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Контрольная работа 6 класс (2 четверть)

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Контрольная работа 6 класс 2 четверть (Биболетова).

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«Контрольная работа 6 класс (2 четверть)»

Фамилия Имя _________________________________________________________________________________


  1. Match the phrase with its definition

    fall asleep

    кататься на аттракционах

    go on rides

    принимать участие

    play board games

    играть в настольные игры

    wild animals

    дикие животные

    take part


  2. Complete the sentences. Circle the right letter.

  1. Unfortunately, we … cut down the old trees in the park last year.

  1. have to b) will have to c) had to

  1. Where are the children? They … Lotto in the living room.

  1. are playing b) play c) played

  1. The scientists … his book about rare insects yet.

  1. won’t finish b) didn’t finish c) hasn’t finish

  1. Peter is fond of sports. He … football three times a week.

  1. play b) plays c) is playing

  1. They … their work a month ago.

  1. start b) started c) have started

  1. There are plenty … ways to cook this tasty dish.

  1. of b) on c) in

  1. Carol was responsible … the rare tropical plant.

  1. on b) at c) for

  1. The students felt sorry … their new classmate.

  1. on b) of c) for

  1. May I come …? – Yes, you may.

  1. out b) on c) in

  1. The students will have Science instead … Mathematics.

  1. off b) of c) from

  1. Complete sentences. Fill in some, any, much, many

  • How ______________potatoes do you need for your salad? – Two or three

  • Have we got ____________ jam? – Yes, here you are

  • How ___________ does it cost? – 30 pounds

  • Can I have __________ coffee? – Yes, here you are

  1. Complete the text. Use: delicious, world, makes, cook, dishes, success, recipes

ОЦЕНКА __________


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