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Конспект урока английского языка в 7 классе по теме "Школьные правила"

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Введение активизация лексики по теме урока, отработка модального глагола must, mustn't. Песня по теме рока, работа в группах, парах.

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«Конспект урока английского языка в 7 классе по теме "Школьные правила"»

Topic: School rules

Тема: Кодекс правил поведения в школе

Класс: 7

Ход урока

  1. организационный этап (2 min)

T: Good afternoon, children! I’m glad to see you! Come up to me. Make a circle. Say “Hello” to each other

S: Hello, S1


T: How are you today?

S: I’m fine, thank you.

T: What date is it today?

S: Today is the 25th of February.

  1. подготовка учащихся к работе на основном этапе урока (10 min)

T: I have received the message from a British boy


T: Where is he from?

S: He is from London, Great Britain.

T: Let’s read the message.

S: Read the message.

T: What did he write?

S: Tom is going to move to Russia. And he wants to study in our school. But he doesn’t know school rules. He wants to learn more about school rules in Russia.

T: What will we discuss today?

S: School rules (topic)

T: Can we help him?

S: Yes, we can.

T: What can we do for him?

S: We will write the school rules for Tom (aim).

T: Objects?!

S: We should:

  1. repeat the words

  2. repeat the modal verbs (must, mustn’t)

  3. make up the rules

T: The motto of our lesson: «Mind the clock and keep the rule

Try to come in time to school”

  1. этап проверки понимания изученного материала

T: I’ll give you some cards.

S: Ok.

T: But the words are mixed. Make up the right word combinations. (Work in pairs) (3 min)




at school


on time

listen to

the teacher


on the desks




school uniform

make a noise

during the lesson

raise a hand

for answer


a chewing gum

S: do homework

fight at school

be on time

listen to the teacher

write on the desks

use phones

wear school uniform

make a noise during the lesson

raise a hand for answer

chew a chewing gum

T: Listen to me and repeat (2 min)

T: Good. But Tom doesn’t know what these word combinations mean. He sent some pictures to us. Match the pictures with the phrases. (Frontal work) (3 min)

chew a chewing gum

do homework

draw or write on the desks

fight at school

be on time

listen to the teacher

use phones

wear school uniform

make a noise during the lesson

raise a hand for answer

S: Do the task

T: Well done. Match word combinations with their translations.

1. Match word combinations with their translations. (3 min)

Match word combinations with their translations.

    1. do homework

    2. fight at school

    3. be on time

    4. listen to the teacher

    5. write on the desks

    6. use phones

    7. wear school uniform

    8. make a noise during the lesson

    9. raise a hand for the answer

    10. chew a chewing - gum

  1. Шуметь во время урока

  1. слушать учителя

  1. носить школьную форму

  1. драться в школе

  1. поднимать руку для ответа

  1. делать домашнюю работу

  1. писать на парте

  1. использовать телефон

  1. жевать жевательную резинку

  1. быть вовремя











Time - keeper: Time is over.

T: Let’s check your results. But change the cards with your classmates.

(Ответы на доске. Максимальное количество баллов – 10)

Don’t forget to write your points into your card of success.

T: Have we done the object №1? (Revise the words)

S: Yes, we have.

T: Look at the screen. What’s wrong with these sentences?

S: These sentences have some missing words.

T: What do you think what words we should fill in?

S: give the variants.

T: You are right. These words are must and mustn’t. Fill in the gaps.

2. Fill the missing modal verbs (must / mustn’t) (5 min +3 min)

Fill the missing modal verbs (must / mustn’t)

  1. Students __________ do homework.

  2. Students __________ fight at school.

  3. Students __________ be on time.

  4. Students __________ listen to the teacher.

  5. Students __________ draw or write on the desks.

  6. Students __________ use phones.

  7. Students __________ wear school uniform.

  8. Students __________ make a noise during the lesson.

  9. Students __________ raise a hand for answer.

  10. Students __________ chew a gum.

Your time is over. Let’s check your results. change the cards with your classmates.

(Ответы на доске. Максимальное количество баллов – 10)

Don’t forget to write your points into your card of success.

Have we done the object №2?

3.Let’s play a game Crosses and noughts

Words for the game: homework, on time, phones, listen to, fight, uniform, run, behave, obey the rules

T: I think you are tired. Let’s do the warming up. Stand up. Watch the video and repeat the actions. (2 min)

S: do the warming up

T: Sit down, please.

S: Students are sitting down.

  1. Listening and break.

Listen to the song and fill in the gaps

  1. этап применения знаний и способов действий

T: So, let’s continue. Look at the ladder. What have we already done? What is the next step?

S: Write the school rules for Tom.

T: You are right. And I suggest you to do this work in groups. Look at your desks. You see the number 1, 2, 3. It means 3 groups. The 1st group sits here. The 2nd group sits here. And the 3rd sits here.

S: Take the seats.

T: And what should you do? (10 min)

S: Write the school rules for Tom.

T: You are right. Start your work.

S: Work at groups.

  1. этап представления и обобщения результатов (10 min)

T: Let’s check. Go to the blackboard and read your rules for Tom.

S: Read the rules

T: Good job.

  1. этап контроля и самоконтроля знаний

T: Look at the cards of success.

T: Let’s count your points.

S: Count their points.

T: Look at the blackboard. You see your mark for the lesson. (2 min)

  1. этап информирования о домашнем задании (2 min)

T: And now, I suggest you to write your home task. But I want you to choose your task yourselves. If you have some problems with words and word combinations – choose card 1. If you have some problems with the modal verbs must/mustn’t – choose card 2.

If you have no problems choose card 3.

S: Choose the card.

  1. этап подведения итогов занятия (2 min)

T: Look at the left ladder. What do you think have we reached the aim of our lesson?

Yes, we have. Our boy is on the top of the ladder.

  1. этап рефлексии (2 min)

T: Fill the table in your card of success. Dasha, take the cards, please.

T: Look at the right ladder. Tick your thing on the step.

T: You work so hard today. I say you thank you. And our lesson is over. See you on Friday. You may be free. Good buy.


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