please! a) Doesn't b) Didn't c) Don't

3) I'm ___ breakfast now. a) having b) had c) have

4) I get ___ at six o'clock. a) down b) up c) to

5) It's the ___ beautiful town. a) most b) more c) many

6) We have ___ a big change. a) maked b) make c) made

7) My doll is ___ than your car. a) good b) best c) better

8) My sister ___ going to be a vet. a) is b) am c) are

4. Соотнеси реплики в диалогах.

1) Thank you for the apple!

a) Sweet dreams!

2) You have taken my ruler!

b) I can't find my snack.

3) I'll go to bed.

c) Excuse me.

4) I'm the tallest boy in our school!

d) Enjoy your meal!

5) What's wrong?

e) Really?

  1. Прочитай текст и заполни пропуски в предложениях 1 - 6 словами из текста. В каждом случае используй только одно слово.

Linda's hobby

My name is Linda. I like toys, but I like books more. I love stories about men on the moon and about children who live in different countries.

I read a good story yesterday. In this story, a boy climbed a mountain. At the top, there was a lot of snow. It was evening, but the boy could see the forest around him. He sat down on the ground to have a drink and to look up at all the stars. But then he saw the thing that he didn’t understand. It was very big and round. It was behind a cloud. What was it? The boy didn’t know and he didn’t wait to see it again. He ran home to his parents because he was very afraid.

I wasn’t afraid! I enjoyed the story a lot!

1) Linda likes ___ more than toys.

2) There was some ___ at the top.

3) The boy saw the ___ around him.

4) There were many ___ in the sky.

5) The thing wasn't little, it was ___.

6) The boy didn't want to ___ the thing.

7. Прочитай рассказ Нила. Используя его историю как образец, напиши рассказ о своём любимом диком животном.

  1. I'm Neil. My favourite wild animal is an elephant. I saw it in the zoo. It has got two big ears and four strong legs. Its colour is grey. Usually the elephants live in Africa and in India. I like them because they are very kind and smart.


Мини-диалоги для аудирования

Мини-диалог 1.

Miss Lake: Good morning, David.

David: Good morning, Miss Lake.

Miss Lake: You’re early for school today. It’s only eight and a half.

David: Well, my mum's got a new job, so I must go to school at a quarter to eight.

Мини-диалог 2.

Miss Lake: Sally left her book in the library. Can you put it on her desk, please?

David: Yes, but which is her desk?

Miss Lake: It's that one, near the door.

David: This one?

Miss Lake: No, there's a bag under Sally's desk.

Мини-диалог 3.

David: Is that all, then, Miss Lake?

Miss Lake: Yes, it is, I think.

David: What lessons have we got today?

Miss Lake: Umm ... music and art.

David: Great! And history?

Miss Lake: No, that's tomorrow.

Мини-диалог 4.

Miss Lake: Oh, here's something else for you to do.

David: Yes?

Miss Lake: Can you get the book out of the cupboard,

David: Ok! Where should I put it... on the table?

Miss Lake: Yes, please.

Мини-диалог 5.

David: It's fun to help you. Can I do it again tomorrow morning?

Miss Lake: No, thank you. I'm going to go to a meeting tomorrow.

David: Is that in our classroom?

Miss Lake: No. It's in the teachers' room.

David: Ok! So I can go to the library tomorrow morning.

Miss Lake: Yes, you are free! And thanks for helping today!













Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 5 баллов.








a pencil

a sportsman

a fridge

a bus

a snake

a cafe

Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 6 баллов.


















Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 8 баллов.












Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 5 баллов.














Каждый верный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 6 баллов.


Письменный рассказ по образцу оценивается по критериям структуры, содержания и языкового оформления из максимума в 5 баллов.

ИТОГО: 35 баллов

Перевод баллов в оценку:

32 - 35 баллов – “5”

21 - 31 балл – “4”

11 - 20 баллов – “3”

менее 11 баллов – “2”

Промежуточная аттестация

I вариант

Инструкция по выполнению работы

Рекомендуется выполнять задания в том порядке, в котором они даны. На выполнение контрольной работы отводится 40 минут. Ответы к заданиям необходимо занести в графу ответов, представленную после каждого задания, в виде одной буквы или цифры, соответствующей номеру правильного ответа либо целым словом (лексико-грамматическое задание).

При выполнении заданий можно пользоваться черновиком. Записи в черновике не учитываются при оценивании работы. Баллы, полученные за выполненные задания, суммируются. Постарайтесь выполнить как можно больше заданий и набрать наибольшее количество баллов.

Желаем успехов!

РАЗДЕЛ 1. Аудирование

Кристи рассказывает о первом дне в средней школе и даёт советы.

