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Контрольная работа по английскому языку (8 класс;Spotlight)

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  1. Translate into English.


1.Пресытиться, быть сытым по горло; 2.бита (в спорт. соревнованиях); 3.водное поло; 4.болельщик, фанат; 5.прыжки в длину; 6.бег трусцой; 7.дыхательная трубка для подводного плавания; 8.атлетика; 9.зорбинг; 10.гимнастика; 11.бег с препятствиями; 12.должностное лицо; 13.соревнование,турнир; 14.лучший бомбардир; 15.признать себя побежденным, сдаться.


  1. Use the appropriate phrasal verbs (give, take) in the sentences below.


  1. If you do sports, you shouldn’t give …… easily!

  2. The Biology teacher asked me to give …… the copybooks.

  3. I won’t tell you anything! You’re always giving …… my secrets!

  4. Mark is so moody! He takes …… his grandfather.

  5. I don’t like flying by plane! I always feel uncomfortable while taking ……

  6. My summer holidays will start in a week! Now I can think how to take ……


  1. Underline the correct modal verb.


  1. I’m in a hurry. Sorry, but I may/have to go now.

  2. Mike can/should run very fast.

  3. Today is Ben’s birthday. You should/mustn’t send him a card for his birthday.

  4. Students might/don’t have to go to school on Sunday.

  5. May/could I ask you a question?


  1. Use the correct Conditionals.


  1. If I am free, I (come) to see you.

  2. If Danny (know) English well, he would try to enter the university in the UK.

  3. If people are happy, they usually (smile).

  4. If Ann (see) Ben, she would have told him the news.


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