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Контрольная работа по теме Road safety 6 класс

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Контрольная работа для 6 класса по теме Road safety 

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«Контрольная работа по теме Road safety 6 класс»

Control work

I variant

1. Match the words

1. traffic

A crossing

2. yellow

B driver

3. racing

C zone

4. parking

D belt

5. zebra

E signs

6. seat

F handels

7. bike

G lines

2. Fill in the gaps with words

1. You can …. here. 2.You … turn right. 3. You …. drive here.

3. Fill in the correct word

talk /walk / plane / push / look / car / boat / lean / lights / bike

1. When you enter the bus, do not ….. others.

2. His sister is very young. She can not drive a ……

3. That man is a pilot. He can fly a ……

4. When you on the bus, do not ….. to the driver.

5. Can you sail a …..?

6. When going to school, …..on the pavement.

7. My little sister can not ride a …..

8. When you on the street, ….. both ways before crossing.

9. Always stop at the traffic …… when they are red.

10. When you in the car, do not ….. out of the window.

4. Choose the correct item.

1. Be careful when you cross the street ….. foot

A in B on C by

2. Never carry a second person ….. your bike.

A by B on C in

3. It is dangerous to travel …… plane.

A. on B by C in

4. Always wear a seat belt when you travel….. a car.

A. at B on C in

5. Read the text and answer the questions.

My name is John and I am eleven years old. My best friend is Sam and he is thirteen years old. Sam is very smart and can do a lot of things. Sam can play the drums and the electric guitar. He is very good at sports. He can play football very well and he can swim. I can not play football very well and I can not swim. Sam cooks lunch for himself and his little brother every day. I can not cook because my mum says I am too young. There is one thing that Sam and I can not do. We can not drive a car!

1. Who is eleven years old?

2. What can Sam play?

3. What sport can not John do?

4. Who cooks lunch every day?

5. What can not Sam and John do?


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Control work

II variant

1. Match the words

1. seat

A lanes

2. zebra

B zone

3. bike

C signs

4. yellow

D crossing

5. traffic

E driver

6. parking

F belt

7. racing

G lines

2. Fill in the gaps with words

1. You …. go straight here. 2. You can not ….. at 60 mph 3. You can …. here.

3. Fill in the correct wordcar

boat/ car /left /wear/ /road/plane/ talk/ look/ lights / bike

1. Turn …. into Milton street.

2. Always stop at the traffic …… when they are red.

3. When you ride youbike, …… a bicycle helmet.

4. That man is a pilot. He can fly a ……

5. Do not run from the pavement onto the ….

6. My little sister can not ride a …..

7. When you on the bus, do not ….. to the driver.

8. When you on the street, ….. both ways before crossing.

9. Can you sail a …..?

10.His sister is very young. She can notdrive a ……

4. Choose the correct item.

1. It is safe to travel…train.

A in B on C by

2.Always wear a seat belt when you travel….. a car.

A. at B on C in

3.Never carry a second person ….. your bike.

A by B on C in

4.Be careful when you cross the street ….. foot

A in B on C by

5. Read the text and answer the questions.

My name is Alex and I am tenyears old. My best friend is Mark and he is twelve years old. Mark is very smart and can do a lot of things. Mark can play the guitar and the piano. He is very good at sport. He can swim very well and he can sail a boat. I can not swim very well and I can not sail a boat. Sam cooks lunch for himself and his little brother every day. I can not cook because my mum says I am too young. There is one thing that Mark and I can not do. We can not drive a car!

1. Who is ten years old?

2. What can Mark play?

3. What can not Alex do?

4. Who cooks lunch every day?

5. What can not Alex and Mark do?


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