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Ким для 5, 6,9 классов к учебнику Rainbow english

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Контрольные работы за 2-ю четверть для 5,6,9 классов, по учебному пособию Rainbow English

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«Ким для 5, 6,9 классов к учебнику Rainbow english»

Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 9 классе за 2 четверть 2022-2023 учебного года.

  1. Listening.

Listen to four people speaking about their home libraries and match what they say with following statements. There is one statement you don’t have to use.

  1. This speaker uses books from his/her home library for education.

  2. This speaker thinks that there’s no place for classes in his/her home library.

  3. This speaker knows how many books he/she has in the home library.

  4. This speaker prefers books in the new format.

  5. This speaker doesn’t want to have a large library.

  1. Reading.

Read the texts (1-5) and match them with the titles (a-f).

  1. Author who enriched the language

  2. Stories he wrote

  3. Character creating wonderful things

  4. Story meant to teach a moral lesson

  5. Folklore character

  6. Not educated to be an author

  1. One Aesop’s fables tells of a fox who wanted some beautiful, sweet-smelling grapes. The fox tried to get the grapes, but they were just a bit higher than he could reach. When the fox realized that he couldn’t reach the grapes, he walked away. As he left, he told himself that the grapes were probably sour (кислый) and that he really didn’t want them.

  2. Stephen Leacock was born in England but moved with his parents to Canada, where he lived for the rest of his life-except for a brief period during which he attended the University of Chicago and received Ph.D in economics and science. Anyhow, he is best remembered for his satirical and humorous writing.

  3. Trolls have got bulging(выпуклые) eyes, long mega-powerful arms, swollen(вздутый) noses and are covered all aver the earth. They walk around with their mouths open. During the day time they stay in their caves, but in the evening they love to go out hunting people. At one time there were lots of them in Norway.

  4. William Shakespeare gave his mother tongue many phrases and sayings, which English speakers still use every day. Often they do not realize these words come from Shakespeare’s plays or poems. Since those times, English has continued to change. Settlers from Britain moved across the world taking their language with them.

  5. The tale “The Stone Flower” was published in 1937. The hero of the tale is Danila, a young man, who became a real artist. He was sent to a master, who taught him to work with ornamental stones, especially with malachite. Danila learned very quickly and easily and soon he was able to make truly fantastic things. Once he was ordered to make a malachite bowl.

  1. Use of English.

1. Use the appropriate word to complete the sentences.

  1. Christine wanted to spend all her (earned/earning) money on presents for the family.

  2. What’s the text (printing/printed) on the front page?

  3. Who was the boy (telling/told) us about his trip to England?

  4. Mr. Swift, the man (playing/played) the piano, is our oldest musician.

  5. This railway engine can (pull/push) twelve carriages.

  6. The invitation card will be (printed/published) on pink paper.

  7. He (lay/lied) about his age and we all thought he was older.

  8. What kind of sugar do you buy? - Brown (one/sugar); I drink coffee with it.

  9. (In/to) general the hotel we stayed in was not bad.

  10. “Are you enjoying the show?” asked Alan (in/with) a whisper.

  11. He usually begins his day with looking (through/after) the e-mail.

  12. The old man (cried/mumbled) a few words to himself.

2. Translate from English into Russian.

1. птица, летящая в небе

2.ребенок, плавающий в море

3. кошка, спящая в кресле

4. поющая девочка

5. вымытая машина

6. бегущие мальчики

7. потерянный билет

8.танцующие люди

9. переведенная книга

10.сломанный мост

Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 6 классе за 2 четверть 2022-2023 учебного года.

  1. Аудирование.

Прослушай разговор Фионы и Тома. Определите, какие из приведенных ниже утверждений соответствуют тексту, а какие не соответствуют тексту.

  1. Yesterday Fiona bought a lot of nice things.

  2. Fiona is not tired after shopping.

  3. Fiona knows a lot about Hyde Park.

  4. There is a lake in Hyde Park.

  5. People can go horse riding in Hyde Park.

  6. Hyde Park has a well-known statue.

  1. Чтение.

Прочитайте текст и закончите предложения после него.

I’m Sally and I’m 12 years old. For me summer is the best season of the year. I have a lot of good friends. So when summer starts I get lots of free time to spend with my friends. We go to the park, ride our bikes and always eat a lot of ice cream.

My parents love to travel abroad while they are on holiday. So we always go to some foreign country in summer. As for me, I also like seeing new places and meeting new people.

Last summer was full of good things. In June my parents and I went to Italy for a week. The weather was warm and sunny. And the nature in this country is beautiful. We swam a lot in the sea, we sunbathed, and then we went on some excursions to see the historic places around the country.

