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Контрольная работа Rainbow English по теме «The Language of the World»

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Контрольная работа для 7 класса содержит посильные задания как для слабых, так и для сильных учеников

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«Контрольная работа Rainbow English по теме «The Language of the World»»

Контрольная работа для учащихся 7 класса

по теме «The Language of the World»

1. Listen and complete the sentences.

1) The English language is… .

a) the only language people speak all over the world

b) one of the languages people speak all over the world

c) one of three languages people speak all over the world

2) Nastya says it is important to know English… .

a) for her future profession

b) to make more friends

c) while abroad

3) Nastya finds it …. .

a) fun to have pen friends

b) helpful to have pen friends

c) great to have pen friends

4) Nastya does a lot of things to know English better but she doesn’t … .

a) keep a diary in English

b) watch English television

c) work with dictionaries

2. Read the text and answer the questions.

English has become an international language. It is a mother tongue in England, but it is also a native tongue in the other home countries of the United Kingdom, in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Republic of Ireland South Africa, and others. 380 million people speak English as their first language.

English is very important in the world, because people need it in military, economic, scientific, political and cultural parts of their lives. It is also very popular in cinema, music, science, and the Internet. English is now the most widely learned second language in the world.

Many students need to learn English at schools and grown ups (взрослые) learn business English for their work because people speak and learn English everywhere. It is also, the official language for airport communication.

1. Where does the English Language come from?

2. Where do people speak this language as their mother language?

3. Why do people need English?

4. Do only pupils learn English?

5. And you? Why do you need this language?

3. Open the brackets use the correct form of Present Perfect.

1. Roy says (he never be) to the British Museum.

2. (you speak yet) to Mr Williams?

3. Jane why are you in the playroom? (you eat already) your lunch?

4. Sally and Brian (just begin) to learn a new language and can’t pronounce the words correctly.

5. The bell for the lesson (already ring).

6. My mother (take yet) my sister to school.

7. I (always prefer) Mathematics to languages.

8. English (borrow) a lot of words from other European languages.

4. Use the new words in the correct forms to complete the sentences.

1. I like it when it is hot in summer and the sky is c… .

2. Jane f… her parents into the room and closed the door.

3. There are a lot of h… people in big cities. They don’t have a place to sleep.

4. Mike d… the film, he said it was terrible.

5. Last Thursday our teacher made a s… at the school meeting.

6. In the end of every English book you can find a v… that will help you to learn new words.

7. Every day we c… a lot of textbooks to school.

8. The Browns is a c…. family. They don’t have children.

9. The sound of music was too l… I couldn’t sleep.

10. That’s very boring to be the o… child. It’s sad if you don’t have brothers or sisters.

5. Fill in the gaps with prepositions in, to, back, from, out where necessary.

1. When I was a schoolboy I have always preferred PE … Literature.

2. Sally is a smart girl, she speaks …. French, Italian and English fluently.

3. The teacher handed …. our tests in the beginning of the lesson.

4. She took my dictionary, looked the word up and handed it … to me.

5. I have never been … Italy before. I really like this place.

6. Russian borrows a lot of words … English today.

7. I always follow … my teacher’s advice (совет) and learn all the words.

8. The lesson is over, hand … your copybooks, please.


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