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Клише для написания раздела "Письмо" (ЕГЭ по английскому языку)

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«Клише для написания раздела "Письмо" (ЕГЭ по английскому языку)»

Выражения мнения:

I agree/ disagree

In my opinion, … / From my point of view, … / As far as I am concerned, …

I believe that…/ It seems to me that…

I am in favour of… / I am against the idea of…

According to…

Some people say that…

It is said/believed that…

There is no doubt that…

It cannot be denied that…

It goes without saying that…

We must admit that…

Представление аргументов:

The main argument against/in favour is…

First of all, I would like to consider…

The first thing I would like to consider is…

To begin with, …/ To start with, …

Despite the fact that…/ In spite of the fact that…

On the one hand, … /On the other hand, …

Besides,…/ In addition,…

What is more, …/ Moreover, …/ More than that, …

Finally, …

However, … / …, though



Логические связки:

for this reason

therefore/that is why

thus sth happened because of/as a result of/owing to/due to/as a consequence of


For example

For instance

Such as



To sum up, …

To conclude, I would argue that…

On this basis, I can conclude that…

In conclusion, I would like to stress that…

All in all, I believe that…


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