Благодаря готовым учебным материалам для работы в классе и дистанционно

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Организационный момент

Проверка знаний

Объяснение материала

Закрепление изученного

Итоги урока

Конспект открытого урока английского языка в 8 классе. Тема урока « Домашние обязанности. Модальный глагол have tо».

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«Конспект открытого урока английского языка в 8 классе. Тема урока « Домашние обязанности. Модальный глагол have tо».»

Конспект открытого урока английского языка в 8 классе.

Тема урока « Домашние обязанности. Модальный глагол have tо».

Цель урока: научиться употреблять лексику по теме «Домашние обязанности», модальный глагол have to в разговорной речи.

Задачи урока:

Предметные: уметь использовать активную лексику в соответствии с коммуникативной задачей, уметь составлять небольшие высказывания по теме.

Метапредметные: овладеть навыками активного использования речевых средств для решения коммуникативных и познавательных задач, овладеть навыками смыслового чтения текстов.

Личностные: формирование потребности в практическом использовании знаний английского языка в жизненных ситуациях и мотивация к дальнейшему овладению иностранным языком.

Образовательные ресурсы: компьютер, проектор, презентация, карточки с заданиями, листы самоконтроля.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент.

- Good morning children! I am glad to see you.

- How are you? - I am very glad that you are fine.

- What day is it today?

- What date is it today?

- What is the weather like today?

- What season is it now?

- Do you like spring? And why?

-Let’s start! At first look at the screen and watch the video. (Видео с работой по дому)

-What do you think we are going to speak about? (Household chores)

-Yes, you are right.

Look at the screen. What do you see at this slide? (Письмо)

-Ok, what is this letter about? (Household chores)

-Can you answer the letter now? Can you write the answer? (No)

-Why? (We don’t know/remember enough words about household chores)

II. Целеполагание.

-Ok, and what do you think we should do at this lesson? (Learn words about household chores and practice new words) (На доску карточки Learn, practice)

- Yes, and learn the usage of the modal verb have to (Карточка have to)

-Take these sheets of self-control. You will put points for each kind of work during the lesson.

(Раздать листы самоконтроля)

2. Речевая зарядка.

-Answer my questions, please.

- Do you help your parents about the house?

- How can you help your parents?

- What do you like to do most of all?

- Who makes dinner in your house?

-How often do you do the washing up?

3. Активизация лексики по теме «Домашние обязанности».

- It is very important to have good relations in the family that is why we all should help each other.  I hope you often help your parents about the house. There are a lot of responsibilities in your family. So, I give you the cards.

Карточки. Разно уровневые задания (дифференцированный подход)

Task 1. ( для ребят послабее) - Match the words in the two columns to make household chores.

1. tidy d a) the house

2. take g b) the floor

3. unload h c) the bed

4. put f d) your room

5. mop b e) the washing up

6. make c f) the washing machine on

7. do e g) the rubbish out

8. clean a h) the dishwasher

Task 2. (для ребят посильнее) Match these words and make up your sentenсes about your responsibilities at home, how often you do household chores.

For example:

1. I take the rubbish out every evening.

2. I make my bed every morning.

3. I mop the floor every Sunday…..


Listen and repeat. (Отработка словосочетаний вслух, Проверка слов с переводом)

- Let’s check and put points in your sheets of self-control for this task. (Оценивание)

-Let’s play a game. (Коробки с карточками). Take the cards and show one of the household chores and show how the famous people do it.

Put points in your sheets of self- control.

Ok and now, do we know the words about household chores? (Yes) (Обращение к 1 задачи урока)

-The next task is not difficult for you. (Сайта Wordwall)

Can we use them? Can we talk about household chores? (Yes) (Обращение ко 2 задачи урока)

4. Введение нового грамматического материала. Употребление модального глагола have to.

–Students now we will learn a modal verb have to. But before it let's remember the meaning of the modal verb must. Look at the screen.

( Слайды)

The task is: You should choose the verb. (Сайт Wordwall)

5. Самостоятельная работа.

Task 3.- ( для ребят послабее) Do the task “ Fill in the gaps with have or has “.

1. I … to come home at 5 o’clock.

2. My mother … to clean the floor every day.

3. We …to learn English.

4. My friends …to write a test.

5. They …to speak French to their guests from France.

6. He …to buy a ticket for the train.

7. She…to make the bed.

8. The girl… to do the washing up every day.

9. My brother… to tidy the room twice a week.

Task 4.- ( для ребят посильнее) Fill in the gaps with don't have to or doesn't have to.

1. My granny ……. work.

2. I ……… go now.

3. We ……. play football in winter.

4. Dan ……. see a doctor.

5. They ……. translate the text in pen.

6. She …….. make dinner at home because her dad always cooks.

7. My brother…make my bed.

8. I … clean the neighbor’s floor.

9. We… do the washing up at school.

Check up your answers and put points into your sheets of self-control. (Слайд с ответами)

6. Физминутка.

-Are you tired? Stand up, sing the song and repeat after me. (Песня)

7. Работа в группах.

Task 5. – Work in groups. Complete the table. Use this information or your own ideas.

( Карточки + tasks lists)

at school

at home

I have to …

I mustn't…

I don't have to …

(Проверка: Читают предложения ребята послабее)

8. Работа с текстом (по учебнику)

-Open your books at page 103 ex. 3. Read the dialogue (Читают вслух), then do the task.

9. Сам. работа по тексту. Проверка на слайде (самопроверка)

Task 6- Are these sentences true or false? (Карточки)


  1. The girl wants to have a party at home.


  1. First she talks to her mum.


  1. The girl asks if she can come home at midnight.


  1. Her mum says she must be home by eleven o'clock.


  1. The girl promises to do the ironing for a month.


The author says you should never introduce your friends to your parents.

-Let's check up your answers. Look at the key. (Слайд с ответами)

Can we use the modal verb have to? (Yes) (Обращение к 3 задачи урока)

And can we write the reply (answer) to the letter from the beginning of our lesson? (Yes)

10.Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.

Let's summarise the lesson.

- What did you learn at today’s lesson?

- Did you like the lesson? Show me. (QR коды)

- You worked very well today. Let's count your points (Ученики подсчитывают свои баллы)

(На экране шкала оценивания)

Raise your hand if your mark is (5,4,3) (Ученики поднимают руки)


Шкала оценивания









(Сдают листы самооценок)

-Your hometask is…. (на слайде Дз)

SB p. 101 №1 (учить слова);

Write a reply to the letter.

- Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. You may be free.


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