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Китайский новый год

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«Китайский новый год»

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year

History The Chinese New Year is an ancient holiday with a history linked to the legend of the monster Nian, who would come every year to devour livestock and people. They realized that the monster was afraid of the color red, loud noises, and fire. Thus, they created traditions to ward off the monster: wearing red, setting off fireworks, organizing dragon parades, and giving red envelopes with money.


  • The Chinese New Year is an ancient holiday with a history linked to the legend of the monster Nian, who would come every year to devour livestock and people. They realized that the monster was afraid of the color red, loud noises, and fire. Thus, they created traditions to ward off the monster: wearing red, setting off fireworks, organizing dragon parades, and giving red envelopes with money.
Dates and Symbolysm The dates of the Chinese New Year change every year due to the use of the lunar calendar in Chinese culture. The lunar calendar is based on the movement of the Moon and has shorter months, leading to a difference between the lunar and solar calendars. As a result, the Chinese New Year falls on different dates each year in the Gregorian (solar) calendar, typically between January 21 and February 20.

Dates and Symbolysm

  • The dates of the Chinese New Year change every year due to the use of the lunar calendar in Chinese culture. The lunar calendar is based on the movement of the Moon and has shorter months, leading to a difference between the lunar and solar calendars. As a result, the Chinese New Year falls on different dates each year in the Gregorian (solar) calendar, typically between January 21 and February 20.
Preparations Chinese people prepare for the New Year in the following way: 1. Cleaning: They meticulously clean their homes to get rid of old negative energies and create space to welcome good luck. 2. Buying New Clothes: Many purchase new clothes, especially in red, as red is considered lucky. This symbolizes a fresh start. 3. Preparing Special Dishes: They cook dishes symbolizing luck and prosperity, such as whole fish, braised duck eggs, pomegranate seeds, dumplings, and more. This food plays a central role in the celebration.


  • Chinese people prepare for the New Year in the following way:
  • 1. Cleaning: They meticulously clean their homes to get rid of old negative energies and create space to welcome good luck.
  • 2. Buying New Clothes: Many purchase new clothes, especially in red, as red is considered lucky. This symbolizes a fresh start.
  • 3. Preparing Special Dishes: They cook dishes symbolizing luck and prosperity, such as whole fish, braised duck eggs, pomegranate seeds, dumplings, and more. This food plays a central role in the celebration.
Traditions and customs During the Chinese New Year, there are many traditions and customs:  1. The Color Red: Red is considered a lucky color and is used in decorations, clothing, and red envelopes.  2. Fireworks and Firecrackers: Loud fireworks and firecrackers are used to ward off evil spirits.  3. Dragon and Lion Parades: These parades include music and dance to bring good luck.  4. Ancestral Offerings: Families conduct rituals and offer sacrifices to their deceased ancestors.  5. Festive Food: Special dishes like whole fish and dumplings symbolize abundance and wealth.  6. Lantern Festival: The festival ends with a lantern parade, symbolizing a bright future.  These customs and traditions make the Chinese New Year a unique and significant event in Chinese culture.

Traditions and customs

  • During the Chinese New Year, there are many traditions and customs: 1. The Color Red: Red is considered a lucky color and is used in decorations, clothing, and red envelopes. 2. Fireworks and Firecrackers: Loud fireworks and firecrackers are used to ward off evil spirits. 3. Dragon and Lion Parades: These parades include music and dance to bring good luck. 4. Ancestral Offerings: Families conduct rituals and offer sacrifices to their deceased ancestors. 5. Festive Food: Special dishes like whole fish and dumplings symbolize abundance and wealth. 6. Lantern Festival: The festival ends with a lantern parade, symbolizing a bright future. These customs and traditions make the Chinese New Year a unique and significant event in Chinese culture.
Food  The food during the Chinese New Year carries deep symbolic meaning: Whole Fish: Symbolizes abundance and a successful start to the new year. Braised Duck Eggs: Associated with fertility and family happiness. Pomegranate Seeds: Represent wealth and a rich life. Melon and Lotus Seeds: Lotus seeds symbolize new beginnings, while melon signifies abundance and wealth. Napa Cabbage: Its name is associated with wealth and prosperity. Dumplings: Shaped like ancient Chinese coins, they symbolize wealth. Mandarins and Oranges: Symbolize wealth and luck. Scallions (Green Onions): The name sounds similar to the word for


The food during the Chinese New Year carries deep symbolic meaning:

  • Whole Fish: Symbolizes abundance and a successful start to the new year.
  • Braised Duck Eggs: Associated with fertility and family happiness.
  • Pomegranate Seeds: Represent wealth and a rich life.
  • Melon and Lotus Seeds: Lotus seeds symbolize new beginnings, while melon signifies abundance and wealth.
  • Napa Cabbage: Its name is associated with wealth and prosperity.
  • Dumplings: Shaped like ancient Chinese coins, they symbolize wealth.
  • Mandarins and Oranges: Symbolize wealth and luck.
  • Scallions (Green Onions): The name sounds similar to the word for "prosperity" in Chinese.
  • This food isn't just delicious; it carries wishes for happiness, luck, and prosperity in the coming year.


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