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Контрольная работа для 6 класса

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Контрольная работа для 6 класса к УМК М.З. Биболетовой "Enjoy English" - раздел второй. УМК предлагает контрольную работу только в 1 варианте. Внеся в неё некоторые изменения, я разработала 2 варианта. Данную работу можно использовать как итоговую за 2 четверть.

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«Контрольная работа для 6 класса»

Unit 2 (Progress Check) — I Variant

I 1.Listen to the texts and match the speaker with the place

A In the zoo B In a shop C In a sports club D In the street E At school

True or false.

a) A customer would like to buy a banana ice- cream.

b) At school a student was late for the English classes.

At the zoo a boy wants to take photos of monkeys.

d) Sports club is near the shop.

II Fill in some\any, much\many

Have we got ...jam? - Yes, ...strawberry jam is in the kitchen.

How ...potatoes do you need for your salad? - Two or three. 3. Would he like ...milk?

There is ...juice in the bottle. 5. I needn't ...sugar for my coffee.

III Complete the sentences with: must, have to, need, may, can.

1. I ...not do homework today. I haven't got any. 2. The student will...take exams next year. 3. Children ...wear a school uniform. 4. The teacher says that we ...go home.

5. ...I take your pen, Pete?

IV Put the verbs in the correct form.

1. Where is Tom? - He (have) his lunch. 2. We (not finish) our project yet. We need two days. 3. There (be) very good facilities in our school. 4. Last week we (take) a very difficult Maths test. 5. Our theatre group (put on) «Tom Sawyer» next term.

V Answer the following questions:

What can people do in the zoos besides watching animals?

What do you usually have for Christmas breakfast?

When do British students have holidays?

Unit 2 (Progress Check) — II Variant

I 1.Listen to the texts and match the speaker with the place

A In a sports club B In the street C At school D In a shop E In the zoo

2. True or false.

a) A customer would like to buy a chocolate ice- cream.

b) At school a student was late for the Maths classes.

At the zoo a boy wants to take photos of mice.

d) Sports club is near the school.

II Fill in some\any, much\many

1. Can I have ...coffee? - Yes, here you are. 2. How ...does it cost?

Are there ...apples in the fridge? - Yes, there are … 4. How ...boxes of sweets do you need? 5. We haven't got ...children's books.

Complete the sentences with: must, have to, need, may, can.

1. We … use mobile phones during the breaks. 2. You ...not make noise after 11 pm. 3. Do they … wear uniform at school? 4. Students … leave the classroom after the bell. 5. I ...not get up early. I don't go to school on Saturdays.

Put the verbs in the correct form.

1. I (learn) just the poem by heart. 2. Nowadays, in most British schools student (wear) a uniform. 3. I (write) an essay about my holidays now. 4. My family (travel) abroad in a year. 5. My friend (visit) Africa a year ago.

V. Answer the following questions:

1. Why do people keep animals in zoos?

2. What do you usually have for Christmas lunch?

3. When does the school year finish in Britain?


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