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Конспект урока 7 класс 4b Урок 18 Reading news

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Is it important for you to be well informed about the latest news? Look at the proverbs about news. Match them with the Russian equivalents. Do you agree with the sayings? Can you guess the topic of the lesson?

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«Конспект урока 7 класс 4b Урок 18 Reading news»

7 класс

Урок 18

Reading news

Is it important for you to be well informed about the latest news? Look at the proverbs about news. Match them with the Russian equivalents. Do you agree with the sayings? Can you guess the topic of the lesson?

Bad news travels fast.

Когда собака кусает человека, это не новость. Вот когда человек кусает собаку – это новость.

No news is good news.

Отсутствие новостей – хорошая новость.

When a dog bites a man, that is not news; but when a man bites a dog, that is news.

Плохие новости странствуют быстро.

In this lesson

  • you will learn some words and phrases used for discussing the latest news and interviewing people;

  • you will learn how to describe your emotions with the help of adjectives excited, interested, sad, shocked, surprised, worried;

  • you will learn the phrasal verb go;

  • you will learn about the differences in usage of Past Simple and Past Continuous.

Ключевые слова: Excited, interested, sad, shocked, surprised, worried, amazing, awful, marvelous, scary, terrible, unbelievable.

Phrasal verbs (go off, go on, go with).

Основное содержание урока

Reporter: Good evening, Mr Singhe. I’m from the Sri Lanka Daily. Can you tell me what happened to you today?

Mr Singhe: Well … it was about 5 o’clock in the afternoon and I was driving home …

Reporter: Go on …

Mr Singhe: … when it started raining heavily and suddenly something flew down from the sky and hit my car. I was surprised!

Reporter: Wow! What was it?

Mr Singhe: A huge fish!

Reporter: That’s unbelievable!

Mr Singhe: I know! I stopped the car and got out. The fish was lying on my car and there were a lot more around on the ground. Some people who looked worried and curious were approaching me!

Reporter: Who were the people?

Mr Singhe: The local villagers. They quickly brought some water in a jar and put the alive fish in there. It seems that the fish had been lifted out of a river during a strong wind.

Reporter: Oh dear! That’s amazing! So how were the fish … and your car?

Mr Singhe: Well, I was happy to see that some of the fish were still alive… but I was sad to admit that my car was badly damaged.

Reporter: How do you feel now, Mr Singhe?

Mr Singhe: Well, I’m still a bit shocked!

Reporter: I’m not surprised! What a story, Mr Singhe! Thank you for sharing it with us!

Watch the interview again and complete the reporter’s notes.

When? At o’clock.

Who? .

What? The fish onto a car.

How? The fish had been lifted out of a river during a strong .

Result? Car but some of the fish were OK.

Mr Singhe feels .

Тренировочные задания

1. Look at the scheme and complete the sentences with the appropriate phrasal verb.

off – 1 (of food) go bad, 2 make a loud noise

go on continue

with match

1) This skirt really well your sweater.

2) The stone fell onto the car and the alarm .

3) . I didn’t mean to interrupt.

4) Put the fish in the fridge or else it’ll .

2. What are the verb forms in bold? Match the sentences with their uses.

He was having a bath when the earthquake began.

two actions that were happening at the same time in the past

She left the town at about 7 pm yesterday.

an action which was in progress at a certain time in the past

I was cooking while Bill was sleeping.

an action happening when another action interrupted it

She was reading a newspaper at 6 pm yesterday afternoon.

an action which happened at a specific time in the past

3. Study the grammar reference at the end of the lesson and complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Past Continuous forms of the verbs.

1) Mr Singhe was driving/drove his car when something fell/was falling from above the sky and hit/was hitting his car.

2) Timmy talked/was talking on the phone while Bob was eating/ate a sandwich.

3) At 6 o’clock yesterday they watched/were watching a chat show on TV.

4) She was calling/called two hours ago.

4. Match the words with their Russian equivalents.























5. Listen the text to complete the gaps.

‘Foyles’ is a chain of bookshops in Britain with the main store at Charing Cross Road, in London. It has five floors. On the first floor you will find different books, music CDs and DVDs and also newspapers and popular magazines. The main collection of books is on the second, third and fourth floors. On the fifth floor there is a stationery shop and a café with comfortable sofas to sit and read on while you are enjoying a coffee!

‘Foyles’ is open six days a week from 9.30 am till 9 pm.






Floor one sells: books, music CDs and DVDs, newspapers and .

Floors two–four sell: .

Floor five has a: and a café.

Opening hours: Monday – , 9:30 am – 9 pm.

6. Put the parts of the dialogue in the correct order. Prepare your own dialogue.

– Actually yes. Listen! Rescue teams found three fishermen alive! They were lost in the Atlantic for a year.

