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Контрольная работа 1 Strong ties (Spotlight 10)

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Контрольная работа 1 по теме "Strong ties" по учебнику Spotlight, 10 класс 

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«Контрольная работа 1 Strong ties (Spotlight 10)»

Spotlight 10 – Test 1

I. Match the words:

1. hang out a) the Internet

2. surf b) voluntary work

3. go c) with friends

4. do d) window shopping

5. the great e) label

6. run f) fashion

7. designer g) errands

8. be into h) outdoors

II. Fill in the correct words: bargain, eye, patient, a film, selfish, window shopping, shoulder, mean

1. My coat was a real _________. It costs only 30$.

2. Would you like to go _________ on Sunday?

3. I like going to the cinema. Let’s catch _________ at least once a month.

4. They never agree with each other. They don᾿t see eye to _________ .

5. They gave me the cold _________ when I came.

6. He doesn’t care about others feeling. He’s so _________.

7. Claire᾿s _________. She manages to stay calm in difficult situations.

8. Bob is unkind to other people. He᾿s _________.

III. Use the correct preposition with the phrasal verb “to look”: forward to, up, out for, after, down on

1. I sometimes look _________ my neighbours᾿ dog.

2. I often look _________ words in the dictionary.

3. I᾿m really looking _________ my holidays.

4. My friend is really arrogant. I hate the way he looks _________ everyone.

.5 If you want to go to the forest, you should look _________ snakes.

IV. Complete the sentences with (one adjective is extra): selfish, dedicated, jealous, caring, trusting, dishonest, moody, loyal, respected

1. Why are you so _________ of his success?

2. Every word that comes out of her mouth is a lie. She is a very _________ person.

3. I suppose it's _________ of me to think only of myself.

4. He was the most _________ scientist in the field.

5. Tim is quite _________; one minute he’s happy, the next he’s upset.

6. A _________ person believes that people are honest.

7. Thanks for your support. You are such a _________ friend.

8. Violet is so helpful. She is a _________ person.

V. Form adjectives from the words in brackets.

1). Tim was very ______ (DISAPPOINT) when Lisa said she wouldn’t come to the party.

2). The trip to Jamaica was really ______. (AMAZE)

3). She’s very _____ (CARE) person; no wonder she’s a babysitter.

4). My car is very _____ (ECONOMY). I don’t spend much money on petrol.

5). He is a _____ (TALENT) actor.

VI. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Present Tense:

1. Tom ______ (play) football on Sunday.

2. His father ______ (not/ watch) TV at the moment.

3. He already ______ ( move).

4. This is the factory where my father ______ (work). He ______ (work) here for 15 years.

5. I ______ (not/eat) today yet.

6. They ______ (leave) Paris on Monday.

7. My dad ______ (take) our dog for a walk in the evening.

8. My niece ______ (live) in New York.

9. My mother ______ (cook) dinner since morning.

10. We ______ (know) each other for 10 years.

VII. Read the text. Five sentences are missing. Match each sentence ( A –F) to the gaps ( 1 -5). One sentence is extra.

GRADUATION DAY: a time to celebrate!

Cultures all over the world celebrate academic achievement through graduation ceremonies. 1)________. On the actual graduation day students enter the ceremony as “graduands” and leave as “graduates”, thus passing into a new stage of their lives. The whole idea of graduation dates back to the 12th century when scholastic (учёный, имеющий образование) monks participated in various ceremonies. 2)_______. Since then, graduation has evolved to suit each society. In medieval times, priests began to wear different colored hoods and robes to symbolize their level of knowledge and specialization. 3)_______.

Every graduation ceremony is different. 4)_______. A fairly popular ritual is the tossing (подбрасывание) of the graduation caps into the air at the end of the ceremony. 5)_______. Graduation ceremonies occur not only at high institutions of learning. Kids, 3-5 years old even go through graduation as they leave kindergarten and enter primary school. They start kindergarten knowing only how to talk and they leave knowing how to count and write letters. Now that calls for a celebration with some proud parents and teachers!

A. Education is a valued part of all societies.

B. This symbolizes the excitement of growth in knowledge.

C. Thus (так,таким образом) the use of different gowns and caps in today’s ceremonies.

D. They wore hoods and robes in these celebrations.

E. But, what remains the same is the awarding of diplomas.

F. Ceremonies differ from culture to culture, but all mark a significant change in one’s life.


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