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Конкурс чтецов иностранной поэзии

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Данное мероприятие направлено на стимулирование учащихся к изучению иностранных языков. В данном конкурсе дети цитируют стихи на английском и немецком языах

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«Конкурс чтецов иностранной поэзии»

Сценарий мероприятия

(конкурс чтецов)

Внеклассная работа по иностранному языку необходима для развития и поддержания интереса к изучению иностранного языка, для развития творческих способностей учащихся. Это конкурс, проводимый в гимназии дает ребятам возможность на практике применить свои знания, независимо от их уровня, и дает возможность проверить свои силы в изучении английского и немецкого языков.


- усилить мотивацию к изучению иностранных языков

-увеличить активный языковой запас учащихся

-стимулировать их интеллектуальную и языковую активность

-расширить кругозор учащихся

Развивать творческие способности детей

Главной целью проведения данного конкурса является вовлечение ребят , независимо от уровня знания языка, в мероприятие, предлагая им задания посильного уровня.


  • Hello, dear guests. We are glad to greet you here. Dear friends I think you know how important the foreign languages are in the world.

  • Do you know why each person should learn at least one foreign language nowadays? At our Gymnasium we learn English although there are students who know the second foreign language German. That’s great.

Speaker 2:

  • English is the language of international communication. Most international meetings, conferences are held in English. This is the language of business, advertisement and computers.

Speaker 1:

  • A person is considered to be intellectual and literacy only when he/she knows at least one foreign language.

Speaker 2:

  • It’s difficult for a modern person to live without knowledge of foreign languages. If you want to be an educational , intellectual person, to be a good specialist in your field and to understand famous songs, you need to learn foreign languages.

Speaker 1:

  • Today we’ll show you that learning of foreign languages is not only grinding of words and grammar constructions but also it’s fun.

Speaker 2:

  • Today you will hear some of the most famous compositions presented by our talented pupils from the fifth and the sixth forms in English and German. Today is The beginning of the Week of foreign languages. You will enjoy English and German poetry.

  • To start with, We would like to introduce our nice , friendly and fair jury:

Speaker 1..

  • I would like to invite the first participants with the composition

“That’s me!” The fifth form. Your applause.

Speaker 2:

Well done. Your applause to our first participants. Thank you. The following participant is the pupil of the fifth form with composition Be a friend by Oscar Wilde. Meet with your applauses.

Speaker 1:

  • Next competitor is the pupil of the fifth form the composition “My school”.

Speaker 2.:

  • How talented our children are! With great pleasure I would like to invite the following star with the composition “I like school”.

Speaker 1:

  • Thank you very much. Let’s support our competitors with your applauses. We are inviting next participants from the fifth form ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ with the composition “I love music”. Meet with your applauses.

Speaker 2:

  • And Next presenter of English poetry is with the composition Autumn Leaves by Angelina Wray.

Speaker 1:

- The first part of our competition is over. Now I would like to announce the beginning of the second part of our competition. Now you will hear German poetry not less talented children . They are the pupils of the sixth form.

So we are ready to start.

Speaker 2:

Das erste Mitglied ist ______________mit dem Gedicht_____________(Первый участник с произведением…)

Speaker 1.:

  • Wow! Es war unbedingt fantastisch. Ihre Applausen. Ich mochte anderer Mitglied hier einladen. Das is mit dem Gedicht ____________________________________Вау! Это было фантастично. Ваши Аплодисменты. Я бы хотела пригласить другого участника. с произведением ________

Speaker 2:

  • Es war brilliant. Danke schon. Ihre Applausen.

  • Und der nachste Mitglied beendet den zweite Teil des Poesie-Wettbewerbes. Das ist mit dem Gedicht ___________________________. Treffen Sie ihn.

  • Это было потрясающе. Спасибо большое. Ваши аплодисменты. А следующий участник завершает вторую часть нашего поэтического конкурс. Это с произведением …

Speaker 1:

  • Great . It was really great. Now we ask your jury to choose nominations for our participants.

  • (звучит песня)

  • Now I would like to invite all our competitors to the stage to thank and applaud for their skills and having a good time. You are so talented. Your parents and teachers are proud of you.

  • Your awards: is awarded with certificate for__________________________

Speaker 2:

  • is awarded with certificate for______________________________

Speaker 1:

  • is awarded with certificate for _______________________________

Speaker 2:

  • Is awarded with the certificate for _______________________________

Speaker 1:

  • is awarded with the certificate for___________________

Speaker 2:

  • is awarded with the certificate for____________________

Speaker 1:

  • Und unsere Deutsche Sternchen: wird mit dem Zertifikat fur___________belohnt.

Speaker 2:

  • wird mit dem Zertifikat fur______________belohnt.

Speaker 1:

  • wird mit dem Zertifikat fur___________________ belohnt.

Speaker 2:These applauses are for you.

Speaker 1: Diese Applausen sind fur Sie.

Speaker 2: I am sure our guests understood that learning of at least one foreign language is so important nowadays.

Speaker 1: Our competition comes to the end. We hope these performance helped broaden your outlook and you will learn any foreign language with interest.

Speaker 2:We would like to thank our righteous and fair jury for their help and English and German teachers for preparation our talents for this event. These are your applauses.Thank you very much.

Speaker 1:Love and learn languages . Thank you for your attention and participation. Bye. Tchuss.


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