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Конспект урока в 7 классе по теме "Shopping list"

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Этот урок разработан на базе учебника Юхнель Н.В., Наумова Е.Г., Демченко Н.В., английский язык, 7 класс. Главные цели изадачи : активизация лексики по теме "Покупки", введение грамматического материала (наречия enough, too в значении "достаточно" и "слишком")

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«Конспект урока в 7 классе по теме "Shopping list"»

Shopping list

Цель: Способствовать формированию и совершенствованию знаний по теме “Shopping”.


  • развитие навыков в восприятии и понимании речи на слух, чтении, говорении.

  • формирование умений осуществлять сотрудничество со сверстниками и с учителем

  • воспитание вежливости, доброжелательности, чувства коллективизма в ходе решения коммуникативных задач 

Ход урока

  1. Организационный этап.

  • Hello, children! 

  • How are you? (Приветственные выражения английского этикета)

  • OK. I’m glad to see you!

  • Sit down, please!

  1. Фонетическая зарядка

  • Now let’s have a phonetic drill.

  • Read the poem.

Handy Pandy Jack-a-Dandy
Stole a piece of sugar candy
From the grocer’s shoppy-shop,
And away did hoppy-hop.

  1. Вводно-мотивационный этап

  • Students, today we'll speak about shops and shopping. The topic of our lesson is "Shopping list."

  • Today we are going to

      • repeat the words on topic “Shopping”;

      • revise grammar material and learn new grammar;

      • listen to the dialogues;

      • have practice.

  1. Активизация ранее изученной лексики по теме “Shopping”

  • In what shops can you hear the following phrases?

  1. Can I have two chocolate cakes and a baguette, please?

  2. Have you got any vitamin C capsules?

  3. Do you sell board games?

  4. Excuse me, but where’s the History section?

  5. The Times and Evening News, please.

  6. I'm looking for a warm winter coat.

  1. Аудирование


  • vitamins

  • a jar of marmalade

  • a board game

  • a packet of cereal

  • a new red hat

  • some party clothes (for Nick and Rosie)

  • 10 postcards

  • some bread

  • a pair of shoes

  • Look at the board and say: what you think it is.

  • Look at the shopping list and answer the questions from ex.1 on page 34

  • Look at the board and read the adjectives.

Short, cheep, expensive, beautiful, dark, messy, striped, tidy, checked, summer, smart, formal, fantastic, boring, everyday, old-fashioned, long, bright, baggy, tight, lovely, long

  • Work in pairs. What clothes in the pictures from ex.2 on page 35 do adjectives in the box describe?

  • Whose shopping list is it? (Nick and Rosie’s granny)

  • What clothes do you think granny has bought for Nick and Rosie? Why do you think so?


  • Granny came to visit her grandchildren. Listen and say why Nick and Rosie are unhappy? (Nick and Rosie are unhappy because they don’t really like the clothes Granny has bought for them)


(Grandma (G), Nick (N) and Rosie (R) speaking.)

G: Hello, children!

N: It’s Granny! Where have you been?

R: Wow! How many bags you’ve got!

G: I’ve been doing my shopping. And I’ve bought some party clothes for you.

R: Great! Can we please, please have a look, Granny?

G: Of course, dear. My grandchildren should always look smart. This dress is for you, Rosie.

R: Oh, granny. Blue is my favourite (extremely disappointed)… colour. Oh.

G: Come on! Try it on, Rosie.

R: Well, maybe later, gran. It’s too beautiful.

G: Nick, go and try these trousers, and the shirt, and the tie on. You are old enough to wear a tie. And I’ll take you to buy some new shoes tomorrow!

N: Oh, no granny, I really can’t. All these clothes are fantastic, but they are too expensive.

N: Ha-Ha-Ha!

R: It’s not funny, Nicholas!

G: Look at you! You both look lovely! You look like a businessman, Nick. So handsome!

N: Businessmen don’t wear checked trousers these days. (mumble)

G: I think you must wear these to your Christmas party at school, too.

R: I think this dress is a bit too short for a school party, gran. But I really like it!

N: And I look too pale in this shirt and I’m so messy. I just think I’m not good enough to wear it. It’s too smart, and too expensive, and too traditional.

R: (pseudo-sadly) I don’t think I’m thin enough to wear this lovely dress.

G: Well, children, I think I’m too old-fashioned to buy clothes for you.

N+R: Oh.


  • Look at the pictures on page 35 again. What clothes has Granny chosen for Nick and Rosie? Listen again and check. (A short blue dress for Rosie, checked trousers and a shirt with a tie for Nick)

  • Who says these words? Granny (G), Nick (N), Rosie (R)?

    1. It’s too beautiful. (R)

    2. You are old enough to wear a tie. (G)

    3. All these clothes are fantastic, but they are too expensive. (N)

    4. This dress is a bit too short for a school party, Gran. (R)

    5. I look too pale in this shirt and I’m so messy. (N)

    6. I’m not good enough to wear it. (N)

    7. It’s too smart, and too expensive, and too traditional. (N)

    8. I don’t think I’m thin enough to wear this lovely dress. (R)

    9. I think I’m too old-fashioned to buy clothes for you. (G)

  • Discuss in pairs the questions from ex. 3d on page 36.

      1. Do you like the clothes that Granny bought for Nick and Rosie?

      2. Why didn’t Nick and Rosie tell Grandma that they didn’t like her present? (They try to be polite as possible as they don’t want Granny to feel bad)

  1. Зарядка для глаз

Now our eyes want some rest.

Look left, right
Look up, look down
Look around.
Look at your nose
Look at that rose
Close your eyes
Open, wink and smile.
Your eyes are happy again

  1. Введение нового грамматического материала

  • Look at the sentences on the board again and look at the box on page 36. Match the sentences with each structure.

  • Look at the happy and unhappy faces in the box. They mean the following:

if all sentences that go into the line with a happy face bear positive ideas, and negative ideas for the line with the unhappy face.

(too + adj: sentences 1,3, 4, 5, 7, 9;

not + adj + enough: sentences 6 and 8;

adj + enough: sentence 2)

  • What word is used in the meaning «слишком»?

  • What word is used in the meaning «достаточно»?

  • How to say if we don’t have something enough?

  • Where is the adverb “too” in the sentences?

  • Where is the adverb “enough” in the sentences?

  • Look at the pictures on page 36 from ex.5. Write what the problems with people’s clothes are. Use too/enough. Writ about the problems people have with their clothes, only use the structures with negative meaning. Use the word from the beginning of the lesson for help

  1. Подведение итогов

  • Let`s summarize our work. What have we done today? Did you learn something new? Did you like the lesson? What did you like best of all? If you like the lesson, raise a happy smile.  If you don't like it, show a sad one.

  • So it’s important to be positive and polite talking about someone’s look.

  • You’ve worked well and your marks are …...

  • At home you must write 5-6 sentences with the words too and enough.
    The lesson is over, thank you. Good-bye.


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