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Контрольные работы по английскому языку

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      Контрольно - измерительные материалы по результатам изучения учебной дисциплины  английский язык ориентированы на проверку степени достижения требований к минимуму содержания и уровню подготовки обучающихся в соответствии с ФГОС и является основополагающим документом для организации контроля ЗУН обучающихся в учебном процессе.    Предназначены для преподавателей техникума.

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«Контрольные работы по английскому языку»

Министерство образования и науки Республики Бурятия

Хоронхойский филиал ГБОУ СПО «БРТСиПТ»



Английский язык

Хоронхой 2014

Согласовано: УТВЕРЖДАЮ

На заседании ЦК ООД Заведующая УЧ

___________Буянтуева И.И.

ПредседатетьЦ К ООД

_____________Бутусина Т.В. «__»_________2014 г

«__»_________2014 г.

Составлено в соответствии с ФГОС

и рабочей программой

учебной дисциплины


по специальности: 260807«Технология продукции общественного питания»


преподаватель химии Бутусина Т.В.

Контрольно - измерительные материалы по результатам изучения учебной дисциплины английский язык ориентированы на проверку степени достижения требований к минимуму содержания и уровню подготовки обучающихся в соответствии с ФГОС и является основополагающим документом для организации контроля ЗУН обучающихся в учебном процессе. Предназначены для преподавателей техникума.

Контрольная работа №1 «Местоимения»

Задание №1. Вставьте правильное возвратное местоимение

  1. The girl has hurt …

  2. He put the fire out by …

  3. She is looking at … in the mirror.

  4. They are serving …

  5. He cooked the food by …

  6. They bought this house for …

  7. They are enjoying …

  8. He introduced …

Задание №2. Вставьте правильное притяжательное местоимение

  1. A: Have you met … new neighbours yet?

B: No. I’ve seen … children in the garden, though.

  1. A: What’s wrong with Rosie? B: Oh, she’s been having problems with … back recently.

  2. A: I like … shirt. It’s like Sandra’s. B: Actually, it is …. I borrowed it from her yesterday.

Задание №3. Напишите правильно условные предложения.

  1. If he …(not/notice) the mould in one of his glasses, Alexander Fleming … (never/discover) penicillin.

  2. If he …(sell) some of his paintings, Van Gogh … (get) some recognition.

  3. If Barbara Streisand … (change) the shape of her nose, her career … (never/ be) the same.

  4. If Anne Sullivan … (not/teach) her, Helen Keller … (not/be able to) communicate.

  5. If Naomi Campbell …(not be) so beautiful, she … (never/become) a super model.

  6. If I … (not/watch) the late film, I … (not /feel) so tired now.

  7. If I (have) money, I … (buy) a car myself.

  8. If I (live) in a big house, I could (invite) friends.

Контрольная работа №2 «Грамматика»

В работе затрагиваются темы: употребление have/has got, do/does, like/likes, образование множественного числа имен существительных, а также предлоги места.

Задание №1. Вставьте правильный вспомогательный глагол: Do, Does, Don`t или Doesn`t?

1. ______ he like swimming? – Yes, he ______.

2. ______ you like singing? – No, we _______.

3. ______ your mother like playing football? – No, she ______.

4. ______ they like drawing? – Yes, they _____.

5. ______ Bob and Tom like reading? – No, they _______.

6. _____ your sisters like riding? – Yes, they _______.

7. _____ Mary like playing computer games? – No, she ______.

Задание №2.  Исправьте ошибки в предложении.

Зачеркните неверное слово и на свободной строчке напиши нужное. Пример: I likes watching TV. like

1. My sister like swimming. ________

2. I doesn`t like playing football. ________

3. My father don`t like playing computer games. ________

4. She like swimming. ___________

5. We likes playing tennis. ___________

6. Tom and Bob doesn`t like reading. _________

7. My sister like riding. _________

8. My friends likes playing computer games.

9. I doesn`t like swimming. _______

Задание №3. Вспомни правило употребления AND и OR в предложении. Вставьте пропущенные слова and или or.

I like playing football ____ basketball. My sister doesn`t like swimming ____ riding. She likes reading ____ drawing. My brother likes singing ____ watching TV. My father doesn`t like watching TV ____ playing tennis. He likes swimming ___ riding.

Задание №4. Посмотри в таблицу и напиши предложения по примеру.

Andy likes swimming but he doesn`t like reading.