– That’s unbelievable! How did they survive?

– Anything interesting in the magazine?

– They drank rainwater and ate raw fish.

– And a lot of luck!

– How horrible! They must have had a really hard time!

7. Choose the verb in Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1) Did you listen/Were you listening to the radio when the phone rang/was ringing?

2) Tom saw/was seeing a bright light as he was walking/walked down the avenue.

3) The baby did not sleep/was not sleeping when Grandma arrived/was arriving.

4) While he was travelling/travelled on the bus to work, he remembered/was remembering that it was his son’s birthday.

5) Were the children studying/Did the children study while their mother prepared/was preparing dinner?

8. Fill in the gaps using with, off, or on.

1) That hat goes really well your dress.

2) The butter will go if we don’t use it soon.

3) The car alarm went and woke the whole neighbourhood.

4) The meeting went for hours and hours.

Контрольные задания

Вариант 1

1. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Continuous.

1) We (plan) to go to the cinema, but we stayed home instead.

2) Sam (take) notes during the lesson.

3) The students (work) hard because they wanted a good mark in the exam.

4) What (you do) last night?

5) He (play) with his brothers all day on Saturday.

2. Choose the correct response.

I circled the world in my boat.

Oh dear! I hope you get well soon.

I broke my leg and can’t go to the theatre with you.

What a story! How did they do that?

Did you hear about the gorillas that sailed across the Pacific?

Wow! How long did it take you?

Listen to this – Jane had a car accident!

Really? Did you take it to the police?

You won’t believe this. I found a bag in the street.

How dreadful! Was she hurt?

3. Fill in the gaps with on, off or with.

1) Have you ever been in a building when the fire alarm went ? What did you do?

2) He went and talking and I was so bored.

3) They asked me how the project was going .

4) Does this tie go my shirt?

5) What is going in China right now?

6) Go ! I could listen to you sing all day.

Вариант 2

1. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Continuous.

1) What (you do) last summer?

2) Sam (take) notes during the meeting.

3) The builders (work) hard because they wanted to finish the repairs before night.

4) We (plan) to go to the theatre, but we stayed home instead.

5) He (play) computer games all day on Monday

2. Choose the correct response.

Did you hear about the six-year-old who won a poetry competition?

Really? Did you take it to the zoo?

I crossed the Pacific in my boat.

Wow! How long did it take you?

I broke my arm and can’t go to the zoo with you.

How dreadful! Was she hurt?

Listen to this ― Kitty had a car accident!

Oh dear! I hope you get well soon.

You won’t believe this. I found a monkey in the street.

What a story! How did she do that?

3. Fill in the gaps with on, off or with.

1) Go ! I could listen to you telling stories all day.

2) One sock is red and the other is blue. They don’t go each other.

3) They asked the writer how the book was going .

4) Does this sauce go meat?

5) What is going in Europe right now?

6) I hope my hair dryer doesn’t go . It sounds bad but I really need to use it.

Дополнительная информация

Past Continuous

Прошедшее продолженное время – употребляется:

● для описания действия, которое происходило в прошлом и которое было прервано другим действием. Past Continuous употребляется для описания действия в развитии/процессе (длительное действие), а Past Simple – для описания действия, которое прервало его (краткое действие).

Например: She was watching a chat show when her mother called her.

● для описания двух или более одновременных действий, происходивших в развитии в прошлом.

Например: He was reading an article while his brother was watching TV.

● для описания действия, которое происходило в определенное время в прошлом. При этом не указывается, когда действие началось или закончилось.

Например: At 8 o’clock last night I was surfing the Internet.

● для описания атмосферы, обстановки и т.п., а также во вступлении к рассказу.

Например: The birds were singing and the sun was shining. She was reading her daily horoscope outside when something strange happened ...

Указатели времени (сигналы), употребляемые с Past Continuous: while, when, as, all morning/evening/day/week, at 8 o’clock am.

Past Simple и Past Continuous

Past Simple употребляется для описания действия, которое произошло в указанное время в прошлом.

The writer finished his book last month.

Past Сontinuous употребляется для описания действия, которое происходило в определенный момент в прошлом.

At six o’clock this morning, she was doing her morning exercises.

Past Simple употребляется для описания последовательных действий в прошлом.

They watched the news and then they discussed them.

Past Сontinuous употребляется для описания одного или более действий, которые происходили в одно и то же время в прошлом (одновременные действия).

Jane was talking on the phone while her brother was reading a newspaper.

Past Continuous употребляется для описания действия в развитии/процессе, которое было прервано.

Past Simple употребляется для описания действия, которое его прервало.

Ann was walking her dog when it started to rain.


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