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Контрольный тест Спотлайт 6 (Модуль 1)

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«Контрольный тест Спотлайт 6 (Модуль 1)»

TEST-6 (Module 1)






  1.  Translate into English:

1. Это дочь моей тёти. Ей 11 лет.­­­___________________________________________________

2. Кто ты по национальности? – Я немец. .­­­_________________________________________

3. Я живу на юго-востоке Москвы._______________________________________________

4. Этот членский билет - мой .­­­___________________________________________________

5. Мари - женщина средних лет.­­­_____________________________________________________

II. Tick (√) the correct sentence.

    6. Their granny is a postman. ____

   7.  It’s her book. _____

    8. Is she yours sister?. ____

9. We’s mum is beautiful.____

10. Our mum is beautiful.____

    III. Rewrite the sentences in the plural.

   11. This is a fish.___________________________________________________________________

   12. That girl is my cousin .____________________________________________________________

   13. This man has got a car. .__________________________________________________________

  14. This camera is new._______________________________________________________________

  1. I like this car ._________________________________________________________________

    1. Fill in the missing words.

  2. Brazil- …

  3. … - British

  4. … - Canadian

  5. … - American

  6. Spain-…

  7. … -Polish

  8. Russia -…

  9. … -Japanese

  V. Rewrite the sentences using the possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns.

      e.g. This is Maria’s house. --   This is her house. This house is hers.

  1. That is my sister’s doll._________________________________________________________

  2.   Those are Clara and Ken’s cameras. _______________________________________________

  3.   This is my dad’s new car .______________________________________________________

  4.   These CDs belong to me and my brother. _____________________________________________

  5.   This bike belongs to me.________________________________________________________

VI. Fill in the gaps with am, is, are, have, has.

  29. What ________ your brothers’ names?

  30. He ________ got a computer on the desk.

  31. I ________ Pam’s new friend.

  32. His box ____________ full of toys.

33. _______ they got favourite pets?

VII. Choose the correct word.

  1. Clark is Phillip and Karen`s dad. He`s your/their dad.

  2. Dave is Jill`s husband. He`s his/her husband.

  3. My grandpa is old. He`s in our/his seventies.

  4. My family all live here. This is our/your house.

  5. That is his/mine computer.

  6. Give the camera back to Matt. It`s him/his.

  7. Dover is at/in the south of England.

  8. Cardiff is the capital at/of Wales.

  9. Beth and Steve are Kate/Pam`s parents.

  10. Kelly is Peter`s and Sue`s/Peter and Sue`s daughter.

VIII. Complete the sentences with the correct words .

  1. My grandparents are in their … sixtieth.

  2. My father is … , to my mother.

  3. What … are you? - I`m Russian.

  4. What … do you mean?

  5. I`ve got a brother. We are ….

  6. Her … name is Diana Action.

  7. Can I look at your … license?


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