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Комплект контрольно-оценочных средств по учебной дисциплине АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК по специальности среднего профессионального образования 08.02.01 Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений

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Комплекс контрольно-оценочных средств по учебной дисциплине «Английский язык» основной образовательной программы (ОПОП) по специальности среднего профессионального образования 08.02.01 Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений разработан в соответствии с Федеральным государственным образовательным стандартом по специальности СПО 08.02.01 Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений.


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«Комплект контрольно-оценочных средств по учебной дисциплине АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК по специальности среднего профессионального образования 08.02.01 Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений»

Департамент профессионального образования Томской области

Областное государственное бюджетное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

«Томский коммунально-строительный техникум»


Зам. Директора по УМР


_____________О.Н. Кудряшова


Комплект контрольно-оценочных средств по учебной дисциплине

Английский язык

основной профессиональной образовательной программы (ОПОП)

по специальности среднего профессионального образования

08.02.01 Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений

Томск – 2016 г.

Комплекс контрольно-оценочных средств по учебной дисциплине «Английский язык» основной образовательной программы (ОПОП) по специальности среднего профессионального образования 08.02.01 Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений разработан в соответствии с Федеральным государственным образовательным стандартом по специальности СПО 08.02.01 Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений.


Когтева И.В. – преподаватель ОГБПОУ «Томский коммунально-строительный техникум»


на заседании предметно-цикловой комиссии по специальностям: 08.02.01 Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений

Протокол № __ от ____ __________ 2016 г.

Председатель комиссии ______________________/О.А.Шачнева/


Общие положения


1. Формы текущего контроля и промежуточной аттестации по учебной дисциплине


2. Результаты освоения учебной дисциплины, подлежащие проверке


3. Оценка усвоения учебной дисциплины


3.1 Типовые задания для оценки освоения умений


3.2 Типовые задания для оценки усвоения знаний

4. Контрольно-оценочные материалы для дифференцированного зачета

5. Вариант сводной таблицы




Общие положения

Результатом освоения учебной дисциплины «Английский язык» является освоение обучающимися профессионально значимых знаний и умений, необходимых для формирования профессиональных и общих компетенций соответствующих специальности СПО 08.02.01 Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений.

Формой итогового контроля по учебной дисциплине является дифференцированный зачет.

1. Формы текущего контроля и промежуточной аттестации по учебной дисциплине.

Таблица 1

Код и наименование элемента умений или знаний

Виды аттестаций

Промежуточная аттестация




У.1: общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы

дифференцированный зачет

Практическая работа/ Наблюдение

У.2: переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности

дифференцированный зачет

Практическая работа/Наблюдение, экспертная оценка при выполнении упражнений

У.3: самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас

дифференцированный зачет

Практическая работа /Экспертная оценка выполненных индивидуальных заданий


З.1: лексический (1200-1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности

дифференцированный зачет


2. Результаты освоения учебной дисциплины, подлежащие проверке

2.1. Усвоенные знания и освоенные умения

В результате контроля и оценки по учебной дисциплине осуществляется проверка знаний и умений, необходимых для формирования соответствующих общих и профессиональных компетенций.

Таблица 2

Усвоенные знания

Форма и методы контроля и оценивания

З.1: лексический (1200-1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности


Таблица 3

Освоенные умения

Форма и методы контроля и оценивания

У.1: общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы

Практическая работа/ Наблюдение

У.2: переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности

Практическая работа/Наблюдение, экспертная оценка при выполнении упражнений

У.3: самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас

Практическая работа /Экспертная оценка выполненных индивидуальных заданий

3. Оценка усвоения учебной дисциплины

3.1 Типовые задания для оценки освоения умений

3.1.1 Типовые задания для оценки освоения У.1: общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы

Форма и метод контроля: Практическая работа/ Наблюдение

Проверяемые результаты обучения:

- уметь читать и перевести текст на английском языке, отвечать на вопросы к тексту.

Задание 1

Текст задания: прочитать, перевести текст и ответить на вопросы.

Financial Careers

What am I going to do after school or university? Maybe I should consider a job in the financial world. There's a surprisingly wide range to choose from — for example, I could raise money for charities or sell famous paintings or write about economics as a financial journalist or run my own company or...

Fund-raiser. There are thousands of different charities these days — e.g. 'for children', 'cancer research', 'the disabled', 'the third world', 'AIDS research'. They all do important work and they all need to raise funds (collect money).

