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Контрольная работа

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контрольная работа  8 класс за   I  четверть 

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«Контрольная работа»

I.Вставьте нужную форум глагола,

переведите и напишите время:

1. He ____this book 2 years ago.(write)

2. Grandma___ (go) to the shop before they come

home from school

3. They_____(play) football now

4. Do you know how ____(play) piano?

5. Listen! The phone ____(ring)

6. Aunt Ann already_____(buy) the tickets

II. Выберите правильный ответ и переведите,

1. Usually I ____the violin but now I ___ the piano.

a) play; am playing b) am playing; play

4. ___ you___ the article yet?

a) haven’t; read b) haven’t; been reading

3. The book wasn’t so heavy as he ___.

a) has thought b) had thought

4. Some smiling men ___ the piano.

a) were playing b) had played

5. The road ___ by the company last year.

a) isn’t used b) wasn’t used

6.There are a lot of books on the shelves, ___?

A) aren’t there B) are there C) do there

7.Our town ___ during the war.

a) was being destroyed b) was destroyed.

8. ___you ever___ in Moscow?

a) Do___been b) Have___been c) Were__been

9 They ____the prize two years ago

a) won b)win c) were wining

10. I ___the dishes from 6 till seven yesterday

a)washed b) was washing c) have washed

I.Вставьте нужную форум глагола,

переведите и напишите время:

1. He ____this book 2 years ago.(write)

2. Grandma___ (go) to the shop before they come

home from school

3. They_____(play) football now

4. Do you know how ____(play) piano?

5. Listen! The phone ____(ring)

6. Aunt Ann already_____(buy) the tickets

II. Выберите правильный ответ и переведите,

1. Usually I ____the violin but now I ___ the piano.

a) play; am playing b) am playing; play

4. ___ you___ the article yet?

a) haven’t; read b) haven’t; been reading

3. The book wasn’t so heavy as he ___.

a) has thought b) had thought

4. Some smiling men ___ the piano.

a) were playing b) had played

5. The road ___ by the company last year.

a) isn’t used b) wasn’t used

6.There are a lot of books on the shelves, ___?

A) aren’t there B) are there C) do there

7.Our town ___ during the war.

a) was being destroyed b) was destroyed.

8. ___you ever___ in Moscow?

a) Do___been b) Have___been c) Were__been

9 They ____the prize two years ago

a) won b)win c) were wining

10. I ___the dishes from 6 till seven yesterday

a)washed b) was washing c) have washed


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