I met a nice girl from France there. We became friends. Now we write letters to each other. I hope she will visit me here in Moscow next summer.

When I came back from Italy, I went to visit my grandparents. Thy live in a village which is not very far from Moscow. The air there is always fresh and clean. At my grandparents’ I have some good old friends, so I wasn’t bored there. I spent a lot of time outdoors. We played basketball, hide-and-seek, and even went to pick up mushrooms (грибы) once.

I should say that summer was great and the weather was always wonderful! It’s a pity(жаль), that my favourite season ended so quickly.

  1. In summer Sally prefers(предпочитала) to spend time…..

  1. at school

  2. with her friends

  3. with her grandparents

  1. when on holidays Sally’s parents…..

  1. like to go to the park

  2. prefer to live in another country

  3. enjoy travelling

  1. In Italy Sally didn’t……

  1. swim in the sea

  2. go to see the sights

  3. learn Italian

  1. Sally and her friend from France…..

  1. are pen friends

  2. will go to Italy together

  3. spent some time in Moscow

  1. Sally wasn’t bored at her grandparents…..

  1. she played with her friends there

  2. her grandparents played with her

  3. she met new friends

  1. Sally thinks that last summer…..

  1. was strange

  2. wasn’t long

  3. was too hot

  1. Лексика и грамматика.

  1. Sam was an honest boy. He never (lay/lied).

  2. Last summer Rick (lied/lay) on the sandy beach.

  3. Prince Yuri Dolgoruky (founded/found) Moscow in 1147.

  4. Last Sunday there were four hundred(-/s) people in the square.

  5. Thousand(-/s) of tourists come to Great Britain every year.

  6. (The/-) Tower Bridge is situated near (the/-) Tower of London.

  7. (The/-) London is the capital of England and of (the/-) United Kingdom.

  8. I could sing when I was five and I could (also/too) dance.

  9. Nick doesn’t drink Coke and I don’t drink it (either/too).

  10. Pam is a good student. Sally is (as well/also).

  11. Everybody goes shopping and I go shopping (either/as well).

  12. London is the (political/politics) and (cultural/culture) centre.

  13. The(geography/geographical) centre of London is Trafalgar Square.

  14. The (Isle/island) of Man is bigger than the (Isle/island) of White.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 5 классе за 2 четверть 2022-2023 учебного года.

  1. Аудирование.

Прослушайте три высказывания. Соотнесите их содержание с утверждениями четырех школьников. Определите как зовут каждого из говорящих.

Simon doesn’t want to be a journalist.

Harry wants to leave for another city.

Barbara wants to be a journalist.

Tessa moved to a difficult country.

Speaker 1_______

Speaker 2_______

Speaker 3_______

  1. Чтение.

Прочитайте текст и заполни пропуски в предложениях.

Muhammad Ali.

He was born on January 17, 1942 in the USA. When he was a young boy, he decided to become a sportsman. He wanted to be strong and he began boxing. When he was 21, he took the name Muhhamad Ali.

Ali was a wonderful boxer and people were interested in Ali’s life. He was an interesting man too. He often wrote poems about boxing. One day he came to a café to have a cup of coffee but he couldn’t. He was black. Some time ago there was a lot of racism in America. Ali was very unhappy. He took his Olympic medal and threw it into the lake. He showed his protest. Some people say Ali was the best boxer in the world.

  1. Ali wanted to become a sportsman when….

  1. he was a child

  2. he was 21

  1. When the child was born his name….

  1. was Muhammad Ali.

  2. wasn’t Muhammad Ali.

  1. Ali was an ….boxer

  1. American

  2. African

  1. Ali liked to write about….

  1. Music

  2. Sport

  1. ….people think Ali was the best boxer in the world.

  1. All

  2. Some

  1. Лексика и грамматика.

  1. Who swam in the sea?- Pete (did/does).

  2. Who was a university student? – Ann (was/did).

  3. Who speaks English here? – I (do/are).

  4. Who was born in March? – They (were/are).

  5. Who is at home? – We (are/is).

  6. Kevin lives (at/in) 32, High Street.

  7. We stay (at/on) a hotel in June.

  8. We are interested (in/on) photography.

  9. Greg decided to leave Oxford (for/to) London.

  10. His career (in/at) medicine was successful.

  1. Письмо.

  1. Напиши вторую форму глаголов.

  1. become 6. make

  2. do 7. sing

  3. grow 8. sit

  4. swim 9. run

  5. can 10. meet

  1. Напиши по-английски эти слова.

  1. первый

  2. девятый

  3. сорок четвертый

  4. второй

  5. шестой


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