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Контрольная работа по английскому языку № 2 (10 класс)

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«Контрольная работа по английскому языку № 2 (10 класс)»

Контрольная работа по английскому языку № 2

Класс 10

Вариант 1

1. Установите соответствие между текстами A—G и заголовками 1—8. В задании один заголовок лишний

1. Hard to see and to believe

2. From travelling to discovery

3. Little experience — big success

4. Small size — great opportunities

5. Inspired by noble goals

6. Hard to explain how they could

7. Protected by law

8. Breathtaking just to watch

A. Charles Darwin's five-year voyage on H. M. S. Beagle has become legendary and greatly influenced his masterwork, the book, On the Origin of Species. Darwin didn't actually formulate his theory of evolution while sailing around the world aboard the Royal Navy ship. But the exotic plants and animals he encountered challenged his thinking and led him to consider scientific evidence in new ways.

B. The 19th century was a remarkable time for exploration. Vast portions of the globe, such as the interior of Africa, were mapped by explorers and adventurers. It was the time when David Livingstone became convinced of his mission to reach new peoples in Africa and introduce them to Christianity, as well as free them from slavery.

C. Louis Pasteur's various investigations convinced him of the Tightness of his germ theory of disease, which holds that germs attack the body from outside. Many felt that such tiny organisms as germs could not possibly kill larger ones such as humans. But Pasteur extended this theory to explain the causes of many diseases — including cholera, ТВ and smallpox — and their prevention by vaccination.

D. Frederick Law Olmsted, the architect who designed New York City's Central Park, called the Yosemite Valley «the greatest glory of nature.» Californians convinced one of their representatives, Senator John Conness, to do something about its protection. In May 1864, Conness introduced legislation to bring the Yosemite Valley under the control of the state of California. President Abraham Lincoln signed the bill into law.

E. The Maya thrived for nearly 2,000 years. Without the use of the cartwheel or metal tools, they built massive stone structures. They were accomplished scientists. They tracked a solar year of 365 days and one of the few surviving ancient Maya books contains tables of eclipses. From observatories, like the one at Chichen Itza, they tracked the progress of the war star, Mars.

F. Bali has been a surfing hotspot since the early 20th century, and continues to attract surfers from all over the world. The island's small size and unique geography provides wonderful surfing conditions, in all seasons, for surfers of any level of experience. Inexperienced surfers might like to try Kuta's kind waves, while more able surfers will try Nusa Dua's powerful waves. 

G. Base jumping is an extreme sport, one which only very adventurous travelers enjoy. Some base jumpers leap off bridges, others off buildings and the most extreme off cliffs in Norway. Once a year, base jumpers in the US get to leap off the New River Bridge in West Virginia. During the annual Bridge Day, hundreds of jumpers can go off the bridge legally. Thousands of spectators show up to watch.

2.Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска нужную грамматическую форму, выбрав её из выпадающего списка

A young father was very proud of his little son. He A __________ a visitor how the little boy, not two years old, knew the different animals in his picture book. “He B _________ be a great scientist! Here, let C __________ show you.” And the proud father took a book about animals from the book-shelf, place Bobby on a chair, opened the book and showed him a picture of a giraffe. “What’s that, Bobby?” “Horsey,” said Bobby. Next he D_________ the little boy a tiger and Bobby said. “Kitty”. Then the father showed him a picture of a lion and Bobby said. “Doggy.” But when the little boy saw the picture of a big monkey, he cried E ________, “Daddy!”

A 1) tells 2) told 3) was telling 4) was told

B 1) will go to 2) is going to 3) goes 4) is going

C 1) I 2) my 3) mine 4) me

D 1) was showing 2) showed 3) shown 4) has shown

E 1) happily 2) happy 3) happier 4) happiliest

3.Прочитайте текст и выполните задания к нему

The Heron

Half a mile from home, at the far edge of the woods where the land was highest, a great pine tree stood. The top of this ancient tree towered above all the others and made it visible for miles and miles. Sylvia had always believed that whoever climbed to the top of it could see the ocean. Now she thought of the tree with a new excitement. Why, if she climbed at dawn, would she not be able to see the whole world, and discover where the white heron flew, and find its hidden nest?

What an adventure! As she lay awake in her bed, she thought of the glory and triumph of telling everyone the secret of where the heron hid. Sylvia knew her mother and her guest were fast asleep, so she crept out of the house and followed the path through the woods. The air was filled with the sleepy songs of half-awakened birds.

