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Контрольная работа для 9 класса

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Контрольная работа  по модулю 1 и 2 для учащихся 9 класса. УМК Spotlight

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«Контрольная работа для 9 класса»

УМК Spotlight Test 2 (form 9)

Данная проверочная работа представлена в виде лексико-грамматического теста, направленного на проверку овладения учащимися изученного материала по модулю №1,2 учебника «Английский в фокусе 9» Тест состоит из 4 заданий, на выполнение которых дается 1 урок (40-45 минут). Максимальное количество баллов 22 (1 балл за правильный ответ):

22-21 – «5»

20-17 – «4»

11-16 - «3»

0-10 – «2»

1.Complete the sentences with the correct word. One word or phrase is extra.

event fussy pride nourishing look donate established competition charity

  1. Bento should be …. and healthy.

  2. Buy Nothing Day is an international … .

  3. Obento should also include food that the child would not normally eat so that they won’t become a …. eater.

  4. Nursery schools have …. regulations for obento.

  5. A lot of ……organisations exist all over the world.

  6. Let’s take a …. what happens on “Buy Nothing Day” around the world.

  7. People … money to charity organisations to help them raise money.

  8. Mothers take great …. in creating “school-obentos”.

2 .Fill in: when, who, which, where, whose.

  1. John, ____ brother is a clown, is throwing a costume party next week.

  2. December 25th, ____ Christmas takes place, is also my parents` anniversary.

  3. Califotnia, ____ the garlic festival takes place every year, is a state in the USA.

  4. Lyn is the girl ___ is having the party on Friday.

  5. The costume ___ George has chosen for the fancy dress party is very funny.

3.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present tense.

  1. The Music Festival __________ (start) on 5th May every year.

  2. The children _____________ (watch) TV at the moment.

  3. Sue ______________ (already / work) for this company for ten years.

  4. Kate is tired. She _________ (work) since morning.

  5. Bill ___________ (not / see) a fireworks display before.

  6. He _____________ (not / feed) the cows every evening.

4. Use the appropriate preposition

  1. My sister is interested _______ Russian history.

  2. The motorway was crowded _______ cars.

  3. Do you afraid _______ spiders?


  1. practice

  2. nourishing

  3. event

  4. fussy

  5. established

  6. pickled

  7. charity

  8. look

  9. has already been

  10. have you dreamt (dreamed)

  11. have just fed

  12. has been cooking

  13. has he been building

  14. have you been doing

  15. has been drawing

  16. has he tidied

  17. have never been

  18. has caught


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