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Контрольная работа 2 четверть к УМК Rainbow English-11

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«Контрольная работа 2 четверть к УМК Rainbow English-11»

Test 11th form II term

1. Translate into Russian

1) refer- 6) reflect-

2) estimate- 7) shape-

3) value- 8) no matter-

4) diverse- 9) in spite of something-

5) reveal- 10) constant-

2. Complete the sentences using the words above

1) The temperature must be kept _______________.

2) _______________ all the problems, they are happy.

3) What do you ____________ your telephone at?

4) His parents _____________ on his future.

5) I promise I won’t ___________ your secret.

3. Make up the appropriate plural forms

1) a phenomenon-

2) a father-in-law-

3) a forget-me-not-

4) a woman-

5) a fish-

4. Use “a”, “an” or “---“article

1) Most parents want to give their children ___ good education.

2) Can we have ___ tea and two coffees, please?

3) The plum has ___stone inside.

4) ___paper is made of ___wood.

5) I like ____fried chicken.

5. Express the same in Russian

1) Please, speak up as Mr. Smith has some trouble hearing.

2) The number of mistakes in your test speaks for itself.

3) If you have a better idea, please, speak out.

4) A flock of birds was flying to the south.

5) I saw a huge school of whales in the sea.


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