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Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 2 семестр 2 курса медицинского колледжа.

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 2 семестр 2 курса медицинского колледжа. 

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«Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 2 семестр 2 курса медицинского колледжа.»

Задание 1. Вставьте пропущенные слова:

1. The body has over 50________________, 600___________________ , and 206____________.

2.The normal heart________________________about 70 times a minute.

3._________________belong to a family of meat-eatinganimals.

4.Dogs have 310____________and 42______________.

5. The jaws support the___________________________.

6. The skull is the bony box that encloses the_________________.

7.The______________is a protective barrier against microorganisms.

8.__________________are active structures that produce blood cells.

9.The_______________system connects the brain to the rest of the body.

10.The epidermis is constantly___________________.

11.During early childhood the arms and the legs grow_______________than the trunk and the head.

12.Aristotle’s system of plant and animal__________was in use more than 2000 years.

13.Invertebrates are animals without a_________________________________.

14.The skin is composed of two main_______________ .

15.An adult’s skin____________ about 6.6 pounds.

16.The sweat glands are situated deep in the __________.

17.The skin of the white race_________________the least melanin pigment.

18.In lower organisms there is no__________system.

19.The major structures of the human_____________________system are the heart, the blood vessels, and blood.

20. The heart is a muscular organ lying in the chest between the_________________.

Задание 2. Поставьте слова в скобках в правильную форму:

1.Blood (to transport)_____________________ oxygen from the lungs to the body cells.

2. Bones are active structures that (to produce)__________________ blood cells.

3.Nervous system (to connect)_____________________ the brain to the rest of the body through nerves.

4.Inside every living organism chemical reactions (to go on )_______________all the time.

5.Aristotle (to make)___________ thorough studies of the anatomy of animals.

6.A man’s heart beats (slow)____________ than a woman’s heart.

7.The left side of the heart is (strong) _________________than the right.

8.The skin is the (large)_______________ organ of the body. It(to compose)_________________of two main layers of cells.

9.There (to be)__________ seven classes of invertebrate animals.

10.The function of the kidneys is (to filter)____________________ blood.

11.(to live)___________________we need oxygen, food and water.

12.The blood in the capillaries must be (to replace)_________________with fresh blood.

13.The body needs vitamins and minerals (to work)________________normally.

14.Not many people (to see)________________icebergs.

15.Over million of years, different species of life (to evolve)________________.

Задание 3. Найдите в «змейке» и выпишите 12 терминов, обознача­ющих органы чувств и ощущения:


1. sense_______________





6 ._________________________

Задание 4. Прочитайте два списка ключевых слов и определите тему текстов, из которых они взяты:

Ключевые слова (1)

Ключевые слова (2)

hard tissue

muscular diaphragm

bone cells

a series of tubes

outer covering

absorb oxygen

take the place of cartilage

gas exchange

Тема 1 _______________________________________________________________________

Тема 2_______________________________________________________________________

Задание 5. Прочитайте тексты 1 и 2 и найдите в них предложения,не соответствующие их тематике (три предложения в тексте 1 и одно предложение в тексте 2). Составьте из них два новых текста (соответ­ствующие теме 1 и теме 2).

Text 1

1. The hard tissue which makes animal skeletons is called bone. 2. It is heavier than water and varies from a grayish white to a pinkish color. 3. A muscular diaphragm pumps air in and out of the lungs. 4. In babies bones are mostly made of a soft but strong material, cartilage. 5. Here the blood absorbs oxygen and gives offwaste gases.

6. During the process ofgrowth bone cells slowly take the place of cartilage and bones grow thicker and larger. 7. Air can circulate more efficiently. 8. When you are about 18 or 20, bone cells will have taken the place of most of the cartilage.

Text 2

1. The lungs of birds are quite different from the mammals’ lungs. 2. It composed of several layers of different materials. 3. In mammals lungs contain a series of branching tubes that terminate in alveoli. 4. Birds have up to nine extra air sacs to supplement their lungs, and instead of alveoli they have thin tubes (parabronchi). 5. These provide birds with a much greater surface area for absorbing oxygen. 6. Also the tissues through which gas exchange takes place are thinner than in mammals. 7. These and other features mean that bird lungs are around 80 per cent efficient than mammal’s lungs.

Задание 6. Запишите восстановленные вами тексты, поместив най­денные вами предложения в соответствии с логикой повествования.

Text 1


Text 2



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