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Контроль письменной речи по английскому языку 8 класс 4 четверть

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Контроль письменной речи по английскому языку 8 класс 4 четверть

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«Контроль письменной речи по английскому языку 8 класс 4 четверть»

Variant 1

I. Fill in the missing word. There are three answers you do not need to use.

Whizzed, technical, opposing, bizarre, inflatable, worked out, scored.

  1. I think zorbing is a …activity.

  2. Ben … down the hill on his snowboard.

  3. Bob … at the gym every day last week, because he is training for the next cross-country cycling tour.

  4. You need lots of … equipment to go scuba diving.

II. Underline the correct item.

  1. Pam is so funny! She takes up/ takes after her father.

  2. My art classes take to/take up a lot of my free time.

  3. Two sandwiches take off /take away, please.

  4. Shoes turned to be small, so I take them out/back to the shop.

III. Fill in: if, unless.

  1. Bob will be back on Monday …there is a plane strike again.

  2. The robber threatened to shoot me …I didn’t give him the money.

  3. … Mark didn’t skip his classes, he would achieve better grades.

  4. … I see Tim, I’ll give him your phone number.

IV. Complete the sentences using the Conditional (Type 0,1,2 or 3).

  1. If I had known it was a secret, I … (not/tell) anyone.\

  2. If Lyn … (not/have) to work tonight, she would come with us.

  3. They will be disappointed if you … (not/come).

  4. Ice melts if you … (heat) it.

Variant 2

I. Fill in the missing word. There are three answers you do not need to use.

Entrants, opposing, spectator, addicted, bounce, worked out, scored.

  1. Ann’s mother told him not to … around on the bed.

  2. Football is a very popular … sport.

  3. In the last seconds of the game, the young player … the goal.

  4. There were 100 … in the writing contest.

II. Underline the correct item.

  1.  It's too hot here. I think I'll take the fur coat off/out.

  2. There's a party with celebrities. So, I take you away/out for the party.

  3. Pick up your pencils and take down/up the notes.

  4. The new manager will take in/over next week.

III. Fill in: if, unless.

  1. … you don’t pay up, you will be in trouble.

  2. … anyone has found my camera; would they please return it to me?

  3. … she is late again, she will be shown the door

  4. … Nick starts now, he will not reach there in time.

IV. Complete the sentences using the Conditional (Type 0,1,2 or 3).

  1. If I were you, I … (stop) smoking.

  2. If we … (play) better, we could have won the championship.

  3. If I hadn’t been busy, I … (come) with you.

  4. If the weather was a bit warmer, we … (go) on a picnic today.


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