There was the huge tree, seeming to sleep in the fading moonlight. Sylvia bravely began to climb, the blood racing through her veins, her bare hands and feet gripping the bark. First she had to climb the oak tree that grew alongside. Sylvia felt her way easily. She had often climbed there before, and knew that higher up one of the oak’s upper branches rubbed against the pine trunk. When she had reached it, the way was harder than she had thought. The sharp twigs scratched her, and the sticky pine sap made her little fingers clumsy and stiff.

The tree seemed to grow taller as she climbed, and she began to doubt if she could reach her goal before dawn. But Sylvia passed the last thorny branch, her face shining with triumph as she stood at the very top, weak and shaking with exhaustion.

There was the sea, dazzling in the first morning light. Two hawks flew east, so far below her she felt she, too, might fly away among the clouds. The birds sang louder and louder until the sun came up.

This beauty almost overwhelmed little Sylvia, but she did not forget her mission. Where was the white heron? She looked down to the green marsh where she had seen him before. There he was, rising and sweeping towards the great pine tree. He landed, and Sylvia froze as she watched the heron, perched two branches below, calling to his mate, cleaning his feathers for the new day.

Task1: True/False

  1. Sylvia wanted to climb the tree to see the ocean.

  2. No one knew Sylvia was going to climb the tree.

  3. Sylvia was wearing shoes.

  4. Sylvia had to climb the oak tree before she could climb the pine tree.

  5. Sylvia had climbed the pine tree before.

  6. Sylvia hurt herself while she was climbing the tree.

  7. The tree was taller than Sylvia thought.

  8. The sun was not totally up when Sylvia reached the top.

  9. The birds Sylvia saw were flying west.

  10. Sylvia saw the heron with its mate.

Task 2: Multiple Choice

  1. 11.Where was the pine tree located?

a. at the bottom of a hill

b. next to Sylvia’s house.

c. at a high point near Sylvia’s house.

d. in the middle of a forest.

12. What made the pine tree so special to Sylvia?

a. It was Sylvia’s hiding place.

b. Sylvia had built a tree house in it.

c. Sylvia was fascinated by its height.

d. Sylvia dreamed of it every night.

13. Why did Sylvia decide to climb the pine tree?

a. Because it seemed an easy thing to do.

b. Because she had climbed it before.

c. Because it was used to an oak tree she used to climb.

d. Because she wanted to know where the white bird hid.

14. Sylvia wanted to

a. keep the heron’s hiding place a secret.

b. tell everyone where the heron was.

c. be triumphant.

d. have someone help her.

15. Who was at Sylvia’s house when she left?

a. her mother

b. her mother and her father

c. her mother and a guest

d. her mother and her brother

16. When did Sylvia climb the pine tree?

a. at night

b. in the morning

c. in the afternoon

d. at sunset

17. How did she feel while climbing the pine tree?

a. She thought she might never make it in time.

b. She thought of giving up because she was hurt.

c. She felt disgusted because of the sap.

d. She was terrified of falling.

18. How did she feel when she reached the top?

a. She was so frightened of falling that her body shook.

b. She was delighted but felt very tired.

c. She was delighted, but disappointed that the bird’s nest was not there.

d. She was so delighted that she did not feel tired.

19. What did the bird do when he reached the tree?

a. He sat down next to her.

b. He shouted for help.

c. He settled on a lower branch.

d. He flew past her.

20. After the bird reached the tree, what happened to Sylvia?

a. She got very cold.

b. She stopped moving.

c. She called to him.

d. She smiled.


Вариант 1

Задание 1

Задание 2

A – 2

1 – 2

B – 5

2 – 2

C – 4

3 – 4

D– 7

4 – 2

E – 1

5 – 1

F– 4


3 задание. 1False 2True 3False 4True 5False 6True 7True 8True 9False 10False

11. C 12. C 13. D 14. B 15. C 16. A 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. B

Вариант 2

Задание 1

Задание 2

А – 1

1 – 4

B – 4

2 – 4

C – 6

3 – 3

D – 8

4 – 3

E – 5

5 – 2

F – 2


3 задание. 1False 2True 3False 4True 5False 6True 7True 8True 9False 10False

11. C 12. C 13. D 14. B 15. C 16. A 17. A 18. B 19. C 20. B


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