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Конспект урока "Travellers’ stories"

Нажмите, чтобы узнать подробности

to read non-fiction texts for specific information

to revise the Present Simple, Present continuous and present perfect verb forms

to use cues to write a travel questionnaire and then ask and answer the questions

to distinguish the pronunciation of ‘s in contractions in sentences such as He’s gone and Mike’s a nice man 

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«Конспект урока "Travellers’ stories"»

Урок английского языка в 9 классе

Гончарова А.С., учитель английского языка средней общеобразовательной школы-гимназии №17 г.Актобе

Предмет английский язык Класс 9 «А»

Тема занятия:

Travellers’ stories


http://www.benedictallen.com/about_Benedict_Allen.htm, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christina_Dodwell


to read non-fiction texts for specific information

to revise the Present Simple, Present continuous and present perfect verb forms

to use cues to write a travel questionnaire and then ask and answer the questions

to distinguish the pronunciation of ‘s in contractions in sentences such as He’s gone and Mike’s a nice man

Результаты обучения:

to develop sts’ reading skills

to refresh sts’ knowledge of the tense and use them in sts’ speech

to respect classmates, sts to work in groups and pairs

to develop sts’ interest to travelling

Ключевые понятия

Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect




Содержание урока

Деятельность учителя: что я буду делать?

Деятельность учащихся

1 min

10 min

reading for specific information

Greetingeachother: goodmorning, sts! Today we are travelers who has returned home. let’s meet each other like after 10 years…(1 month, 1 week, 1 day, 1 hour) now you have pairs

stand in 2 lines and meet each other and make pairs

video, projector, sts books

Before you start:

  1. Video: today we’ll read about 2 travelers let’s watch the videos about them

  2. Now look at the pictures and read the questions scan the text and find the answers to the questions (…) now let’s check

  3. Look through the texts again and tell which person would give each answer (…) now let’s check

  1. Sts watch the videos

  1. Sts do the tasks in pairs, check the answers with the class

  1. Sts do the tasks in pairs, check the answers with the class

2 min


Option: (discussion) Have you ever travelled in any of the same ways? Which of these ways would you like to travel? Which of the countries would you like to travel? (give reasons)

Sts: give answers, discuss, give reasons

2 min

cards with words

Division into 2 groups: give cards to sts and they make 2 groups (PrCont and PrPerf) (cards with words which are used in these tenses)

find their group with the help of cards

5 min

discovery approach communication

sts book, tabte with tenses


  1. Ex 3One group work with one text. Each group identify the tenses in the underlined sen-s in their text and match them with the uses.

  2. Theyfindsomemoreexamplesinthetexts.

  1. Each group work and tell their answers to the class the other group note the answeers

10 min

sts book, cards


  1. Ex 4Which people could not say the sen-s? Why couldn’t they say them?

  2. Ex5 Read the text quickly and guess the meaning of new words (botanist, orchid, rare, rheumatism, properties) check the meaning in the Mini-dictionary (…) Checking: each group read the sentences in chain

  3. Division into 4 groups: each of the sts takes the card with different colour

  4. Ex 6 read the examples. Each group write sen-s for their verbs (…) read the sentences to the class

  1. Sts give the answers and give suggestions for what the people could say

  2. Sts put the verbs in one of the tenses. Each group read the sen-s one by one, the other check the answer

  1. Sts divide into 4 groups

  1. Each group write sen-s and then read them to the class

3 min

video, projector

Video: Ералаш: Турист 89

Дополнительные задания

7 min

photos of the travelers

Game: “OurExpedition”: In groups,planyourexpedition. Think about: the objective of the expedition, the people and their jobs during the expedition, transport, most important things to take…

sts work in groups (task may be left for the Home task)

3 min


Reflection of the lesson: Today we have read about 2 travelers, reviewed the tenses, discuss how to prepare for the expedition.

sts tell what they like/ don’t like, difficulties…

2 min

Marks for the lesson

Home task find information about a traveler/ explorer

Анализ урока

Что прошло хорошо?

Ученикам понравилось приветствие. Оно сблизило их и подняло настроение. Ученики хорошо работали в группах, активно выполняя задания. Во время урока дети использовали диалогическую речь на английском языке работая в парах, группах, учавствовали в дисскусиях с учителем.

Что было не так хорошо?

Темп работы был не достаточно быстрый. Учителю было необходимо постоянно подгонять учащихся. Не все учащиеся обладали достаточными знаниями о изучаемых грамматических структурах.

На какие сильные стороны вы можете полагаться?

Умение работать в группа помогает учащимся быстрее выполнять задания. Большинство учащихся обладают достаточными знаниями по изучаемой теме. Они активно корректировали работу отстающих учащихся, помогая им лучше усвоить материал.

Что можете вы развить?

Продолжить работу над сближением класса. Улучшить темп работы учащихся. Автоматизировать использование изученных грамматических структур в устной и письменной речи.

Have worked Teach Spend Have had Have just discovered Am studying Uses Am collecting Have examined believe


at the moment


all my life







Verb+ ed

for 20 years

verb+ ing


Verb 3

since 1999

Present Perfect

Present Continuous


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