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Контрольная работа по английскому языку Spotlight 8 Module 7

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Уважаемые учащиеся! Эту работу вы должны выполнить за 30 минут в период с 9.10 - 9.40 8-А класс

и с 8.30 дл 9.00 8-Б класс. Ссылки на работу вы получите за 5 минут до начала вашего  урока. 

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«Контрольная работа по английскому языку Spotlight 8 Module 7»

Spotlight 8 Module 7


  1. Fill in the wordssouvenirs, varied, local, seasick, booked

  1. Laura got ………….. during her cruise from Spain to Portugal.

  2. Britain has got a very ……………landscape, including mountains, forests, beautiful seacoasts and valleys.

  3. Have you already …………… the tickets to New York?

  4. My mother likes to buy…………… for her sisters on holidays.

  5. We went to a small village to meet the native people and to try the ……………. cuisine.

  1.  Put the words into 3 columnsboat, car, helicopter, coach, plane, yacht

by air                       by land            by sea

______                    _______            ______

______                    _______            ______

  1. Fill in phrasal verbsset off, set aside, set back, sets in

  1. The new shopping center wasn’t ready and the opening was ……….. for a few weeks.

  2. We must plant these trees before the cold weather ……………. .

  3. You should ………. some money to buy a new car.

  4. What time will we ……………. for the airport tomorrow?

  1. Match the phrases.

  1. I lost my passport,but it was found two days later.

  2. I spent my holiday in bed with the flu.

  3. There’s been an accident.

  4. How was your trip?

  5. My car has broken down.

A Really? What happened?

B What a shame!

C Thank goodness!

D That’s bad luck!

E It was a nightmare!

      V.    Report these sentences (переделать в косвенную речь)

1. “I am planning to go to Kenya,” Sally said.

2.“I don’t like chocolate,” Mary said.

3.They lived in a camp when they were on holiday.

4.The match will take place next week.

5.Do you do sports?

6.What is your favorite subject?

7.Take the dog for a walk.

8.Clean your room.

9.Don’t make noise.

10.I had a cold and stayed in bed.


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