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Классный час: "Милосердие-зеркало души"

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       Классный час: "Милосердие-зеркало души"

К нему также прилагается презентация, в которой интересные слайды с комментариями и   заданиями для учащихся.                     


 1.Воспитание в детях человечности, милосердия, умения прийти на                                                                                                                                                                                                              помощь нуждающимся в ней, стремление быть благородным в жизни.


 2. Способствовать усвоению понятий: «доброта», «чуткость», «милосердие», «гуманность», а также развитию нравственного самопознанию.




  1. Помочь  учащимся  раскрыть содержание понятия «милосердие».           

  2. Способствовать развитию нравственных качеств учащихся.

  3.Обучать навыкам группового взаимодействия, умение работать в команде.          


  Применяемые методики: методика использования информационных технологий во внеурочное время.



    Технологии: технология проблемного обучения, информационные технологии, групповая технология.


    Оборудование: компьютер, толковые словари русского языка (С.И. Ожегова), фломастеры, ручки и чистые листы бумаги.


Просмотр содержимого документа
«Классный час: "Милосердие-зеркало души"»

Конспект страноведческого урока по английскому языку в 7 классе.

МАОУ Домодедовская СОШ№2

Учитель английского языка

Арзуманян Рузанна Валерьевна

Тема урока: «Сердце Москвы»

Цель урока: научится рассказывать о достопримечательностях своей страны на английском языке.


Воспитательный компонент: способствовать воспитанию у учащихся уважительного отношения к своей истории и культуре.

Образовательный компонент: формирование социокультурной компетенции через использование страноведческой информации на английском языке и анализ текста. Развивающий компонент: совершенствование навыков аудирования, чтения и говорения.

Предметные УУД: развитие коммуникативных навыков посредством работы с текстом, совершенствование навыков аудирования, чтения и говорения.

Метапредметные УУД: формирование социокультурной компетенции через использование страноведческой информации на английском языке и анализ текста

Оборудование и оснащение урока:

  • Мультимедийный проектор и презентация в PowerPoint.

  • Аудиозапись текста «The Heart of Moscow»

  • Англо-русские словари на столах.

  • Звуковой проигрыватель.

Ход урока

«The Heart of Moscow»

Организационный момент:

  • Good morning dear boys and girls.

  • Sit down please.

  • How are you?

  • How do you like the weather?

  • How did you spend your time yesterday evening?

  • Well, I see you are eager to start our English lesson, so let’s begin.

Фонетическая зарядка.

On the screen you can see the tongue-twister about the dog and shoes.

If a dog chews shoes

What shoes would he …. to chew?

Too few for sure.

You’re a ….shoe-chewer.

-What words are missing? (Choose and choosy)

-That’s right. Try to read it as quickly as you can.

-Thank you.

Подготовка к аудированию:

- Now I want you to listen to the recording please, and answer the questions.

  • What is it? (the chiming clock)

  • Where can you hear this? (In Kremlin, Red Square)

  • What are we going to speak about? (Moscow, Kremlin, Red Square)

-Read the title and look at the landmarks in the slide.

  • What are them? (Saint Basil’s Cathedral, the Spasskaya Tower etc.)

  • Where can you see them?( in Red Square)

  • What do you think is “The Heart of Moscow”? (It’s Kremlin, Red Square)


-What other landmarks in Red Square do you know?

- Listen and compare your answers.

-Now please, listen to a tour guide talking about Red Square and match the information.

  1. 17th century

  2. 67.3 metres

  3. 16th century

  4. 3.38 metres

  5. 1612

  1. Kremlin clock made

  2. Spasskaya Tower

  3. Red Square got its name

  4. War against Poland

  5. Minute hand of the Kremlin clock

    1. 1

    1. 2

    1. 3

    1. 4

    1. 5

    1. c

    1. b

    1. a

    1. e

    1. d

  1. -Thank you very much. It’s a good job. The next thing we are going to do is to read the sentences and choose the correct word in each.

  1. Moscow/Red Square got its name in 17 century.

  2. The name Red Square means beautiful/large.

  3. The Kremlin clock strikes three/four times per hour.

  4. St Basil’s Cathedral has eight/nine churches.

  1. -Well done! Let’s move on to reading task.