That's why they employ fund-raisers. What does the job involve? Well, it's very varied, but basically fund-raisers organise special events like concerts and fun runs, ask governments for money, try to get support from local companies and organisations.

Most major charities have fund-raising departments, which employ teams of workers. Some of these people do office work — others organise publicity, visit companies or arrange special events. Sounds interesting?

Tycoon. A wealthy and powerful person in business or industry. If you are the independent, creative type, why not start your own business? Lots of people do these days. Some aren't successful, of course, but plenty are —j and if you do succeed, the rewards of being your own boss can be. enormous. To become a business tycoon you need to have an original idea; be practical, reliable and well-organised; understand the business world; keep control of your finances. After that it's all a question of hard work and luck, but then that's the key to success in any job.

Financial journalist. Financial journalists work in three main areas — newspapers, radio and television. Their job is to understand what's happening in the financial world and explain it as quickly and accurately as possible. Economic journalists don't just report today's news, though. They need the ability to predict future events, too. "Will interest rates rise or fall? Will the stock market go up or down? And what about trade... are exports going to increase or decrease?"

To become a financial journalist you train as a general reporter first. Then you specialise in finance and economics. And when you've done that? Well, if you are lucky you'll get a job in the media. One word of warning, though — financial journalism is a very competitive career. In Britain, for example, there are only 2,000 jobs available.

Auctioneer. Two of the best-known auction houses in the world are Christie's and Sotheby's. The auctioneer who works there regularly sells famous paintings worth millions of pounds. But you'd be wrong to think that auctioneers just sell Rembrandts and Van Goghs. It's much more varied career than that. Some auctioneers sell farm animals, for example. Others sell houses, antique furniture or even rock and roll 'memorabilia' (i.e. guitars, cars, clothes etc., which ones belonged to pop stars). And what does it take to be a good auctioneer? Well, three qualities are absolutely essential — a calm personality, a quick mind and (last but not least) a strong voice.

Dealer. Dealers work for companies which buy and sell foreign currencies, commodities like oil or steel. They work in large, noisy, rooms, called dealing rooms and do most of their business over the phone and on computer screens. The majority of them are under 35. The majority of them also earn very big salaries because their work involves huge amounts of pressure and responsibility. You don't need a degree to be a dealer. What you do need, though, is talent, energy, confidence and ambition.


What are you going to do after school?

What jobs can you choose in the financial world?

What charities are there these days? What work do they do? What does the job involve?

Who is tycoon?

How to become a business tycoon?

Where do financial journalists work? What does their job involve?

What do you need to become a financial journalist?

What are two of the best-known auction houses in the world?

What does it take to be a good auctioneer?

What companies do dealers work for?

Критерии оценки: Оценка «5» ставится за 90% верных ответов, оценка «4» - за 80% верных ответов, оценка «3» - за 70% верных ответов, оценка «2» - за менее, чем 70% правильных ответов.

3.1.2 Типовые задания для оценки освоения У.2: переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности

Форма и метод контроля: Практическая работа/Наблюдение, экспертная оценка при выполнении упражнений

Проверяемые результаты обучения:

- уметь читать и перевести текст на английском языке, отвечать на вопросы к тексту.

Задание 1

Текст задания: прочитать, перевести текст и ответить на вопросы.

Modern Building Materials

  1. Some of the most important building materials are: timber, brick, stone, concrete, metal, plastics and glass.

  2. Timber is provided by different kinds of trees. Timbers used for building purposes are divided into two groups called softwoods and hardwoods.

  3. A brick is best described as a "building unit". It may be made of clay by moulding and baking in kilns, of concrete, of mortar or of a composition of sawdust and other materials. In shape it is a rectangular solid and its weight is from 6 ½ to 9 lb. There exists variety of bricks for different purposes: ordinary, hollow or porous, lightweight, multicolour bricks for decorative pur­poses, etc. Bricks are usually laid in place with the help of mortar.

  4. Natural stone. Sometimes natural stones such as marble, granite, basalt, lime­stone and sandstone are used for the construction of dams and foun­dations. Marble, granite and sandstone are widely used for decora­tive purposes as well, especially with the public buildings.

  5. Metals. Aluminium, principally in the form of various alloys, is highly valued for its durability and especially for its light weight, while brass is frequently used for decorative purposes in facing. Steel finds its use in corrugated sheets for roofing, for girders, frames, etc. Various shapes are employed in construction.

