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Контрольная работа для 6 класса по теме "My Favourite Pastimes"

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Контрольную работу можно использовать для оценки уровня сформированности лексико-грамматических навыков после изучения раздела "My Favourite Pastimes" (УМК "Rainbow English-6"). Контрольная работа представлена в двух вариантах.

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«Контрольная работа для 6 класса по теме "My Favourite Pastimes"»

Контрольная работа по теме «Favourite Pastimes» (6 класс) V-1

I. Translate the word combinations from English into Russian.

above zero __________________________________________

beautiful snowflakes ____________________________________

fashionable clothes______________________________________

a scruffy child _________________________________________

a boring book _________________________________________

to rain heavily ________________________________________

II. Complete the words and translate them into Russian.

f__r coat ________________________

j__cket _________________________

b__lt ___________________________

b__ots __________________________

sand__ls _________________________

n__ghtie _________________________

III. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box.

win frosty fashion wearing neat degrees

1) The temperature is ten _____________________ below zero.

2) I hope we will ________________ this match.

3) I like _________________ weather.

4) Jeans are always in __________________.

5) Her house is _______________ and tidy.

6) He is ___________________ a green T-shirt today.

IV. Choose the right forms of the verbs to complete the sentences.

1) If it (rains / will rain), I will stay at home.

2) I am not sure if they (go / will go) to the circus.

3) Tom will phone you when he (is / will be) free.

4) Tell me if you (learn / will learn) the poem in the evening.

5) I don’t know if they (visit / will visit) us tomorrow.

6) Ask her when she (goes / will go) to Paris.

7) When I (come / will come) to Moscow, I will go to Red Square.

8) If it (snows / will snow), I will go skiing.

9) I’ll buy a new dress if I (have / will have) money.

10) We’d like to know if he (finishes / will finish) the picture.

IV. Choose the right words to complete the sentences.

1) Your clothes (is / are) fashionable.

2) I like (this / these) jeans. I want to buy (it / them).

3) My favourite scarf (is / are) red. I bought (it / them) last winter.

4) Where (is / are) my shirt? I can’t find (it / them).

5) (This / These) pyjamas (is /are) soft and comfortable. I like (it / them) very much.

V. Look at the picture and write what the temperature today in different cities.

Example: The temperature is fourteen degrees above zero in Moscow.


Контрольная работа по теме «Favourite Pastimes» (6 класс) V-2

I. Translate the word combinations from English into Russian.

below zero __________________________________

to be out of fashion ____________________________

a neat girl ___________________________________

to snow heavily _______________________________

on the ground _______________________________

old-fashioned clothes _____________________________

II. Complete the words and translate them into Russian.

dressing g__wn _____________________

sk__rt _____________________________

T-sh__rt ___________________________

m__ttens __________________________

sho__s ____________________________


III. Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box.

wears frost boring snowflakes forgot fashionable

1) I don’t like this film. It is __________________.

2) Yesterday they had dinner at a _____________________ restaurant.

3) Ann often _____________ blouses.

4) I ______________ her address.

5) The white ________________ were falling to the ground.

6) It is cold today. The temperature is twenty degrees of ______________.

IV. Choose the right forms of the verbs to complete the sentences.

1) I’d like to know if Helen (put / will put) on her new dress tonight.

2) I’m not sure if he (fly / will fly) to St Petersburg next week.

3) If it (is / will be) hot and sunny tomorrow, I will swim in the river.

4) Write to me when you (arrive / will arrive) in Moscow.

5) I will skate when winter (come / comes).

6) Please tell me what they (do / will do) next month.

7) My mum will buy me new jeans if she (has / will have) money.

8) We will play football outside when it (becomes / will become) warmer.

9) We’d like to know when our parents (take / will take) us to the circus.

10) Ask your friend when he (helps / will help) us.

IV. Choose the right words to complete the sentences.

1) Where (is / are) my white trainers? – I can’t see (it / them).

2) (This / These) clothes (is / are) old-fashioned. I don’t like (it / them).

3) (This / These) fur cap (is /are) warm. I wear (it / them) in winter.

4) The dress (is / are) wonderful. I’d like to buy (it / them).

V. Look at the picture and write what the temperature today in different cities.

Example: The temperature is fourteen degrees above zero in Moscow.



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