Послушай её рассказ. Обведи тот вариант, о котором она говорит. Ты услышишь рассказ два раза.

1. There are new teachers /subjects.

2. The day is longer/shorter.

3. The first lesson was Maths/РЕ.

4. You must have a pencil case/a lunch box.

5. Always bring your homework diary/ruler.

6. You mustn’t forget your school/the school rules.

РАЗДЕЛ 2. Чтение

Прочитай отрывок из книги «Бизнес для зимней рыбалки» (The Winter Worm Business by Patricia R. Gift).

Обведи номер картинки, которая не соответствует содержанию текста.

“Leroy,” his mother said, “Aunt Louise is going to give piano lessons. I know you want to have piano lessons.”

“I did,” he said. “But now I want to have guitar lessons.”

“Leroy!” his mother said. “That’s not nice. I have already told Aunt Louise.

Your first lesson is on Thursday.”

On Thursday, it was very cold when Leroy came to his first piano lesson. “Come in, my dear Leroy,” Aunt Louise said. “I hope you’ll play Beethoven soon.” She showed him the way into the living room. “You are my sixth pupil,” she said. “There’s Elaine and Mitchell, and three children from Windsor. We have a lot of work to do,” she said and looked at Leroy’s hands. “Go to the bathroom and wash your hands, Leroy,” said Aunt Louise.

Leroy washed his hands and opened the window in the bathroom. He saw his friend Richard on his bicycle. Richard talked to Elaine near the house. He asked, “Have you seen Leroy?”

“He is in the house,” she said. “What is he doing there?” asked Richard.

“He is going to be a famous composer,” said Elaine. Richard laughed. “Oh no! Leroy hates music.”

“But he is having piano lessons, Richard. Look in the living room window. That’s where the piano is,” said Elaine.

“OK,” he said. “Let’s go and look in the window.”

(after Patricia R. Giff)

РАЗДЕЛ 3. Лексика и грамматика

Какое слово лишнее? Подчеркни его. Задание (0) уже сделано в качестве примера.

0. pen, pencil, paint, prize

1. hobby, angry, hungry, lazy

2. to drive, to raise, tomorrow, to advise

3. calendar, date, competition, month

4. writer, reporter, alligator, actor

5. pet shop, toy shop, break time, bus stop

6. smartest, biggest, smallest, forest

Лиза решила записать в свой календарь дни рождения своих любимых писателей.

Помоги ей коротко написать эти даты. Задание (0) уже сделано в качестве примера.

A. A. Milne’s birthday: It is on the eighteenth of January. (0) January, 18th

H. K. Andersen’s birthday: It’s on the second of April. (1) __________

L. F. Baum’s birthday: It is on the fifteenth of May. (2) __________

A. Conan Doyle’s birthday: It is on the twenty-second of May. (3) __________

B. Potter’s birthday: It is on the twenty-eighth of July. (4) __________

J. K. Rowling’s birthday: It is on the thirty-first of July. (5) __________

В мае погода может быть по-летнему тёплой. Как английские дети отвечают на вопрос: «Что для вас является началом лета?» Подчеркни правильный вариант ответа. Задание (0) уже сделано в качестве примера.

“Summer (0) (has come/will come) because the ground (1) (is/was) hot now.”

“At last my mum (2) (takes/has taken) my summer clothes out of the wardrobe. I think I will put them on tomorrow.”

“My parents tell me: “(3) (Go/To go) to the park, it’s a nice day!”

“The sky is blue and it is very hot now. People (4) (have worn/are wearing) sun hats.”

“It is summer because we (5) (have/are going to have) a barbecue tomorrow.”

“The (6) (longer/longest) day of the year is in summer and it is my favourite!”

“I think it is the start of summer because I (7) (am tidying up/tidied up) my house for the summer holidays now.”

“My mum (8) (bought/has bought) a new summer skirt for me. It is very nice. I (9) (wear/am going to wear) it next Sunday.”

“My friends say: “(10) (Don’t forget/Not forget) to bring cakes to the picnic on the beach.”

Промежуточная аттестация

II вариант

Инструкция по выполнению работы

Рекомендуется выполнять задания в том порядке, в котором они даны. На выполнение контрольной работы отводится 40 минут. Ответы к заданиям необходимо занести в графу ответов, представленную после каждого задания, в виде одной буквы или цифры, соответствующей номеру правильного ответа либо целым словом (лексико-грамматическое задание).

При выполнении заданий можно пользоваться черновиком. Записи в черновике не учитываются при оценивании работы. Баллы, полученные за выполненные задания, суммируются. Постарайтесь выполнить как можно больше заданий и набрать наибольшее количество баллов.

Желаем успехов!

