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Контрольная работа по английскому языку по теме "Past Simple"

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«Контрольная работа по английскому языку по теме "Past Simple"»

Test Past Simple

1. Form Past Simple of the verbs and divide them into 3 groups according to the reading rules.

t d id

answer cook surf watch invite walk shout knock clean copy dress open visit dance close warry decide fry rush puzzle

2. Put the verbs into the correct form.

a) The policeman (to be) in our school a month ago.

b) The old lady (not to like) the book last weekend.

c) Sorry, but I (to come) late to the party.

d) We (to answer) very well at the lesson.

e) When they (to walk) in the garden?

f) Our family (not to get) a telegram last week.

g) I (not to be) at that new museum yesterday.

h) What you (to do) in the gym last Sunday?

i) Your friends (to be) at the meeting last year?

3. Make a negative sentence and some questions.

My dog jumped in the yard yesterday.

? _____________________________________________________________________

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His sister was at the cafe last weekend.

? _____________________________________________________________________

w ____________________________________________________________________

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Her Mom went to the dentist 5 days ago.

? _____________________________________________________________________

w ____________________________________________________________________

w _____________________________________________________________________



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