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Контрольная работа, 3 класс. УМК Кузовлев В.П. (2 ЧЕТВЕРТЬ)

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Контрольная работа № 2


1. Тед и Молли отмечали свои дни рождения в один день в доме Молли. Послушай и отметь галочкой (√), что делали Молли и её родители для подготовки праздника. Ты услышишь рассказ два раза.






swept the paths




set the table




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«Контрольная работа, 3 класс. УМК Кузовлев В.П. (2 ЧЕТВЕРТЬ)»

Контрольная работа № 2

1. Тед и Молли отмечали свои дни рождения в один день в доме Молли. Послушай и отметь галочкой (√), что делали Молли и её родители для подготовки праздника. Ты услышишь рассказ два раза.




swept the paths

set the table

cooked a tasty food

cleaned the vegetables

gathered apples

made a cake

2. Распределите слова по группам в соответствии с правилами выделенных букв.

catch tale game

bike milk camp

kite pony film





3. Прочитай рассказ и поставь «+», если предложение верно, или «-», если предложение не­верно.

Little Mary lives in town. The town is big and nice. Mary is seven. She goes to school. She is a good pupil. She can read well. She has many friends. They like to go to the park. The park is nice and green. Mary and her friends take a lot of food to thе park. They like to eat apples and cakes. They like to drink milk and orange juice.

1. Mary lives in a little town.

2. Mary is a pupil.

3. Mary can't read.

4. Mary likes to go to the park.

5. Mary and her friends don't like the park.

4. Выбери нужное слово и заполни пропуски.

Образец: She has coffee for breakfast, (have/ has)

1. Tom____________in the park with his friends. (walk/walks)

2. He___________like playing football. (doesn’t/don’t)

3. Kate a nice little girl. (is/are)

4. They_________jam for breakfast, (eat/eats)

5. ________you like to help your mother? (Do/ Does)

5. Ответь на вопросы.

1. Are you a boy? —_________________________________

2. Do you live in the forest? —_________________________

3. Can you ride a horse? — ___________________________

4. Have you got many friends? —_______________________

Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.

Yes, I am./No, I am not.

Yes, I can. / No I can’t.

Контрольная работа

(внутришкольный мониторинг)

по английскому языку

за вторую четверть 2015 - 2016 учебного года

учени___ 3 класса МОУ Купанской СОШ



3 класс

Ответы к контрольной работе № 2

1. Тед и Молли отмечали свои дни рождения в один день в доме Молли. Послушай и отметь галочкой (√), что делали Молли и её родители для подготовки праздника. Ты услышишь рассказ два раза.

Hello. I’m Molly. I like my birthday and I like to celebrate it. This year we celebrated my birthday in our house. I invited my friends. My parents decided to celebrate my birthday in our garden. My dad swept the paths and my mum set the table under the trees. My mum cooked tasty food. My dad and I didn’t cook but we helped. My dad cleaned the vegetables he always does it. And I gathered apples for the cake. My mother made my favorite cake with apples. We had a great party. I liked it very much and I was happy.


her mum

her dad

swept the paths

set the table

cooked a tasty food

cleaned the vegetables

gathered apples

made a cake

2. Распределите слова по группам в соответствии с правилами выделенных букв.

catch tale game

bike milk camp

kite pony film

[eɪ] tale, game

[æ] catch, camp

[i]film, milk, pony

[aɪ] bike, kite

3.Прочитай рассказ и поставь «+», если предложение верно, или «-», если предложение не­верно.

Little Mary lives in town. The town is big and nice. Mary is seven. She goes to school. She is a good pupil. She can read well. She has many friends. They like to go to the park. The park is nice and green. Mary and her friends take a lot of food to thе park. They like to eat apples and cakes. They like to drink milk and orange juice.

1.Mary lives in a little town. -

2.Mary is a pupil. +

3.Mary can't read. -

4.Marylikes to go to the park. +

5.Mary and her friends don't like the park. -

4. Напишите форму PastSimple и перевод


Past Indefinite












was, were





5. Выберинужноесловоизаполнипропуски.

Образец: Shehas coffee for breakfast, (have/ has)

1.Tom____________in the park with his friends, (walk/walks)

2.He___________like playing football, (doesn’t/don’t)

3.Kate a nice little girl. (is/are)

4.They_________jam for breakfast, (eat/eats)

5. ________you like to help your mother? (Do/ Does)

6. Ответьнавопросы.

1.Are you a pupil? —Yes, I am./No, I am not.

2.Do you live in the forest? —Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.

3.Can you ride a horse? — Yes, I can/ No, I can’t.

4.Haveyougot manyfriends? —Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t.


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