  6. Plastics. Synthetic resins are the main raw material for plastics. Plastics have some good ad­vantages as they are lighter than metals, not subject to corrosion, *and they can be easier machined1. Besides, they are inflammable, they can take any colour and pattern, and they are good electrical insulators. Moreover, they possess a high resistance to chemical action.

  7. Laminate is a strong material manufactured from many layers of paper or textile impregnated with thermosetting resins. This sandwich is then pressed and subjected to heat. Laminate has been developed for both inside and outside use.

  8. Foamed glass is a high–porosity heat insulating material, avail­able in block made of fine–ground glass and a frothing agent. It has a high mechanical strength, is distinguished by moisture, vapour and gas impermeability.

  9. Concrete is perhaps the most widely spread building material used nowadays. Concrete is an artificial stone, made by thoroughly mixing such natural ingredients or aggregates as cement, sand and gravel or broken stone together with sufficient water to produce a mixture of the proper consistency. Concrete is strong in compression but weak when used for tensile stresses.

  10. In prestressed concrete steel is not used as reinforcement, but as a means of producing a suitable compressive stress in the concrete. Therefore any beam (or member) made of prestressed concrete is permanently under compression, and is consequently devoid of crack under normal loading, or so long as the "elastic limit" is not ex­ceeded. Prestressed concrete is not only used for beams but is now em­ployed extensively for columns, pipes, and cylindrical water towers, storage tanks, etc.

  11. Aggregates have three principal functions in the concrete: they provide a relatively cheap filler for the concreting material, or bind­er; they provide a mass of particles which are suitable for resisting the action of applied loads, of abrasion, of percolation of moisture through the mass, and of climate factors; they reduce volume changes resulting from the action of the setting and hardening of the concrete mass. All aggregates, both natural and artificial, which have suffi­cient strength and resistance to weathering, and which do not contain harmful impurities may be used for making concrete.


  1. What purposes can natural stone be used for?

  2. What are the advantages of plastics over metal?

  3. What is laminate?

  4. What components is concrete composed of?

  5. What are the principal functions of aggregates in concrete?

Критерии оценки: Оценка «5» ставится за 90% верных ответов, оценка «4» - за 80% верных ответов, оценка «3» - за 70% верных ответов, оценка «2» - за менее, чем 70% правильных ответов.

Форма и метод контроля: Практическая работа/Наблюдение, экспертная оценка при выполнении упражнений

Проверяемые результаты обучения:

- уметь читать и перевести текст на английском языке, отвечать на вопросы к тексту.

Задание 1

Текст задания: прочитать, перевести текст и ответить на вопросы.

3.1.3 Типовые задания для оценки освоения У.3: самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас.

Форма и метод контроля: Практическая работа/экспертная оценка при выполнении упражнений

Проверяемые результаты обучения:

- уметь читать и перевести текст на английском языке, отвечать на вопросы к тексту.

Задание 1

Текст задания: перевести текст, выписать термины и подготовить пересказ


Metals and concrete

All metals are divided into ferrous metals and non-ferrous metals. Ferrous metals include iron, steel and its alloys. Non-ferrous metals are metals and alloys the main component of which is not iron but some other good element. Metals, in general, and especially ferrous metals are of good importance in variations. Metals possess the following properties:

1) All metals have specific metallic lustre.

2) They can be forged.

3) Metals can be pulled.

4) All metals except mercury, are hard substances.

5) They can be melted.

6) In general, metals are good conductors of electricity.

These characteristics are possessed by all metals but the metals themselves differ from one another. Steel and cast iron are referred to the group of ferrous metals. Cast iron is the cheapest of the ferrous metals. It is chiefly used in building for compressed members of construction, as the supporting members.

When an engineer designs a steelwork he must carefully consider that the steel frame and every part of it should safely carry all the loads imposed upon it. The steel framework must be carefully hidden in walls, floors and partitions. It is steel and metal that is employed as reinforcement in modern ferroconcrete structures. In the curriculum of the Institute there is a special course on metal structures.

Steel. There are different kinds of steel. Alloyed steel (or special steel) is corrosion-resistant steel. This kind of steel is widely used in building. Stainless steel is also corrosion-resistant steel. It is used for cutlery, furnace parts, chemical plant equipment, valves, ball-bearings, etc.

Non-ferrous metals. Non-ferrous metals have the following, characteristics: high electric and heat conductivity, high corrosion resistance, non-magnetic qualities, light weight.

Aluminum. This is the oldest and best known light metal. It is used in aircraft, automobile, chemical and some other industries.

Copper. Copper is the best conductor of electricity. There are different alloys with copper. An alloy of copper and tin is called bronze. This metal is often used for making various ornaments.


