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Конспект урока на тему "Виды литературы. Kinds of Literature"

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Конспект урока на тему "Kinds of Literature" для  I курса по ФГОС СПО. К коспекту прилагается презентация, рабочие листы для студентов.

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«Конспект урока на тему "Виды литературы. Kinds of Literature"»

ОГБПОУ «Рязанский железнодорожный колледж»

Урок иностранного языка на тему:

«Виды литературы. Kinds of Literature»

I курс СПО

Выполнила: Добычина Т.А.,

преподаватель иностранного


Рязань, 2021

Цель урока: создать условия для формирования коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся по теме урока, повысить интерес к чтению литературы, в том числе на английском языке.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Задачи урока:

  • образовательные: Освоение новых лексических единиц

  • развивающие: расширение словарного запаса обучающихся; развитие способности и потребности осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия; развитие логического мышления, внимания, воображения;

  • воспитательные: воспитание толерантного отношения к чужому мнению; формирование интеллектуальных и творческих способностей обучающихся; развитие речевой культуры и культуры общения в целом, умение работать в коллективе.

Планируемые результаты:


знать: лексику по теме Литературные жанры;

уметь: строить свою деятельность с использованием информационных технологий; воспринимать на слух текст, рассказывать о любимой книге/литературном жанре;

метапредметные: обучающиеся овладеют способностью принимать и сохранять цели и задачи учебной деятельности, поиска средств её осуществления; научатся проводить анализ учебного материала; освоят формы рефлексии (самоанализа, самооценки).

  • Формы работы на уроке: индивидуальная, парная.

Оснащение урока: учебник, рабочие листы, компьютер, колонки, проектор, презентация.


  1. Мотивация к учебной деятельности

Teacher: Good morning, dear students! Sit down. I hope you are fine. I`m glad to see you.

 Let me know, who is absent today? What date is it today?

Teacher: Today we are going to speak about one of the most wonderful things in the world. Can you guess what it is. Look at the blackboard and read.

“It has no mouth but speaks.

It is not a tree but it has leaves.

It is not alive but it can be a good friend.”

What is it?

The intended answer: A book.

Teacher: Yes, you are right. It is a book. So we’ll talk about books. I think the lesson will be interesting and you will enjoy it.

Is reading important for people? Of course, it is.

Many great and famous people think that reading is important to become a well-educated person. There are a lot of proverbs about reading.

Your task is to match the beginning and the end of the proverbs. You can do it in your worksheets.

  1. Life without books is

  1. is power.

  1. A room without books

  1. what exercise is to the body.

  1. Reading

  1. is like a body without a soul.

  1. Tell me what you read

  1. as a tree without leaves.

  1. Reading is to the mind

  1. and I will tell you what you are.

Проверить задание.

  1. Формулирование студентами темы урока.

Teacher: Look at the board. Are these books all alike? No, they aren’t. How do they differ? They are different kinds of literature or genres. So the topic of our lesson is Kinds of literature.

На доску: The topic: Kinds of literature.

Write in your worksheets the topic of the lesson.

Do you know what these genres are called. No, you don’t. So our goal is to learn different genres and define them.

На доску: The goal: to learn different genres. Write in your worksheets.

III. Первичное усвоение новых знаний.

T. Look at the board. Here are some words. Repeat them after me all together. (Чтение хором и индивидуально.)

Adventure story Detective





Reference book

Science fiction


Historical novel

Fairy tale




Teacher: Can you guess the meaning of the words?

The intended answer: детектив, энциклопедия, фэнтези, исторический роман, триллер. (помочь перевести оставшиеся)

Teacher: And your next task is to match the genres with the definitions. Work in pairs. (ex. 2)

1. Adventure story

2. Detective

3. Horror

4. Romance

5. Encyclopedia

6. Dictionary

7. Science fiction

8. Fantasy

9. Historical novel

10. Fairy tales

11. Poetry

  1. These are books about life in the future, travelling in time or to other planets.

  2. These books tell us love stories.

  3. These books talk about crimes and someone finds out what happened.

  4. These are about real people and these stories took place in reality in the past.

  5. These books are about imaginary worlds, there is a lot of magic in them.

  6. These are books about brave and clever people, travelling around the world.

  7. These books are for children. They tell about fairies and magic.

  8. These books are written in lines, often using beautiful language.

  9. A book with lists of words of a language, which gives their meaning.

  10. A book or a set of books giving facts about many subjects.

  11. These books talk about imaginary stories to scare the readers.

Teacher: Let’s check it up. (Проверка выполнения, фронтальная работа)

Teacher: Now complete the table. Write what genres are fiction and what genres are non-fiction. Choose the words from the box. (ex. 3)

Adventure story Detective Horror Cookbook Romance Encyclopedia Dictionary Science fiction Fantasy Textbook Historical novel Autobiography Fairy tales Reference book Biography Guide-book

Fiction genres

Non-fiction genres

  1. Закрепление изученного.

  1. Задание на развитие мыслительных операций

Teacher: Match the genres with the books. Works in pairs.

  1. Adventure story

  2. Detective story

  3. Horror

  4. Science fiction

  5. Fantasy

  6. Historical novel

  7. Fairy tale

  8. Thriller

  9. Fable

  10. Biography

  1. The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury.

  2. The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris

  3. Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

  4. Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson.

  5. The Hobbit, or There and Back Again by J. R. R. Tolkien

  6. The Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde

  7. It by Stephen King

  8. The Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle

  9. Ivanhoe by Walter Scott

  10. The Raven and the Fox by Ivan Krylov

2. Обучение чтению.

