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Контрольная работа по английскому языку к УМК "Rainbow English" 10 класс

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку к УМК "Rainbow English" 10 класс.

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«Контрольная работа по английскому языку к УМК "Rainbow English" 10 класс»

Контрольная работа по английскому языку к УМК "Rainbow English" 10 класс ФИО__________________________________________. 1. Reading
Match the paragraphs (A- G) with the titles (1-8). One is extra.
1. Difficult to group
5. The living planet
2. Modern information
6. The air
3. All living things' protection
7. Useful gases
4. Comfortable condition
8. The hidden picture A. Like other planets the Earth moves around the sun. But the Earth is different from all the other planets in our solar system. It's well known that life exists only on the earth. The surface of our planet in which organisms can live is called 'the Biosphere'.
The biosphere includes all the places where life exists: sky, sea and land. The soil on which plants grow and the oxygen we breathe are produced by living things. The biosphere extends vertically to a height of ten thousand meters. In the opposite direction it extends to five thousand meters into the oceans and several hundred meters below the land surface. The biosphere depends on the sun directly or indirectly.

B. Different cultures imagine different shapes when they look at the same group of stars. They see simple objects, animals or people. The ancient Greeks often named constellations after the great heroes of Greek mythology, the Japanese after their samurai warriors. One of the best-known small group of stars are seven bright stars seen from the northern part of the world. They form a part of the constellation the Great Bear. But the British named them the Plough. The Americans saw a large spoon with a long handle so they called it the Big Dipper. The Arabs saw a very sad picture: a coffin and three mourners. The Aztecs saw a god. Although a constellation may form a picture, to modern astronomers it is just a group of balls of burning gas.
C. It is easy to tell the difference between a tree and a dog, but it's not so easy to tell the difference between all plants and animals living on the Earth. You might say that animals have eyes and ears, while plants do not. Plants certainly do not have such sense organs, but there are also many animals without them, for instance earthworms. Unlike green plants animals can't make their own food. Because of their need to find food, they develop ways of moving around and responding to their surroundings. Some microscopic living things can make their own food in the same way that plants do, but also take in ready-made food like animals.
D. The Earth's atmosphere consists of different gases. This is what the living things breathe to live. The atmosphere extends to a few hundred miles above the surface of the Earth. It includes water vapor and the gases nitrogen (77%) and oxygen (21%). It also includes argon, carbon dioxide, helium, neon and hydrogen.

E. The lower part of the stratosphere contains a band of warm gas called the ozone layer. Ozone absorbs very shortwave ultraviolet radiation that is the harmful, burning rays from the sun. These rays kill plants and cause burns, skin cancer and cataracts in animal and man.
F. The solar system consists of the sun, nine planets and their moons and other objects.
The sun is a star that radiates heat in all directions. The planets in the solar system were formed about 4,5 billion years ago. The distance of the Earth from the sun is about 93 million miles. The Earth moves around the sun in a regular orbit. The total orbit area of the planet is about 197 million square miles. Land covers about 30% of the surface.
Oceans cover about 70 percent. The Earth has only one moon. The Moon is smaller than any of the nine planets. But like the planets it shines by reflecting the sun's light.
G. The Earth has the perfect temperatures for life. It's not too hot unlike Venus and not too cold unlike Neptune. Different places on Earth have different temperatures and different types of weather. However, the average temperature on the Earth is about 60 F (16 °C).

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2. Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.
1. Saturday is the most (comfortable/convenient) day to see our friends.
2. It's time for people to understand the (benefit /value) of human life and stop all wars.
3. Many trees are cut (off/down) in Siberia.
4. The hotel was cut (off/down) from the station by the snow.
5. What are you saving money (for/from)? - I want to buy a new house.
6. The concert was (attended / visited) by thousands of music lovers.
7. The park was somebody's private (heritage / property) and we were not allowed to enter it.
8. Nowadays there is a shortage (of/with) food in some African countries.
9. If you cut the cake (up/down), everyone will be able to get a piece.
10. We have a wonderful (scenery/view) of the pond from our window.

3. Use the definite article where necessary.
1. _____United Kingdom includes_____Great Britain and____Northern Ireland.
2. The largest fresh water lake in_____Europe is____Lake Ladoga in ____northwestern Russia.
3. We've booked a holiday for three weeks in_____Canary Islands.
4. Located to______ east of____Mariana Islands in_____ western Pacific Ocean,___Mariana Trench is the deepest known area.

5.____Astrachan is located on____Caspian Sea.
6. Once I went for my holidays to____Lake Baikal. It was great!
7.____English Channel is between_____Great Britain and____France.
8. ____Pennines is a chain of mountains which is known as the backbone of_____England.
9. The longest river in_____United States is_____Mississippi.
10. ____Urals divide______Asia and______Europe.
11. ____Appalachian mountains in_____United States are very old.
12. Which is longer: _____Volga or_____Danube?
13. Is____Everest the highest mountain in world?
14. Is____Amsterdam in____United States or in____Netherlands?
15. ____Loch Ness is a lake in____Scotland.

4.Translate from Russian into English
1.Говорят, что погода в Британии очень переменчива.
2. Черное море находится в южной части России.
3. Когда надо, он может быть твердым как сталь.



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