  1. What groups all the metals are divided into?

  2. What is the main component of non – ferrous metals?

  3. What properties metals posess?

  4. Are the metals good conductors of electricity?

  5. Where is cast iron chiefly used?

  6. What is the best known light metal?

  7. What metal is the best conductor of electricity?

3.2 Типовые задания для оценки усвоения знаний

Типовые задания для оценки усвоения З.1: лексический (1200-1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности

Форма и метод контроля: Письменный/Тестирование

Проверяемые результаты обучения:

- основные грамматические правила английского языка.

Задание 1

Текст задания: Choose the right answer.

Variant I

1. Anna and Kate _________ to the cinema last Sunday.

A) didn’t went B) don’t go C) didn’t go

2. I had breakfast ________ ago.

A) this morning B) three hours C) 7.30 a.m.

3. When _____ you last _______ tennis?

A) did/play B) do/play C) did/played

4. ______ you like _______ coffee?

A) do/any B) are/some C) would/some

5. There isn’t ________milk in the fridge.

A) many B) much C) a

6. Have you got _________ brothers?

A) some B) any C) the

7. The buildings in Venice are __________ the buildings in New York.

A) older than B) more older than C) much old than

8. Vienna is __________ city in Austria.

A) the most beautiful B) the beautiful lest C) more beautiful than

9. This restaurant is very, very good. It's __________ restaurant in London.

A) the better B) the good C) the best

10. I ________ a jumper and a jacket because it's cold today.

A) wear B) 's wearing C) 'm wearing

11. ________ Jim _____ today?

A) Do / work B) Is / working C) Does / works

12. Look, it's very cloudy. It __________ .

A) 's going to rain B) rainy C) raining

13.When _____ Polly _____ with her friend in Madrid?

A) does / going to stay B) — / is going to stay C) is / going to stay

14. I'm going to Egypt ___________ the pyramids.

A) seeing B) to see C) going to see

15. _________ did you buy your jacket?' 'At a shop in town.'

A) When B) Why C) Where

16. 'How much did you pay for your book?' ____________

A) £8.50 B) Hewitt's Bookshop C) To read some Shakespeare

17. ______ you ever _____ Mexican food?

A) Have / eat B) Have / ate C) Have / eaten

18. Olivia __________ to Rome.

A) has never been B) has ever been C) hasn't never been

19. 'I've met Robbie Williams.' 'When __________ ?'

A) have you met B) did you met him C) did you meet him

20. Raquel and James have _______ had a baby.

A) yet B) just C) ever

21. Has Nigel cooked dinner _____ ?

A) yet B) ever C) just

22. ________ 's the weather like in Mexico City?

A) low B) What C) Which

23. My grandmother started work ________1960.

A) in B) by C) on

24. It's snowy — please drive _____ .

A) carefully B) easily C) careful

25. Let's go for a ______ swim.

A) quick B) badly C) well


  1. c

  2. b

  3. a

  4. c

  5. b

  6. b

  7. a

  8. a

  9. c

  10. c

  11. b

  12. a

  13. c

  14. b

  15. c

  16. a

  17. c

  18. a

  19. c

  20. b

  21. a

  22. b

  23. a

  24. a

  25. a

Variant II

1. Everybody looked tired and wanted to go … home.

a) - b) at c) to

2. Mr. Candy locked the door and … outside.

a) went b) goed c) goes

3. The weather … fine.

a) were b) was c) be

4.… sun was shining brightly in the cloudless sky.

a) A b) - c) The

5. He decided to go … home on foot.

a) at b) - c) over

6. The house he lived in was not far …and soon he was there.

a) away b) off c) about

7.… door was blocked by the police.

a) Mr. Candy b) Mr. Candys’ c) Mr. Candy’s

8. No matter how… , he couldn’t get in.

a) he tried hard b) hard he tried c) tried he hard

9. It wasn’t really funny because Mr. Candy … a date that night.

a) had b) has c) have

10. He felt … bit nervous.

a) a b) the c) -

11. Then he suddenly … to see his father.

a) wants b) wanted c) want

12. His father calmed him … .

a) away b) down c) off

13. Mr. Candy realized that everything that … wasn’t really important.

a) happened b) had happened c) happens

14. “Things … happen”, he thought.