Polly likes________________________

Tom likes________________________

Sue likes ________________________

Pete likes ________________________

I. Вставьте like или likes:

1. My brother _____swimming. My sister ______ reading.

2. I _____ drawing. I don`t _____ singing.

3. He doesn`t ______ playing football. He ______ playing basketball.

4. We _____ riding. We don`t ______ playing computer games.

5. They ______ swimming. They don`t ______ reading.

6. Bob ______ drawing. He doesn`t _______ singing.

7. Mary and Ann _____ watching TV. They don`t ____ reading.

Контрольная работа №3 «Работа с предложениями и диалогом»

Задание №1. Complete the sentences choosing the right word.

  1. This is the best film I`ve seen late/lately.

  2. The stadium is near/nearly my school.

  3. Peter worked hard/hardly last month.

  4. Look! The bird is flying high/highly in the sky.

  5. She was very tired and could hard/hardly speak.

Задание №2. Read the dialogue. Mark the statements true (T) or false (F).

- Good afternoon, Mrs. Kein. Come in, please. Take a seat.

- Good afternoon, Doctor. Glad to see you.

- Haven't seen you long. Is anything wrong again?

- I feel well, thank you. I've come to you because my husband seems to be seriously ill but he's so obstinate that he'll never visit you!

- Well, I see. So what's happened to him?

- He had a crash the other day and badly damaged the car. Besides I'm afraid he's got some serious injuries. Something's happened to his neck, right shoulder and right leg. He can hardly move. I don't know how can I bring him to you. Somebody's given him a suspicious ointment and he is constantly rubbing it in his sore spots.

- Great! No comments! Unfortunately I can't treat your husband at a distance. Try to explain him that he must go to the hospital, have his shoulder, neck and leg X-rayed and then come to me. I'll certainly help him.

- Thank you, Doctor. I'll make another attempt.

- See you later. You and your husband both!

1. Mrs. Kein had a crash

2. Mr. Kein didn`t want to go to the doctor.

3. Mr. Kein had problems with his neck, shoulders and legs.

4. The doctor wants Mr.Kein to visit him immediately.

5. Mrs.Keincan brings her husband to the doctor.

Задание №3. Translate into English

  1. Цветок пахнет очень приятно.

  2. Он говорил сердито.

  3. Она казалась счастливой.

  4. Это звучит великолепно.

  5. Он выглядит грустным.

Задание №4. Put the adverbs in the correct form.

  1. Please speak (loud)! I can`t hear you!

  2. Kate speaks German (bad) than Paul, but he writes (well).

  3. The sportsman ran (fast) than he had ever run before.

  4. Could you say it (slowly), please?

  5. Which film do you like (well) of all?

Контрольная работа №4 «Прилагательные и наречия»

Задание №1. Выбери правильный вариант:

  1. больше

а) the biggest б) the biger в) bigger

  1. красивее

а) nice б)nicer в)more nice

  1. самый простой

а) simpleer б) simpler в)simplest

  1. вежливый

а) more polite б) the most polite в) polite

  1. самый дорогой

а) more expensive б) the most expensive в) the expensivest

  1. дешевле

а) cheaper б) more cheaper в)more cheap

  1. самый удобный

а) the more comfortable б)the most comfortable в)comfortablest

  1. счастливее

а) more happy б) happier в) happyer

  1. старее

а) the oldest б) oldest в) older

  1. самый добрый

а) the kindest б) kinder в) the most kindest

Задание №2. Choose the right form in the brackets to complete the sentences.

My words sounded unexpectedly (loud/loudly) in the silence of the empty house.

I’m afraid I’ve got a cold, I’m not feeling (good/well). I won’t go for a walk.

This perfume smells too (sweet/sweetly), I don’t think I will buy it.

The old woman looked (sad/sadly) at me. And I didn’t know what to say.

Granny, this cake smells quite (bad/badly) let’s throw it away.

My sister looks very (beautiful/ beautifully) in this new dress.

I’ve got an excellent mark today so I’m feeling quite (good/well).

He worked (hard/hardly) last and now we can see the results.

This song sounds (perfect/perfectly). I like it very much.

She feels (happy/happily) as she has passed all the exams.

The children seem very (excitedly/excited) today. What has happened to them?

We could hardly talk at the concert hall as the music was playing very (loud/loudly).


1.loud; 2.well; 3.sweet; 4.sadly; 5.bad; 6.beautiful; 7.good; 8.hard; 9.perfect; 10.happy; 11. excited; 12. loudly.

