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Конспект урока по теме «Symbols of Great Britain».

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Конспект урока: «Symbols of Great Britain». 9 класс.

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«Конспект урока по теме «Symbols of Great Britain».»

Тема урока: «Symbols of Great Britain». Класс-9 Дата-22.11.2016

Задачи урока: Контроль усвоения изученной лексики. Тренировка речемыслительных навыков. Развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи.

Цели урока:

обучающие: повторение и закрепление нового лексического материала по теме: «Great Britain. British Symbols»; приобретение практических навыков при работе с диалогами и монологами; формирование страноведческих навыков; приобретение практических навыков поведения в конкретной речевой ситуации;
развивающие: развитие навыков диалогической речи по теме «Britain. British Symbols»; повышение мотивации учащихся к общению на английском языке; развитие творческих способностей и фантазии учащихся;
воспитательные: воспитание культуры общения на английском языке; воспитание уважения к культуре страны изучаемого языка;

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент. Ознакомление с задачами урока.

T: Good morning, everybody! I am glad to see you. Is anybody absent today? All are present. Excellent! There are guests present at our lesson. Don,t be confused and work as well as you usually do.

  1. T: Our lesson today is about British symbols. Well, let's start. Look at the screen, the first slide. What does it show?

P1 P2: The floral emblems of the UK, four flags and some places of interest.

T: Let,s go on. Here,s a map of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Some people call the country Great Britain. Others don,t see the difference between Great Britain and England. Do you know what the official name of the country is.

P: It,s the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

T: By the way do you know how many countries there are in the UK?

P: There are four of them: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

T: How many countries are there in Great Britain?

P: Three: England, Scotland and Wales.

T: So, let,s summarize what the difference between the UK and Great Britain is.

PP give their answers.

T: The next step: I,d like you to name the capitals of the four countries.

PPs, answers.

III. T: The UK is an interesting country with unusual history, tourist attractions and symbols. We are interested to know about the floral emblems.

P: Each country in the UK has its own patron saint and floral emblem. The Tudor rose is the national symbol of England. It symbolizes the end of the Wars of Roses.

T: Scotland is the second largest country of the UK. Who is eager to speak about its emblem?

P: Well, the national emblem of Scotland is the thistle.

It is a purple flower which was first used in the 15th century as a symbol of defence.

The thistle has been a Scottish symbol for more than 500 years.

It was found on ancient coins and coats of arms.

T: Then comes the third country of Great Britain – Wales. I wonder if you know its symbol.

P: The national flower of Wales is the daffodil which is traditionally worn on St. David,s Day.

T: Ok, my darlings. Which is the fourth country of the UK?

P: It,s Northern Ireland.

T: Will you speak about its national peculiarities?

P: The national flower of Northern Ireland is the shamrock, it is similar to the clover. It,s a symbol of trinity. All Irishmen wear a shamrock on St. Patrick,s Day on the 17th of March.

IV. T: Now we are coming to the next slide. What do you see on the screen now?

P: This is the national flag of the UK. It is called the Union Jack. It was officially adopted on the 1st of January, in 1801.

T: It,s interesting to know more facts about the Union Jack.

P: The flag of the UK is a combination of the flags of England (the cross of St. George), Scotland (the cross of St. Andrew) and Ireland (the cross of St. Patrick).

T: Here comes the flag of Scotland. Speak on this, please.

P: The flag of Scotland dates to the 12th century. It is one of the oldest country flags. It is a flag with a diagonal cross whose arms extend to the corners of the flag.

T: I want you to summarize the structure of the flag of the UK.

P: The flag of the UK is made up of three crosses: the flag of England (St. George,s Cross), The flag of Scotland (St. Andrew,s Cross) and the flag of Northern Ireland (St. Patrick,s Cross).

T: By the way, boys and girls, what flag of what country is not presented on the flag of the UK?

P: Wales.

V. The Pause.

T: Boys and girls, I know that you like English and you, re good singers of English songs. Do you know anything about the British group “The Beatles”?

P: “The Beatles” were founded in 1956. Their first name was “The Quarrymen”. The leading singer of the group was John Lennon. “The Quarrymen changed their name to The Silver Beatles” in 1960 and then later they became “The Beatles”.

T: Ok! And now, children, let,s sing the song from the “Beatles”

V. T: I,d like to offer you the test about British holidays.

  1. English people celebrate on the 1st of April:

    1. The day of laughter.

    2. April Fool,s Day.

    3. Clown,s Day.

  2. English people celebrate Father,s Day:

    1. In June.

    2. In July.

    3. In August.

  3. English people celebrate Easter:

    1. On the 1st of May.

    2. On the 1st of March.

    3. At the end of March or in April.

  4. In Britain the school year begins:

    1. On the first Tuesday of September.

    2. On the first Monday of September.

    3. On the first of September.

  5. English people celebrate St. Patrick,s Day:

    1. On the 17th of March.

    2. On the 14th of February.

    3. On the 1st of May.

  6. English people celebrate Mother,s Day:

    1. In June.

    2. In May.

    3. In April.

VI. T: Our lesson is coming to the end

VII. Thank you for the lesson, boys and girls. You,ve done a lot of work today and you,ve done it well. Good bye.


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