a) do b) does c) did

15. When he … next morning, he felt as good as never.

a) waked up b) woke up c) wakes up

16. He made up his mind to start a new… .

a) leaf b) loaf c) life

17. Mr. Candy was sure that his life … change greatly soon.

a) will b) would c) shall

18. An interesting story happened … my friends last year.

a) to b) with c) on

19.… painting disappeared from my friends’ house.

a) The b) A c) -

20. Let me explain how the situation … .

a) came about b) come about c) came on

21. I am very proud of my sister. She ______ the guitar and the piano.

a) cans play b) can plays c) can play

22. Do you listen to opera? – No, I ______ listen to opera. I hate it.

a) never b) often c) usually

23. They looked ______ each other in surprise.

a) with b) for c) at

24. We are flying to Sochi on ______.

a) the 7th of July b) 7th of July c) the 7 of July

25. I can’t play football. I ______ my arm yesterday.

a) breaked b) broked c) broke


  1. a

  2. a

  3. b

  4. c

  5. b

  6. a

  7. c

  8. b

  9. a

  10. a

  11. b

  12. b

  13. b

  14. a

  15. b

  16. c

  17. b

  18. a

  19. b

  20. a

  21. c

  22. a

  23. c

  24. a

  25. c

Variant III

1. I ________ a jumper and a jacket because it's cold today.

A) wear B) 's wearing C) 'm wearing

2. ________ Jim _____ today?

A) Do / work B) Is / working C) Does / works

3. Look, it's very cloudy. It __________ .

A) 's going to rain B) rainy C) raining

4.When _____ Polly _____ with her friend in Madrid?

A) does / going to stay B) — / is going to stay C) is / going to stay

5. I'm going to Egypt ___________ the pyramids.

A) seeing B) to see C) going to see

6. _________ did you buy your jacket?' 'At a shop in town.'

A) When B) Why C) Where

7. 'How much did you pay for your book?' ____________

A) £8.50 B) Hewitt's Bookshop C) To read some Shakespeare

8. Vienna is __________ city in Austria.

A) the most beautiful B) the beautiful lest C) more beautiful than

9. This restaurant is very, very good. It's __________ restaurant in London.

A) the better B) the good C) the best

10. He felt … bit nervous.

a) a b) the c) -

11. Then he suddenly … to see his father.

a) wants b) wanted c) want

12. His father calmed him … .

a) away b) down c) off

13. Mr. Candy realized that everything that … wasn’t really important.

a) happened b) had happened c) happens

14. “______ anything ______ from the flat,” asked the policeman.

a) Is ... disappeared b) Did ... disappear c) Has ... disappeared

15. “I ______ the letter you asked about, sir,” said the butler.

a) brought b) ‘ve brought c) ‘s brought

16______ you ______ dinner already?

a) Did ... have b) Were ... having c) Have ... had

17. Mr. Candy was sure that his life … change greatly soon.

a) will b) would c) shall

18. An interesting story happened … my friends last year.

a) to b) with c) on

19.… painting disappeared from my friends’ house.

a) The b) A c) -

20. Raquel and James have _______ had a baby.

A) yet B) just C) ever

21. Has Nigel cooked dinner _____ ?

A) yet B) ever C) just

22. ________ 's the weather like in Mexico City?

A) low B) What C) Which

23. My grandmother started work ________1960.

A) in B) by C) on

24. It's snowy — please drive _____ .

A) carefully B) easily C) careful

25. Let's go for a ______ swim.

A) quick B) badly C) well


  1. c

  2. b

  3. a

  4. c

  5. b

  6. c

  7. a

  8. a

  9. c

  10. a

  11. b

  12. b

  13. b

  14. c

  15. b

  16. c

  17. b

  18. a

  19. b

  20. b

  21. a

  22. b

  23. a

  24. a

  25. a

Variant IV

  1. Look out of … window! What is going on outside?

  1. a

  2. the

  3. -

  1. What is … longest river in the world?

  1. a

  2. the

  3. -

  1. 145 _____ live in the Russian Federation.

  1. millions people

  2. million of people

  3. million people

  1. I wonder what the world will be at the end of _____ century?

  1. twenty one

  2. the twentieth-first

  3. the twenty-first

  1. It is rather dangerous to walk on … after the rain.

  1. roofs

  2. roofes

  3. roves

  1. … in our house are so annoying. We definitely need a cat.

