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Контрольная работа по английскому языку для уч-сч 6 класса ( Spotlight Модуль3)

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку для уч-сч 6 класса УМК  Spotlight (Модуль3)

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«Контрольная работа по английскому языку для уч-сч 6 класса ( Spotlight Модуль3)»

1. Fill in the gaps with can or can’t.

1. You … talk at the lesson.

2. You … play basketball in the gym.

3. The pupils … run in the classroom.

4. My elder sister … take me home

1. Fill in the gaps with can or can’t.

1. You … talk at the lesson.

2. You … play basketball in the gym.

3. The pupils … run in the classroom.

4. My elder sister … take me home

1. Fill in the gaps with can or can’t.

1. You … talk at the lesson.

2. You … play basketball in the gym.

3. The pupils … run in the classroom.

4. My elder sister … take me home

Контрольная работа по английскому языку

для уч-сч 6 класса ( Spotlight Модуль3)

1. Put the words in the correct order to form full sentences.

1. driver, the, don’t, to, talk.

2. sides, before, both, look, crossing.

3. don’t, others, push.

4. the, walk, pavement, on.

5. helmet, a, wear, bicycle.

2. Put the words in the correct order to form full sentences.

1. driver, the, don’t, to, talk.

2. sides, before, both, look, crossing.

3. don’t, others, push.

4. the, walk, pavement, on.

5. helmet, a, wear, bicycle.

3. Use by/on/in to complete the sentences.

  • Do you like travelling ___ train?

  • She goes to work ___ foot.

  • How long does it take from Moscow to Sochi ___ plane?

  • I don’t use my car very often. I prefer to go ___ bike.

  • There were very few people ___ the bus.

4. Match English and Russian sentences.

Excuse me, how can I get to …?

Это далеко?

Take the first turning on your left.

Просто перейдите через эту дорогу и идите прямо.

I am new to this area.

Извините, а как пройти…

Just cross this road and go straight ahead.

Я здесь впервые.

Excuse me, could you tell me the way to…?

На первом повороте поверните налево.

Is it far?

Простите, Вы могли бы подсказать дорогу в…

5.  Fill in the correct word.

watch road plane boat bike car lights left

1. This man is a pilot. He can fly a __________.

2. My little sister can’t ride a ____________ yet.

3. His brother is very young. He can’t drive a ______________.

4. Don’t run from the pavement onto the _____________.

5. Can your father sail a ______________.

6. Always stop at the traffic ______________ when it’s red.

7. Turn _________________ into Apple street.

6. Complete the factfile below the text.

Lewis Hamilton is a very famous racing car driver. He’s got a lot of fans around the world. Lewis is from the UK.

He was born on the 7th of January, 1985. He has dark hair and brown eyes. His skin is dark. He can drive very fast cars. He likes golf and tennis.

Lewis is Mercedes’s best Formula 1 driver. He took part in 157 races and won 53 races.

Lewis Hamilton




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