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Конспект урока "Family Meals"

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Конспект урока по теме "Family Meals" (цели и задачи занятия, его этапы с подробным описанием, варианты интерактивных заданий для выполнения на уроке). На занятии тренируются навыки чтения, говорения, аудирования; активизируется лексика по теме "Питание". Предполагается активная работа учащихся, которые должны отстаивать свою точку зрения, приводить аргументы, являясь участниками дискуссии.

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«Конспект урока "Family Meals"»

Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме «Family meals»

  1. Тема урока: Семейный обед (Family Meals)

  2. Тип урока: урок изучения и первичного закрепления новых знаний

  3. Цели урока: 

  • формирование навыков поискового чтения

  • формирование умения работать с информацией, находить главное

  • формирование навыков групповой работы

  • формирование навыков монологического высказывания

  • формирование умения обобщать, делать выводы

  1. Ресурсы для проведения занятия:

  • учебник английского языка New Millenium English-10, автор - О.Л. Гроза и др.

  • медиаресурсы интернета

  • компьютер, проектор

  1. Описание хода урока:

  1. Организационный момент

Hello, everybody! I hope you are all fine today! It’s high time to get down to work!

Today we are going to talk about family meals.

  1. Актуализация темы

Now, look at the pictures on page 46. We see different people having meals together. I’d like to know if you like to have meals with your family or not and why. I think we can discuss it and find out whether family meals are important for people nowadays or not.

  1. Изучение нового материала

Работа с текстом (стр. 46-47):

  • Now try to answer my questions:

  1. Who do you think was the first to take food in the ancient times?

  2. Is it different now during official dinners?

  3. And during our family dinners?

  • Now you will read the first part of the text and try to find the answers to these questions.

  • Now you are to read the second part of the text and find out how meal times have changed. You should find some information about the following:

  1. Attitude towards children

  2. Who was top dog

  3. New rules of behavior

  4. Children’s attitude to family meals

  • Now you must find words and phrases in the text that mean the following (стр. 47):

  1. be given food

  2. food that has not been eaten

  3. be arranged

  4. have the right to be put before others because of greater importance

  5. on different holidays and celebrations

  6. ask if one may do something

  7. be made to do something

  8. force somebody to accept something

  1. Обсуждение (прием «Хорошо-плохо»)

And now we’ll play a little. Let’s divide into three groups: attorneys for defense, prosecutors and judges. Prosecutors will find out all the negative features of family meals, attorneys for defense will think about some positive aspects. The judges will try to find a compromise.

For example:

+ Family meals give us a good opportunity to get together and talk to our relatives.

  • On the contrary it is an opportunity to quarrel.

I think if we try to be tolerant and control our temper we won’t have quarrels and we’ll enjoy our family meals.

  1. Решение учебных задач (монологическое высказывание)

Now let’s try to imagine what family meals might be like in the last century.

Say 4-5 sentences about it with the help of the following words and phrases:

  • more formal

  • servants

  • strict parents

  • not allowed to speak

  • healthier food

  1. Контроль знаний, обратная связь (Метод интеллект карт - http://www.mindmeister.com/282145872)

Today we have talked much about positive and negative aspects of family meals and now I think we can make up our common mindmap to reflect all the opinions.

Ожидаемые ответы:

  • It’s an opportunity for all members of the family to talk to each other in a friendly atmosphere.

  • Family meals reflect a country’s culture and traditions.

  • Family meals can be great fun.

  • It’s an opportunity for parents to demonstrate their power and importance.

  • It is necessary for children to obey strict rules.

  • Sometimes arguments across the table create tension in the family.

  1. Рефлексия (прием «Телеграмма»)

So, we have discussed family meals a lot today. I hope you’ll find this information useful. And at the same time there is something to think about. Now each of you will try to formulate a short wish to your neighbour, which must be connected with our today’s topic, and then you must exchange them.

  1. Домашнее задание

Your home task is to prepare a short story about your family meals.

  1. Подведение итогов и выставление оценок


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