  1. Mouses

  2. Mices

  3. Mice

  1. My mother ____ a bad headache.

  1. have got

  2. am

  3. has got

  1. Where _____ the Johnsons (live)?

  1. do

  2. are

  3. does

  1. There isn’t a cloud in the sky, but it ___ cloudy in the morning.

  1. is

  2. was

  3. were

  1. Mrs. Clay usually finishes her work at half past three, but she ____ it later yesterday afternoon.

  1. finish

  2. finishes

  3. finished

  1. Every day I help my Mom about the house, but last week I was very busy with my exam. So I ____ her much.

  1. not helped

  2. didn’t helped

  3. didn’t help

  1. I'm tired. I (go) to bed.

  1. I’ll

  2. I go

  3. I’d go

  1. It’s late. I think I (take) a taxi.

  1. will take

  2. shall take

  3. am take

  1. We ______ English at the moment.

  1. are speaking

  2. speak

  3. is speaking

  1. What ___ Mathew _____?

  1. are making

  2. make

  3. is making

  1. I _____ when people talk loudly in public places.

  1. are hating

  2. hate

  3. am hating

  1. “______ anything ______ from the flat,” asked the policeman.

  1. Is ... disappeared

  2. Did ... disappear

  3. Has ... disappeared

  1. “I ______ the letter you asked about, sir,” said the butler.

  1. brought

  2. ‘ve brought

  3. ‘s brought

  1. ______ you ______ dinner already?

  1. Did ... have

  2. Were ... having

  3. Have ... had

  1. It is impossible that he _____ there alone.

  1. went

  2. should have gone

  3. would have gone

  1. It was unlikely that it _____ .

  1. rained

  2. should rain

  3. would rain

  1. It’s high time the children _____ to bed.

  1. went

  2. should go

  3. should have gone

  1. Where ...? Which hairdresser did you go to?

  1. did you cut your hair

  2. have you cut your hair

  3. did you have your hair cut

  1. ... during the storm.

  1. They were collapsed the fence

  2. The fence was collapsed

  3. The fence collapsed

  1. The new computer system ... next month.

  1. is being installed by people

  2. is be installed

  3. is being installed


  1. b

  2. b

  3. c

  4. c

  5. a

  6. c

  7. c

  8. a

  9. b

  10. c

  11. c

  12. b

  13. a

  14. a

  15. c

  16. b

  17. b

  18. b

  19. a

  20. a

  21. c

  22. b

  23. c

  24. c

  25. c

Variant V

  1. … apple a day keeps the doctor away.

  1. An

  2. The

  3. -

  1. My little son is afraid of grey … (волчков) that come at night.

  1. wolfys

  2. wolvies

  3. wolves

  1. Every _____ person in our company is not satisfied with his salary.

  1. three

  2. the third

  3. third

  1. Margie and her sister ____ wonderful voices.

  1. does

  2. has got

  3. have got

  1. I ____ that man because I ____ English.

  1. not understand, don’t know

  2. don’t understand, not know

  3. don’t understand, don’t know

  1. Tom isn’t playing tennis tomorrow afternoon, he _____ tennis yesterday.

  1. doesn’t play

  2. didn’t play

  3. didn’t played

  1. We generally have lunch at 12.30, but yesterday we ____ later.

  1. had lunch

  2. have lunched

  3. had had lunch

  1. Now my brother smokes a lot, but he ____ before.

  1. hadn’t smoked

  2. didn’t smoke

  3. not smoked

  1. ____ I answer the question?

