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Контрольная работа 1 курс колледжа

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«Контрольная работа 1 курс колледжа»

1 курс

1. ….. they speak German well? a) are b) do c) does d) –

2. I ,,,,,,,,,, understand this task. a) am not b) is not c) do not d) not

3. Did you see …….. yesterday? a) he b) his c) him d) she

4. Of the two films, that one is the …………. .

a) the most interesting b) most interesting c) more interesting d) the more interesting

5. The damage to the house could be ……… than we expected.

a) bad b) worse c) the worst d) the worse

6. There ……… dirty plates in the kitchen. a) are b) is c) am

7. When we went to the forest, we ……….. see fire and smoke.

a) could b) can c) must

8. I can ………… the guitar. a) to play b) playing c) play d) to playing

9. Mary’s flat is ……. the second floor. a) in b) on c) at

10. Tom will certainly come, if he …….. busy.

a) is not being b) was not c) were not d) is not

11. Peter has breakfast at half ………… seven. a) at b) past c) to d) before

12. When ………. at that college again? – In a month.

a) arrive b) arrived c) have you arrived d) will you arrive

13. The plant usually ……. good cars.

a) produce b) produces c) produced d) are producing

14. – What is your friend doing now? She ………… .

a) am watching b) is watching c) watch d) watchs

15. This teacher seldom ………. part in meeting.

a) take b) taking c) takes d) has taken

16. My boyfriend is ……… than my girlfriend.

a) stronger b) more stronger c) most strong d) strongest

17. It ………. . Take your coat.

a) is raining b) rained c) does raining d) raining

18. ………. you……. Many friends when you were in Germany?

a) did….. visit b) have ….. visit c) are visiting d) do visit

19. Read …… page at home. a) nine b) the ninth c) ninety d) the nine

19. Составьте предложение из данных слов.

Sun / to/ the/ began/ brightly/ shine.


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