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Контрольная работа по английскому языку. 7 класс

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«Контрольная работа»

Variant 1

  1. Insert the right words to complete the verb to get.

  1. We get ….very well with our new neighbours; they are very nice people.

  2. In winter, when it’s dark it is so difficult to get… in the morning.

  3. I asked the bus driver where I should get… .

  1. Complete the sentences using the new words.

  1. – Why does he speak French so fluently? –Because it’s his mother t….. .

  2. Don’t be d….. about the results of your test: next time you’ll be better.

  3. I always use English-English dictionaries and find them very h……. .

  4. I don’t like words in i……… . I prefer to learn them in sentences or word combinations.

  5. They invite the best i……..to work at international conferences.

  6. An a……. Russian should know at least one foreign language.

  7. May I answer the questions now and write the spelling dictation a……?

  1. A. Write the plural for each noun.

1.grapefruit 2.schoolchild 3.deer 4.sheep 5.woman

B. Write the singular for each noun

1.wives 2. Men 3. Teeth 4. Mice 5. Days

4. Put in the article where necessary.

1. ……dictionary is a reference book. 2. …… bread on……dish smelled delicious. 3. Robert is…….. truck driver. 4. Paula hit ……..ball over …..wall. 5. Have you tasted ….soup?

5. . Express the same in English.

1) Я никогда не работал переводчиком на конференциях. 2. Ник сказал, что сожалеет о том, что разочаровал вас. 3. Если Алиса не будет практиковаться в английском, она не сдаст экзамен с хорошей оценкой.

Variant 2

  1. Insert the right words to complete the verb to get.

  1. Look at the time! Let’s get….to business.

  2. I can’t get…my dislike of snakes.

  3. If the information gets…., you’ll be very sorry about it.

  4. Jack is a terrible boy, he has got… with my keys again.

  1. Complete the sentences using the new words.

  1. The words «fashion» and «fashionable» are r……. .

  2. He p……. his English very hard and soon became quite fluent in it.

  3. The day will come when I will r…….. my dream.

  4. It’s a………two o’clock. Let’s have lunch.

  5. This textbook is full of d…….. exercises. They help us to remember grammar rules better.

  6. If you use the right intonation and v…….., you’ll never sound polite.

  1. A. Write the plural for each noun.

  1. Gas 2. Bath 3.waltz 4. Penny 5. Roof

B. Write the singular for each noun.

1. watches 2. Armies 3. Fish 4. Swine 5. Oxen

4. Put in the article where necessary.

1. ….. earth is……planet, but …..sun isn’t. 2. John saw…..ring on …..floor. …….ring was made of gold. 3. I don’t think you gave me…..right answer. 4. It’s …..book Bob advised me to read. 5. –Let’s have…..break. What …..good idea.

5. Express the same in English.

1) Не покупай это платье. Оно выглядит старомодным. 2. Я люблю овощи и фрукты. 3. У тебя дома есть словари?


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