Контрольная работа №5 «Модальные глаголы».

Задание №1. Выберите правильный модальный глагол:

1. The weather . . . change tomorrow. а) may b) must c) should

2. She ... to finish school in a year. a) may b) has c) is 

3. The water is cold, you . . . swim. a) can b) can't c) must

4. I ... to cover the whole distance on foot. a) can b) have c) must

5. ... you help me? a) could b) should c) must

6. I'm afraid the weather . . . change for the worse. a) must b) may c) should

7. Somebody will ... to meet her. a) ought to b) need c) have to

8. He ... speak three foreign languages. a) can b) may c) must

9. You . . . work hard at your English if you want to know it.

  1. can b) may c) must

10. You . . . not go out, the lesson is not over yet. a) can b) may c) have

11. He ... be in this room. a) must b) is c) has

12. You feel bad, you . . . see a doctor. a) needn't b) should c) can

13. I ... walk, there is a bus going there. a) needn't b) mustn't c) can't

14. The sky is dark. It ... rain soon. a) may b) should c) has to

15. The lights are on. They ... be at home. a) may b) must c) are to

16. You ... to come here again. a) must b) should c) have


1)a; 2)c; 3)b; 4)b; 5)a; 6)b; 7)b; 8)a; 9)c; 10)b; 11)a; 12)b; 13)a; 14)a; 15)b; 16)c;

Задание №2. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Я умею плавать очень хорошо.
2. Можно войти?
3. Он умеет говорить по-английски?
4. Вам следует говорить по-английски.
5. Здесь можно курить? - Нет, нельзя.
6. Мы не должны приходить домой поздно.
7. Нам нужна ваша помощь.
8. Мне читать и переводить текст или выполнять контрольную работу?
9. Ему разрешат прийти сюда.
10. Я смогу сделать это завтра.
11. Они должны были купить эту книгу вчера.
12. Мы должны будем навестить его на следующей неделе.

Задание №3. Поставьте вместо точек нужный по смыслу английский модальный глагол:

1. Let’s ask mother. She . . . know his address.
2. You . . . drink cold water if you don't want to fall ill.
3. ... you help me?- I am afraid not.
4. You . . . interrupt me when I am speaking.
5. Pupils ... talk during the lesson.
6. It ... rain, take your raincoat.
7. My father ... be at his office now as it is 8 o'clock already.
8. ... I switch on the radio? - Yes, you . . .
9. ... I smoke here? - No, you . . .
10. You . . . take my pencil for a moment. 
11.I ... finish this work today. I am tired.
КЛЮЧ: 1) must; 2) haven’t; 3) can; 4) shouldn’t; 5); musn’t; 6) may; 7) must; 8) may, may; 9) may, may not; 10) may; 11) can’t;

Итоговая контрольная работа №6

Задание №1. Match the words with the definitions and translate them.

1 dress code

  1. To support a person or an idea that your believe is right

2 to take away

  1. A set of rules about what you should wear

3 to go ahead

  1. To stop yourself from showing your feelings

4 to suppress

  1. A symbol that represents an organisation or company

5 in favour of

  1. The name that a company chooses for its product

6 to back

  1. To remove something

7 logo

  1. Simple in design with no decoration

8 plain

  1. Extremely fashionable

9 brand name

  1. To continue to do something

10 trendy

  1. To support something/someone

 Задание №2. Choose the correct answer.

  1. Mary was a very talented girl. She … read when she was only four.

  1. Can

  2. Could

  3. Coldn’t

  1. Where are you  going on holiday? – I hope I’ll … visit my  grandparents on Lake Baikal.

  1. Can

  2. Could

  3. Be able to

  1. We moved to our new residence last spring.

  1. Место жительства

  2. Резиденция

  1. The new telephone line enables us to use the internet 24 hours a day.

  1. Разрешает

  2. Дает возможность

  1. The Maya were ancient people of

  1. Australia

  2. America

  3. Asia

Задание 3. Use must, may/might, can/could or can’t/couldn’t plus the correct form of the verb in these sentences.

  1. Where was Peter yestarday? He … (be) at school. The school year started a week ago.

  2. I’m absolutely sure! They … (arrive) yestarday. I saw their tickets.

  3. The course … (begin) on the fifth of September but I’m not so certain about it.

  4. Are you joking! Nick … (go) to Moscow last week. He’s supposed to be at work now.

  5. They … (come from) London, but I’m not sure.

Задание №4. Write down a short story about your last trip. (100-150 words)


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