РАЗДЕЛ 1. Аудирование

Кристи рассказывает о первом дне в средней школе и даёт советы.

Послушай её рассказ. Обведи тот вариант, о котором она говорит. Ты услышишь рассказ два раза.

1. There are new teachers /subjects.

2. The day is longer/shorter.

3. The first lesson was Maths/РЕ.

4. You must have a pencil case/a lunch box.

5. Always bring your homework diary/ruler.

6. You mustn’t forget your school/the school rules.

РАЗДЕЛ 2. Чтение

Прочитай историю о Френсисе, маленьком барсуке (Bedtime for Frances by Russell Hoban).

Обведи номер картинки, которая не соответствует содержанию текста.

It is seven o’clock. “It is time for bed,” said Mother. Frances said, “I want some milk.” “All right,” said Father and Mother. “You may have some of milk.” Then Mother and Father kissed her goodnight. Frances said, “May I sleep with my teddy bear?” Father gave her the teddy bear. Frances said, “May I sleep with my doll, too?” Mother gave her the doll. “Good night,” said Father and Mother. “Good night,” said Frances.

Frances could not sleep. She started to sing a little song about the alphabet: “A is for the apple, В is for bear, С is for crocodile ... T is for tiger ... .” Frances started to think about tigers: big tigers and little tigers, mother and father tigers, sister tigers and brother tigers. “Are there any tigers around here?” Frances looked around the room and went to tell Mother and Father. “There is a tiger in my room,” said Frances. “He is a friendly tiger,” said Father. “Go back to sleep.”

Frances went back to bed but she could not sleep. She looked around and saw something big and dark. “I think it is a giant.” She went into the living room. “There is a giant in my room. May I watch TV?” “No,” said Mother and Father. Frances said, “May I have a cake?” Father gave Frances a cake. Father said, “Go and ask the giant what he wants.” Frances went back to her room. She said, “What do you want, Giant?” She looked at him carefully. There was no giant. It was the chair and her bathrobe.

So she went back to her room. The window was open. “The curtains are moving. I don’t like it.” She went into Mother and Father’s room. Frances said, “The curtains are moving.” Father said, “Listen, Frances, the curtains are moving. That is the wind’s job. Every night the wind goes around and moves the curtains. I go to my office every morning at nine o’clock. That is my job. You go to school every day. That is your job. If the wind does not do his job, he will be out of a job. If I do not go to the office, I will be out of a job. And if you do not go to sleep now, do you know what will happen to you?” “I will be out of a job?” said Frances. “No,” said Father. “I will get a spanking?” said Frances. “Right!” said Father. “Good night!” said Frances, and she went back to her room.

РАЗДЕЛ 3. Лексика и грамматика

Какое слово лишнее? Подчеркни его. Задание (0) уже сделано в качестве примера.

0. a prize, a face, a nose, a hand

1. angry, hungry, happy, hurry

2. to drive, to phone, to raise, today

3. left, right, wrong, straight

4. calendar, date, moment, competition

5. Maths, Art, English, Handicraft

6. homework diary, school bag, take part, pencil case

Рома решил записать в свой календарь дни рождения своих любимых писателей.

Помоги ему коротко написать эти даты. Задание (0) уже сделано в качестве примера.

A. A. Milne’s birthday: It is on the eighteenth of January. (0) January, 18th

P. Travers’ birthday: It is on the ninth of August. (1) __________

R. Dahl’s birthday: It is on the thirteenth of September. (2) __________

A. Lindgren’s birthday: It is on the fourteenth of November. (3) __________

A.Christie’s birthday: It is on the fifteenth of September. (4) __________

J. R. R. Tolkien’s birthday: It is on the third of January. (5) __________

В марте погода может быть очень тёплой. Как английские дети отвечают на вопрос: «Что для вас является началом весны?» Подчеркни правильный вариант ответа. Задание (0) уже сделано в качестве примера.

“Winter (0) (has finished/will finish) because the snow (1) (is/was) melting now.”

“At last my mum (2) (takes/has taken) my spring clothes out of the wardrobe. I think I will put them on tomorrow.”

“My parents tell me: “(3) (Go/To go) for a walk, it’s a nice day!”

“The sky is blue and it is warm. People (4) (have worn/are wearing) spring coats.”

“It is spring because we (5) (ride/are going to ride) a bicycle tomorrow.”

“The days are (6) (longer/longest) than winter and it is my favourite season!”

“I think it is the start of spring because mum (7) (is tidying up/tidied up) our house’s windows now.”

“My dad (8) (bought/has bought) a new spring boots for me. They are very nice. I (9) (wear/am going to wear) it next Sunday.”

“My friends say: “(10) (Don’t forget/Not forget) to take a bike for a walk.”


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