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Конспект урока по английскому языку: "Описание людей. Контроль навыков письма"

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Описание людей. Контроль навыков письма

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«Конспект урока по английскому языку: "Описание людей. Контроль навыков письма"»

Тема: Описание людей. Контроль навыков письма.


Обучающие: развитие умений описывать внешность и характер человека (контроль навыков письма)

Развивающие: развитие умений продуктивного письма( использовать все правила написания описательного письма: вступление, главная часть и заключение).

Воспитательные: освоение норм правильного построения письма.


Ход урока

1. Приветствие.

2. Постановка целей урока. Мотивирование на урок.

3. Введение в модуль. Вводная беседа.

4. Опрос домашнего задания:упр.8б стр.18 Устный опрос.

5.Введение в модуль 1е Контроль письма.

Упр.1 стр.18 Чтение инструкции

Упр.2 стр.18 развитие навыков поискового чтения, сопоставление заголовков с абзацами.

Answer Key A personality and justifications ― para 3 B comments and feelings ― para 5 C name and when/where/how met ― para 1 D physical appearance ― para 2 E interests ― para 4

Упр.2бстр.18 поиск слов из упр.2, которые соответствуют заголовкам из упр.3

Suggested Answer Key

para 1: School was boring until a new girl with a strange name joined the class. para 2: Everyone agrees that Sunny is very attractive. para 3: Sunny is a really sociable character. para 4: She always makes sure she has plenty to do. para 5: Sunny is the best friend I have.

Упр.3 стр.19

Answer Key HEIGHT: tall

BUILD: slender

AGE: late teens

COMPLEXION: dark-skinned

FACE: attractive, high cheekbones, long, oval

HAIR: shoulder-length, brown, ponytail

EYES: almond-shaped

CLOTHES: fashionable

Упр.3б описание по образцу упр.3а

Suggested Answer Key 1 Jane is quite good-looking. She’s slim with a round face and brown curly hair. She’s pale- skinned with an upturned nose. She always looks well-dressed in fashionable clothes.

2 Bob is tall with short red hair. He is in his mid-thirties with a freckled face and a long nose. He loves to dress in formal clothes.

3 Megan is in her fifties and has shoulder- length grey hair. She has a heart-shaped face and sad eyes.

4 Steve is tall and well-built. He shaves his head because he is going bald but he keeps a goatee because he says his chin is too pointy.

5 Laura is short for her age and quite petite. She has an oval face with a cheeky grin that is framed by her long brown hair usually in a ponytail.

Упр.4 стр.19 подобрать к прилагательным описания и составить предложения .Работа с ЛЕ

Answer Key 1 e 3 b 5 c 7 i 9 j 2 g 4 h 6 a 8 d 10 f

Suggested Answer Key 1 My little brother is so energetic that he won’t sit still for one minute. 2 John’s a really easy-going guy and nothing annoys him. 3 Dan is so talkative that I can’t get any work done. 4 My brother is too lazy to get out of bed in the morning. 5 Ira is so bossy that no one likes him at all. 6 I’m always optimistic and can see the bright side of anything.

Key 1 hard-working 5 cheerful 2 aggressive 6 generous 3 out-going 7 arrogant 4 pessimistic 8 sensitive

Упр.5 стр19 Перефраз

Suggested Answer Key 1 Andy can sometimes be rather proud. 2 My sister tends to behave immaturely. 3 He seems to be quite disorganised.

Упр.6 стр.19 Сопоставить прилагательные с описаниями

Answer Key 1 confident 3 sensitive 5 impatient 2 shy 4 moody 6 nervous

She is supportive and knows how to encourage people when they’re feeling down. She tends to be very stubborn and determined. Once she’s made up her mind about something, no one can make her change her mind.

Упр.7 стр.19 Подобрать связующие слова для составления из 2 предложений одно.

Suggested Answer Key 1 Although she is outgoing, occasionally she can be moody. 2 He is trustworthy and reliable. 3 She is sensitive, but tends to get upset easily. 4 In spite of being helpful, she tends to be immature at times. 5 He is intelligent as well as sensible. 6 He’s down-to-earth. However, he can sometimes be stubborn.

6.Упр.9 стр.20 Итоги урока

Answer Key You could describe a family member, a neighbour, someone in your local area, a famous person (alive or dead). For someone who is alive, you would use present tenses. For someone who is dead or someone you no longer see, you would use past tenses. You should write 5 paragraphs according to the paragraph plan in the Ss’ Book.

  1. Домашнее задание: упр. 9 б письменно для контроля.

Suggested Answer Key

A Person I Admire Alison and I went to secondary school together, but we didn’t become friends until she left school and I moved to the same town as her. I always thought she was different and admired her for not caring about what people thought of her. Suddenly, we found ourselves spending a lot of time together and we became really close. I have always admired her individuality and her sense of style. As you enter a room you notice her unique clothes ― bright garments that have a sense of fun. She is a qualified hairdresser, so she is always experimenting with her hair! You never know from one day to the next what she will look like! She is far from boring! Another thing I admire about Alison is her calm personality. She never seems to be in a hurry. She is both patient and caring. Moreover, she is good at giving advice. However, she does tend to take ages to make decisions and in that way she is very different from me. But, I think that she is wise not to rush into things. In her free time she likes to take up new hobbies. She is far more adventurous than I am and I often wish I was more like her. There seems to be nothing she can’t turn her hand to ― she designs jewellery, makes her own clothes and paints landscapes. She is very creative. But the most important thing of all is that she makes an effort to keep our friendship going. She regularly writes, calls and comes to visit. I think we will be very good friends for a long time to come. I sincerely hope so.




















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