  1. Shall

  2. Will

  3. Shall not

  1. I’m afraid they (not/wait) for us.

  1. don’t wait

  2. will not be waited

  3. won’t wait

  1. I ____ a perfect movie for tonight.

  1. are having

  2. have

  3. is having

  1. We ______ a letter.

  1. are reading

  2. read

  3. is reading

  1. Linda _____ at the door.

  1. are knocking

  2. knock

  3. is knocking

  1. Since then I ______ my job several time.

  1. changed

  2. has changed

  3. have changed

  1. Jane ______ suddenly that there was a letter attached to the painting.

  1. found

  2. has found

  3. had found

  1. I ______ that point yet.

  1. haven’t considered

  2. didn’t consider

  3. not considered

  1. The dog looks as if it _____ hungry.

  1. were

  2. had been

  3. was

  1. Sara cried as if something terrible _____.

  1. happened

  2. had happened

  3. happens

  1. It seems as if he _____ to say something rude.

  1. is going

  2. were going

  3. goes

  1. We ... by a loud noise during the night.

  1. woke up

  2. are woken up

  3. were woken up

  1. A new supermarket is going to ... next year.

  1. build

  2. be built

  3. be building

  1. There’s somebody walking behind us. I think ... .

  1. we are being following

  2. we are followed

  3. we are being followed

  1. We ____ about it for sure, when we ____ home.

  1. will know … will return

  2. know … will return

  3. will know … return

  1. Mary ____ to us, unless Jack ____.

  1. doesn’t speak … will leave

  2. won’t speak … leaves

  3. doesn’t speak … leaves

  1. If they ____ a taxi, they ____ the train.

  1. take ... won’t miss

  2. will take ... don’t miss

  3. will take ... won’t miss


  1. a

  2. c

  3. c

  4. c

  5. c

  6. b

  7. a

  8. b

  9. a

  10. c

  11. b

  12. a

  13. c

  14. c

  15. b

  16. a

  17. b

  18. a

  19. a

  20. c

  21. b

  22. c

  23. c

  24. b

  25. a

Variant VI

  1. I love … oranges.

  1. a

  2. the

  3. -

  1. There is a red pen on the table. Give me … pen.

  1. a

  2. the

  3. -

  1. Can you help me? I ____ the way to the market.

  1. am not know

  2. not know

  3. don’t know

  1. ____ Peter ____ any beer in the fridge?

  1. Does Peter have

  2. Do Peter has

  3. Have Peter got

  1. Yesterday Mr. Watson ____too much at the party.

  1. drunk

  2. drinked

  3. drank

  1. Jack ___ to remember what he had done last April.

  1. was tried

  2. tried

  3. tryed

  1. Looking through the paper, the teacher ___several mistakes.

  1. finded

  2. founded

  3. found

  1. _____Diana ____ to the party tomorrow?

  1. Shall … come

  2. Will …. come

  3. Does ... come

  1. You ____ in Paris tomorrow evening.

  1. arrive

  2. will arrive

  3. arriving

  1. Nina _____ to attend tango lessons on weekends.

  1. are liking


  3. is liking

  1. They _____ to Rome.

  1. are flying

  2. fly

  3. is flying

  1. I _____ TV at the moment.

  1. am watching

  2. watch

  3. watches

  1. My wife ______ three languages.

  1. cans speak

  2. can speaks

  3. can speak

  1. I’m sorry, I ______ join you on Wednesday.

  1. can`t

  2. can`t to

  3. don’t can to

  1. He ______ his driving test. He is so happy. He hasn’t been able to pass it for three years.

  1. has just passed

  2. have just passed

  3. just passed

  1. I ______ my keys. I can’t get in.

  1. Have lost

  2. lost

  3. have losed

  1. The taxi ______. Hurry up!

  1. arrives

  2. have arrived

  3. has arrived

  1. I wish you _____ here. It`s rather difficult to breathe.

  1. not smoked

  2. didn’t smoke

  3. hadn't smoked

  1. I wish I _____ speak better Spanish.

  1. would can

  2. shall be able

  3. could

  1. We wish it _____ sunny and warm all year round.

  1. is

  2. was

  3. were

  1. Where ____?’ ‘In London’.

  1. were you born

  2. are you born

  3. have you been born

  1. There was a fight at the party, but nobody____.

  1. was hurt

  2. were hurt

  3. hurt

  1. Jane____ to phone me last night, but she didn’t.

  1. supposed

  2. is supposed

  3. was supposed

  1. ____ the children listen to me, when they ____?

  1. do ... will grow up

  2. will ... grow up

  3. will ... will grow up

  1. If she ____ in time, we ____ late for the concert.

  1. Won’t come … are

  2. Doesn’t come … will be

  3. Won’t come … will be


  1. c

  2. b

  3. c

  4. a

  5. c

  1. b

  2. c

  3. b

  4. b

  5. b

  1. a

  2. a

  3. c

  4. a

  5. a

  1. a

  2. c

  3. b

  4. c

  5. c

  1. a

  2. a

  3. c

  4. b

  5. b

Критерии оценки: Оценка «5» ставится за 90% верных ответов, оценка «4» - за 80% верных ответов, оценка «3» - за 70% верных ответов, оценка «2» - за менее, чем 70% правильных ответов.

4. Контрольно-оценочные материалы для дифференцированного зачета



Контрольно-оценочные материалы предназначены для контроля и оценки результатов освоения учебной дисциплины «Английский язык» основной профессиональной образовательной программы по специальности СПО 08.02.01 Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений.


Задание 1

Коды проверяемых умений: У 1

Коды проверяемых знаний: З 1


При выполнении заданий этой части в листе ответов под номером выполняемого вами задания поставьте номер выбранного вами ответа

Ориентировочное время выполнения задания – 15 минут.

