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Контрольная работа №2 по теме " Family story", 5 класс ( Rainbow English)

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Контрольная работа содержит задания по лексике, грамматике , чтению и ключи.

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«Контрольная работа №2 по теме " Family story", 5 класс ( Rainbow English)»

Контрольная работа №2 по теме «Family story»

5 класс (Rainbow English О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева)

Задание I. Напишите прошедшую форму этих глаголов.

  1. Do- 6.Cry

  2. Go- 7.See-

  3. Be- 8.Can-

  4. Play- 9.Swim-

  5. Make- 10.Get-

10 баллов

Задание II. Use the verbs in brackets in Past Simple to complete the text.(Используйте глаголы в скобках,чтобы завершить предложения)

Lulu Green

Lulu Green 1(be)_________ born in Glasgow. She 2 (be)______ the daughter of a businessman and a dressmaker. She 3 (grow)_________ up near the sea. After school Lulu 4 (go) _______to Glasgow University: she 5 (want) ________to be a journalist. Lulu 6 (have) ____________a talent for writing. She 7 (can)__________ write funny and interesting stories when she was small. Soon Lulu 8 (become) ____________a good journalist. She 9 (work)______________ for a children’s magazine. In Glasgow Lulu 10 (meet)_____________ Ben, a famous actor and 11 (marry) _____________him. They 12 (be) ______________a happy family.

12 баллов

Задание III. Complete the sentences using the prepositions from the box where

necessary. (Закончите предложения, используя предлоги at(2), in(2), on(2), of, for, up, with где необходимо.

1) John lives in the city of London. He lives _______ 12, High Street.

2) We’ ll leave _______ Moscow next week and we’ll stay there for five days

3)Ted was born __ the 1st ___ September __ 2007.

4. When Mary went ____ Glasgow, she never stayed ____ a hotel, she stayed ____her parents.

5. My friend is interested ________modern fashion.

6.I don’t get up early ___________Sunday mornings.

10 баллов

Задание IV. Write the ordinal numerals in English( Напиши порядковые числительные по-английски):

1.первый- the ___________________

2.третий- the ___________________

3.пятый- the ___________________

4.четырнадцатый- the ___________________

5.сороковой- the ___________________

6.двадцать второй- the _____________________________

7.сотый- the ____________________________ 7 баллов

Задание V. Read the paragraphs (a—c) and put them in the right logical order. (Поставьте части текста в логической последовательности)

Mindy and Her Bike

a) Every Sunday and Saturday morning Mindy worked in the bike shop. Mr Lucky liked the way she worked. He and Mindy became good friends. Mindy learnt to ride a bike and one day she got a present from Mr Lucky. He gave her a red bike with her name on it. Mindy was happy.

b) Mindy lived in a small town. Its name was Lynton. She had a big family — her parents, her grandparents, two brothers and a sister. Mindy was a pupil. She went to school five days a week. She got up early on week days and usually left for school at 7.30. She took a bus to get to school. Mindy didn’t have classes on Saturdays and Sundays.

c) On those days she went to the bike shop in the street where she lived. That was Mr Lucky’s shop. He had a lot of bikes in his shop. Mindy helped Mr Lucky. She loved to show the bikes to the people who came to the shop and she dreamed to buy a bike very much. But Mindy couldn’t do it. She had no money.

1) ________ 2) ________ 3) ________


Задание 1.

1.did 2 went 3 was, were 4played 5made 6 cried 7 saw 8 could 9 swam 10 got

Задание 2

1 was 2 was 3 grew 4 went 5 wanted 6 had 7 could 8 became 9 worked 10 met 11 married

12 were

Задание 3

1 at 2 for 3 on, of, in 4 to, at / in , with 5 in 6 on

Задание 4

1the first 2 the third 3 the fifth 4 the fourteenth 5 the fortieth 6 the twenty -second 7the hundredth

Задание 5

1 b 2 c 3 a


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