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Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 3 класса за 3 четверть

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 3 класса за 3 четверть

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«Контрольная работа по английскому языку для 3 класса за 3 четверть»

Контрольная работа по английскому языку за 3 четверть

  1. Запишите даты по образцу.

Образец: the twenty-ninth of December – the 29th of December

  1. the twenty-eighth of January - the 28th of January

  2. the thirtieth of July - the 30th of July

  3. the fifth of August - the 5th of August

  4. the second of July - the 2nd of July

  5. the twenty-first of September - the twenty-first of September

  6. the fourth of April - the fourth of April

  7. the twenty-third of May - the twenty-third of May

  8. the seventeenth of November - the seventeenth of November

  1. Вставьте в пропуски do или does.

  1. _____ you go to school on Sundays?

  2. When ____ they come home on Mondays?

  3. _____ Molly study well?

  4. _____ you clean your room every day?

  5. What _____ you do every day?

  6. _____ your Mum feed your dog in the morning?

  7. ____ Tom drive his car well?

  8. What time _____ Kate usually come home?

  9. _____ you like rainy weather?

  10. _____ Tim like to go to the theatre?

  1. Прочитайте предложения и вставьте пропущенные слова из рамки.







  1. Fred wants to eat a hamburger. He is _______________________________

  2. Stacy wants to swim in the river. She is _____________________________

  3. Sally wants to put on a jumper. She is ______________________________

  4. Tony wants to go to sleep. He is ___________________________________

  5. Nina wants to have a bathroom without spiders. She is _________________

  6. Eddy wants to have some juice. He is _______________________________

  1. Напишите по-английски.

  1. 12:30__________________________________________________________

  2. 08:00__________________________________________________________

  3. 09:30 __________________________________________________________

  4. 01:30 __________________________________________________________

  5. 11.30 _________________________________________________________

  1. Переведите на русский язык

  1. Another -

  2. What’s the matter? -

  3. Leave -

  4. Arrive -

  5. Case -

  6. Adventure film -

  7. Are you ready? -

  8. Breakfast -

  9. Ghost train -

  10. Ballon -


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