  2. Чтение:

  3. -Now you are going to read the text and check your answers.

  4. “…And here we are at the heart of Moscow, Red Square. It got its name in the 17 century. In Old Russian the word red means beautiful. As you can see, Red Square is very large. There are interesting landmarks in it.

  5. In the centre of Red Square, by Kremlin wall, you can see the Lenin Mausoleum designed by the architect Alexey Victorovich Shchusev. To the left there is the Spasskaya Tower, the tallest of the Kremlin towers. It is 67.3 metres high. The tower is famous for its clock, the Kremlin clock, made in the 16th century. The clock strikes every hour, half hour and quarter hour. The minute hand is 3.38 metres long.

  6. In the square you can also visit the State History Museum and the State Department Store (GUM). The most famous building in Red Square is St Basil’s Cathedral. There are eight smaller churches around the tallest ninth church.

  7. Next to the Cathedral, there is a monument to citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky. They were heroes in the war against Poland in 1612. It was the first monument built in Moscow. Now dose anyone want to ask me anything before we…”

  8. -Fine! You all are very good! And now you have to explain the words in bold and make up your own sentences with the words.

  9. - Excellent! Thank you. Let’s continue with speaking.

  10. Говорение:

  11. Now I’d like you to make up groups of four and draw a map of Red Square. Then use the phrases below to present it to the class.

  • In the centre of the square you can see…

  • Next to that is…

  • The most famous place is…

  • There is also…

  1. -It’s very interesting! Well my friends, you did very well, that’s why I’ll give you good marks for today.Thank you for your work, and now your hometask.

  2. Write a short description of a landmark in your city/town.

  3. Have a good day! Bye!


  5. «The Heart of Moscow»

  6. Lead in:

  1. Listen to the recording please, and answer the questions.

  • What is it?

  • Where can you hear this?

  • What are we going to speak about?

  1. Look at the title. What do you think is “The Heart of Moscow”?

  2. Look at the landmarks in the slide.

  • What are they?

  • Where are they?

  1. Listenning:

  1. What other landmarks in Red Square do you know? Listen and compare your answers.

  2. Listen to a tour guide talking about Red Square and match the information.

  1. 17th century

  2. 67.3 metres

  3. 16th century

  4. 3.38 metres

  5. 1612

  1. Kremlin clock made

  2. Spasskaya Tower

  3. Red Square got its name

  4. War against Poland

  5. Minute hand of the Kremlin clock

  1. Read the sentences and choose the correct word in each.

  1. Moscow/Red Square got its name in 17 century.

  2. The name Red Square means beautiful/large.

  3. The Kremlin clock strikes three/four times per hour.

  4. St Basil’s Cathedral has eight/nine churches.

  1. Reading:

  1. a) Read the text and check your answers. Explain the words in bold.

  1. b) Make up your own sentences with the words.

  2. “…And here we are at the heart of Moscow, Red Square. It got its name in the 17 century. In Old Russian the word red means beautiful. As you can see, Red Square is very large. There are interesting landmarks in it.

  3. In the centre of Red Square, by Kremlin wall, you can see the Lenin Mausoleum designed by the architect Alexey Victorovich Shchusev. To the left there is the Spasskaya Tower, the tallest of the Kremlin towers. It is 67.3 metres high. The tower is famous for its clock, the Kremlin clock, made in the 16th century. The clock strikes every hour, half hour and quarter hour. The minute hand is 3.38 metres long.

  4. In the square you can also visit the State History Museum and the State Department Store (GUM). The most famous building in Red Square is St Basil’s Cathedral. There are eight smaller churches around the tallest ninth church.

  5. Next to the Cathedral, there is a monument to citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky. They were heroes in the war against Poland in 1612. It was the first monument built in Moscow. Now dose anyone want to ask me anything before we…”

  6. Speaking:

  1. In groups draw a map of Red Square. Use the phrases below to present to the class.

  • In the centre of the square you can see…

  • Next to that is…

  • The most famous place is…

  • There is also…

  1. Write a short description of a landmark in your city/town.


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