Текст задания: Choose the right answer.

1. What is____ longest river in the world?

a) a b) the c) –

2. It is rather dangerous to walk on____ after the rain.

a) roofs b) roofes c) rooves

3. ____ are flowers of life.

a) childs b) children c) childrens

4. You are ____ who asks me this question.

a) five b) fifth c) the fifth

5. The situation is____ than I thought.

a) more bad b) badder c) worse

6. The building ______ two years ago.

a) destroyed b) was destroyed c) was destroying

7. I ____ this book when you were at school.

a) read b) was read c) was reading

8. We were having dinner when she ____.

a) come b) came c) had come

9. He____ French for two years and doesn`t even know the alphabet.

a) studies b) is studying c) has been studying

10. We decided____extra risks.

a) to not take b) not to take c) not take

Задание 2

Коды проверяемых умений: У 1, У 2

Коды проверяемых знаний: З 1


Прочитайте текст и переведите его.

Ориентировочное время выполнения задания – 30 минут.

Текст задания:

Building construction is the process of adding structure to real property. The vast majority of building construction jobs are small renovations, such as addition of a room, or renovation of a bathroom. Often, the owner of the property acts as laborer, paymaster, and design team for the entire project. However, all building construction projects include some elements in common – design, financial, estimating and legal considerations. Many projects of varying sizes reach undesirable end results, such as structural collapse, cost overruns, and/or litigation reason; those with experience in the field make detailed plans and maintain careful oversight during the project to ensure a positive outcome.

Commercial building construction is procured privately or publicly utilizing various delivery methodologies, including cost estimating, hard bid, negotiated price, traditional, management contracting, construction management-at-risk, design & build and design-build bridging.

Residential construction practices, technologies, and resources must conform to local building authority regulations and codes of practice. Materials readily available in the area generally dictate the construction materials used (e.g. brick versus stone, versus timber). Cost of construction on a per square meter (or per square foot) basis for houses can vary dramatically based on site conditions, local regulations, economies of scale (custom designed homes are always more expensive to build) and the availability of skilled tradespeople. As residential construction (as well as all other types of construction) can generate a lot of waste, careful planning again is needed here.

The most popular method of residential construction in the United States is wood framed construction. As efficiency codes have come into effect in recent years, new construction technologies and methods have emerged. University Construction Management departments are on the cutting edge of the newest methods of construction intended to improve efficiency, performance and reduce construction waste.



Количество вариантов каждого задания – 2

Время выполнения работы: - 45 минут.


  1. Агабекян И. П. Английский язык – Ростов н/Д, «Феникс», 2013.

Методические пособия:

  1. Голубев А. П. и др. Английский язык: Учеб. пособие для СПО / А. П. Голубев, Н. В. Балюк, И. Б. Смирнова – М.: Академия, 2011 – 336 с.

  2. Карпова Т. А. Английский для колледжей: Учеб. пособие для СПО / Т. А. Карпова – М.: Дашков и К, 2008 – 320 с.

  3. Богацкий И.С., Дюканова Н.М. Бизнес-курс английского языка – Киев, «Логос», 2012.

  4. Любимцева С. Н., Тарковская Б. М., Памухина Л. Г. Деловой английский для начинающих – М., «Вече», 2004.

Справочная литература:

  1. Качалова К.Н. , Израилевич Е.Е. Практическая грамматика английского языка – М., «Лист Нью», 2003 - 544с.

  2. Рубцова М.Г. Полный курс английского языка. – М., «Астрель -»


Общая оценка за дифференцированный зачет состоит из двух оценок – за выполнение теста 1 (проверка знаний) и перевода текста 2 (проверка умений).

При выполнении первого задания: Оценка «5» ставится за 90% верных ответов, оценка «4» - за 80% верных ответов, оценка «3» - за 70% верных ответов, оценка «2» - за менее, чем 70% правильных ответов.

При выполнении второго задания: Оценка «5» ставится за правильное чтение и полное понимание текста. Оценка «4» ставится за чтение с 2-3мя ошибками и понимание текста на 80%. Оценка «3» ставится за чтение текста с ошибками и понимание текста на 70 %. Оценка «2» ставится за не умение читать и понимать смысл текста.

5. Вариант сводной таблицы

Результаты обучения по учебной дисциплине

Текущий и рубежный контроль

Промежуточная аттестация по учебной дисциплине


Решение ситуационных задач

Защита ЛПР

Контрольные работы


Дифференцированный зачет



У 1



У 2



У 3




З 1




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