Teacher: Do you like reading? (Not very much. It’s boring. We prefer watching films./ Yes, I do. It’s interesting.)

Is it difficult for you to choose a book to read? (Yes, it is.)

Look. We have some ideas below. Read them and say if they are good or bad ones to do when you choose a book. (ex.5).

  1. Ask your friends and other people for ideas about what books to read.

  2. Let other people decide a book for you to read.

  3. Read the back of the book (the blurb) before you begin.

  4. Read the first page or two of the book.

  5. Choose long books.

  6. Stop reading the book if you don’t like it.

Listen and check if you were right. (Просмотр видеофрагмента)

  1. Обучение аудированию.

Listen again and put the tips in the order they appear.

___Read the information on the back.

___Choose a book you want to read.

___Stop if you don’t like the book.

___Ask other people for ideas.

___See how long the book is.

__Think about your interest.

  1. Обучение устной речи

Teacher: Try to tell about your favourite genre and book.

  • It’s not easy to choose a book for me.

  • My favourite genre is …..

  • My favourite book is ….

  • It is about ( love, friendship, adventures, travelling, crime, magic, famous people)

  • I highly recommend to read this book.

V. Подведение итогов

Teacher: So, our lesson is coming to an end. What was the goal of our lesson?

The intended answer: To learn different genres.

Teacher: Do you know them now?

The intended answer: Yes, we do.

Teacher: So, the goal is achieved. Well done!

Рефлексия учебной деятельности

T.: Think of our lesson. Did you like it or not? Will you remember it? Why? Look at the board and continue the sentence.

I will remember this lesson because

  • the atmosphere was kind and positive.

  • we learnt many new words and phrases.

  • the teacher smiled and helped me.

  • it was not very difficult to practice listening.

  • I think it was a good training of speaking.

  • I learnt to speak fluently and confidently.

  • I know different kinds of books.

Дать возможность высказаться каждому.

  1. Домашнее задание.

Teacher: Your home task is to tell about a book you are reading now or want to read.

Рабочий лист для студентов



The Goal________________________________________

  1. Match the beginning and the end of the proverbs. Work in pairs.

  1. Life without books is

  1. is power.

  1. A room without books

  1. what exercise is to the body.

  1. Reading

  1. is like a body without a soul.

  1. Tell me what you read

  1. as a tree without leaves.

  1. Reading is to the mind

  1. and I will tell you what you are.

1)­­­____ 3)______ 5)_____

2)____ 4)_____

2. Match the genres with the definitions. Work in pairs.

1. Adventure story­­____

2. Detective ____

3. Horror ____

4. Romance____

5. Encyclopedia____

6. Dictionary____

7. Science fiction___

8. Fantasy____

9. Historical novel___

10. Fairy tales____

11. Poetry____

  1. These are books about life in the future, travelling in time or to other planets.

  2. These books tell us love stories.

  3. These books talk about crimes and someone finds out what happened.

  4. These are about real people and these stories took place in reality in the past.

  5. These books are about imaginary worlds, there is a lot of magic in them.

  6. These are books about brave and clever people travelling around the world.

  7. These books are for children. They tell about fairies and magic.

  8. These books are written in lines, often using beautiful language.

  9. A book with lists of words of a language, which gives their meaning.

  10. A book or a set of books giving facts about many subjects.

  11. These books talk about imaginary stories to scare the readers.

3. Write what genres are fiction and what genres are non-fiction. Choose the words from the box.

Adventure story Detective Horror Cookbook Romance Encyclopedia Dictionary Science fiction Fantasy Textbook Historical novel Autobiography Fairy tales Reference book Biography Guide-book

Fiction genres

Non-fiction genres

4. Match the genres with the books. Work in pairs.

  1. Adventure story

  2. Detective story

  3. Horror

  4. Science fiction

  5. Fantasy

  6. Historical novel

  7. Fairy tale

  8. Thriller

  9. Fable

  10. Biography

  1. The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury.

  2. The Silence of the Lambs by Thomas Harris

  3. Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

  4. Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson.

  5. The Hobbit, or There and Back Again by J. R. R. Tolkien

  6. The Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde

  7. It by Stephen King

  8. The Hound of the Baskervilles by Arthur Conan Doyle

  9. Ivanhoe by Walter Scott

  10. The Raven and the Fox by Ivan Krylov

1._____ 4._____ 7._______ 10.______

2.______ 5._____ 8._______

3._____ 6._____ 9._______

5. James gives ideas about how to choose an interesting book for you. Decide if you think the ideas below good ones to do or bad ones to do.

  1. Ask your friends and other people for ideas about what books to read.______

  2. Let other people decide a book for you to read.__________

  3. Read the back of the book (the blurb) before you begin.______

  4. Read the first page or two of the book.__________

  5. Choose long books.______

  6. Stop reading the book if you don’t like it._______

  7. Start a blog._______

Listen and check if you were right.

6.Listen again and put the tips in the order they appear.

___Read the information on the back.

___Choose a book you want to read.

___Stop if you don’t like the book.

___Ask other people for ideas.

___See how long the book is.

­___Think about your interest.

Hometask. Tell about a book you are reading or would like to read.

My favourite genre is …..

I am reading ….. by……

I would like to read …… by……..

It is about… ( love, friendship, adventures, travelling, crime, magic, famous people)

My …(friend, teacher, mum, dad) recommended this book to me.



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