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Контрольная работа для 6 класса по английскому языку Unit 5 Rainbow

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This control work will be neccessary for English teachers who work with Rainbow books in 6th grades.

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«Контрольная работа для 6 класса по английскому языку Unit 5 Rainbow»

Допишите продолжение предложений:

If I have a lot of money, ____________________________________________

If I go to Moscow, _________________________________________________

I am not sure______________________________________________________

Переведите предложения:

Я надену пальто если пойдёт дождь._______________________________________________________

Когда придет весна, птицы будут петь._____________________________________________________

Я не знаю когда он придет домой._________________________________________________________

3. Соедините по смыслу предложения и запишите ответ в таблицу:

1. — I would like some juice.

2. — Sue is hungry.

3. — Ben forgot to take his book.

4. — We have no milk.

5. — Have you got new trainers?

6. — I don’ t want to cook tonight.

7. — Bob is ill.

8. — What would you like to eat?

9. — I can’ t do my homework.

10. — It is raining and the window is open.

a. — Let’s go to the cafe.

b. — I will give him mine.

c. — I will have soup and a salad.

d. — Yes, I will show them to you.

e. — I will get you some.

f . — I will phone the doctor.

g. — I will make a sandwich for her.

h. — I will close it.

i. — OK, I will go and buy some.

j . — I will help you then.





















4. Выберите правильный ответ и запишите его в пропуски:

1. Your clothes (is/are) are in the bathroom. 2. Where ( is/are)_______ your other trainer? I can’ t find (it/them) ______ . 3. The pyjamas (is/are) ______ too big for her. 4. There (is/are) ____ a white trainer under the bed. 5. Jeans (is/are) _____always in fashion. 6. One sandal ( is /are )______here, where is the other one? 7. His shorts (is/are)_____really fashionable. 8. Where (is/are)______my leggings? 9. There (is/are)______ a lot of clothes in my wardrobe. 10. (This/These)______mittens (is/are)_______very warm. 11. 1 like (this/these) ______ sandals, show (it/them)______ to me, please.

5. Выберите правильную форму глагола и запишите ее:

1 .I will tell you if I (will play/play) ______________tennis with you tomorrow. 2. Ask father when he (will come/comes) _____________ home. 3 .I don’ t know if I (will be/am) _____________back on Sunday. 4. The teacher can’ t say if Bob (will win/wins)_____________the game. 5. I am not sure if they (will wear/wear) _____________jeans to the theatre.

6. Впишите в пропуски подходящие по смыслу слова:






fur coat







1 .I don’ t like _________________ things because they look too old. 2. Mother always wears _________________ clothes. 3. He is not neat at all. He is always dirty and_________________4. _________________changes very quickly. 5. I bought a pair of leather ________________yesterday. 6. Ben likes to wear_________________ to the gym because they are very comfortable. 7. Molly doesn’ t like to sleep in her new _________________ 8. This _________________ is very expensive. 9. My favourite _________________ is watching TV. 10. When he went out, beautiful_________________ were falling to the ground. 11. Last night I saw a very_________________ film. 12. In winter we like to throw_________________

1. Выберите правильную форму глагола и запишите ее:

1. Nobody knows if Ben (will remember/remembers) the words. 2. The doctor can’ t say when Bob (will feel/feels)_____________better. 3. Write to me when you (will arrive/arrive) _____________ in Bonn. 4. I wonder if Helen (will put/puts) ____________ on her new dress tonight. 5. I am sure mother (will meet/meets) ____________ me at the station.

2. Вычеркните в каждой строчке одно лишнее слово:

1. spaceman, milkmen, businessman, postman, policeman

2. heavily, fairly, ugly, slowly, really

3. forget, win, wear, hear, jump

4. pyjamas, forget, coat, sweater, blouse

5. T-shirt, raincoat, skirt, slippers, cap

6. pyjamas, mittens, trousers, jeans, leggings

7. trainers, slippers, shoes, gloves, boots,

8. snowflakes, snowball , snowman, snowboarding

3. Допишите продолжение предложений:

If I have free time,_________________________________________________

If I go to the shop,__________________________________________________

I don’t know when__________________________________________________

Переведите предложения:

Я буду смотреть телевизор когда сделаю домашнее задание

Когда придёт зима, они сделают снеговика.

Она не уверена будет ли покупать новый дом.

5. Соедините по смыслу части предложения и запишите ответ в таблицу:

1. The bank

2. What time does

3. New school classes

4. The first lesson

5. He is free

6. When does the concert

7. Mary starts

8. The parents arrive

a. at midnight.

b. begin in September.

c. next week.

d. begin?

e. closes at 8 p.m.

f . a new course next Monday.

g. the film finish?

h. begins at 9 a.m.

















6. Выберите правильный ответ и запишите его в пропуски:

1. Don’ t you think that (this/these) ______ shorts (is/are) _____ too short? 2. Your clothes (is/are ) ______ so beautiful! Where do you buy (it/them) ______ ? 3. Where (is/are)______ your old gown? — I threw (it/them)______ away. 4. (This/These)______ pyjamas ( is /are )_______ soft and comfortable. 5. Mother’ s gloves (is/are) ______ really beautiful. I’d like to wear (it/them)______ as well. 6. There (is/are) _____ two different socks in my bag.7. I wonder where my black shoe (is/are)_____. 8. Where (is/are)______my leggings? 9. There (is/are)______ a lot of clothes in my wardrobe. 10. (This/These)______mittens (is/are)_______very warm. 11. The pyjamas (is/are) ______ funny.


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