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Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 10 класса

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Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 10 классе Unit 2

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«Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 10 класса»

Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку в 10 классе

Variant 1

Task 1. Read the text and match the headings (1-8) with a paragraph (A-G). There is one heading that you do not need to use. 

1. Popular route

2. The secret of the old rocks

3. City of contrasts

4. Escape the heat

5. Common roots

6. Wildlife holidays

7. Holy waters

8. Movie magic


A. The world’s first university was established in India in 700 BC, where more than 10,500 students from around the world studied more than 60 different subjects. The training was conducted in Sanskrit. Nowadays Sanskrit is considered to be the mother of all the European languages. Its elements can be traced in most of them.

B. The most frequently visited place in India is Delhi, the capital of the country. It seems to be divided into two parts. New Delhi is a modern city with hi-tech architecture, tourist attractions and modern facilities. Old Delhi is several centuries old, with narrow streets, ancient churches and noisy bazaars. Lots of people live in slums without the most essential facilities like toilets and running water.

C. People all over the world know of India’s greatest river, the Ganges. It is the subject of thousands of prayers. The river looks extremely beautiful in the morning light. It is believed that bathing in the Ganges helps to cure all kinds of diseases and can improve your life in general. It has become a common ritual for pilgrims to gather by the river in the mornings.

D. The most famous and often visited Indian historic area is the Golden Triangle. It consists of the cities of Delhi, Agra and Jaipur. Lying in the south-east, Agra attracts tourists with its iconic image of the Taj Mahal palace, which is one of the eight wonders of the modern world. To the south-west is the colourful ‘Pink City’ of Jaipur, known for its Palace of Winds.

E. Indian climate differs from one part of the country to another. The air is cool and fresh in the mountains but in the plains it is usually very hot and dry so even a short trip can be very hard for an inexperienced traveller. That is why tourists are always glad to have a rest at one of the numerous stations in the hills. There they can enjoy a nice cup of real Indian tea, the most refreshing drink in such a climate.

F. India is not all history. It is also famous for its Bollywood industry, which produces love stories and action films. Indian films have always had their own style, rich in music and dancing. Though the industry is still developing, many of Indian film stars have received Oscar prizes and are known throughout the world. The home of Bollywood is Bombay, also known as a busy port and the country’s commercial centre.

G. There is an unusual treasure hidden in the Indian mountains. These are striking ancient temples cut in the rocks. For example, the Buddhist cave temples at Ajanta were built at least 2,000 years ago. Inside the caves on the walls tourists can see pictures of people’s lives and animal images. Some researchers believe that the interpretation of the images can help us to learn a lot about people’s lives in ancient times.

Task 2. Open the brackets using the verbs in Passive.

  1. Tom just (to ask) at the lessons.

  2. I (to ask) at the last lesson.

  3. Our country house (to finish) next year.

  4. The dog already (to find) by my sister when we came home.

  5. This work (to do) tomorrow.

  6. Don’t mention the bags again. They (to pack) now.

  7. When I entered the office, the papers (to sign).

Task 3. Insert do or make in the correct form.

  1. I’ll __________ my best to pass all my exams next term.

  2. It’s very difficult to _________ a decision when you aren’t sure.

  3. Don’t _________ noise. The baby is sleeping!

  4. When you live abroad it is difficult to __________ friends if you don't know the language.

  5. I’ll _________ the shopping after work this evening.

  6. Don’t _________ any coffee. We’ll have tea.

  7. He _________ a large fortune when he was working in Australia.

  8. If you are shy, you’ll never _________ friends.

  9. I can't come because I’ve got to ______________ the washing-up.

  10. I'm hungry. I'm going to ____________ a sandwich.

Task 4. Use the derivatives of the words on the right and complete the sentences.

  1. Sam is a __________ young actor.

  2. Have the __________ to admit your mistake

  3. The boys were ______ punished.

  4. The doctor prescribed a new _______ for my sore throat.

  5. The country gained its ______ a century ago.

  6. I can’t see any reason for their ______ of our proposal.







Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку в 10 классе

Variant 2

Task 1. Read the text and match the headings (1-8) with a paragraph (A-G). There is one heading that you do not need to use. 

1. The scientific explanation

2. The real shape

3. A lucky sign

4. Some tips

5. Places without rainbows

6. A personal vision

7. A bridge between worlds

8. Impossible to catch


A. Two people never see the same rainbow. Each person sees a different one. It happens because the raindrops are constantly moving so the rainbow is always changing too. Each time you see a rainbow it is unique and it will never be the same! In addition, everyone sees colours differently according to the light and how their eyes interpret it.

B. A rainbow is an optical phenomenon that is seen in the atmosphere. It appears in the sky when the sun’s light is reflected by the raindrops. A rainbow always appears during or immediately after showers when the sun is shining and the air contains raindrops. As a result, a spectrum of colours is seen in the sky. It takes the shape of a multicoloured arc.

C. Many cultures see the rainbow as a road, a connection between earth and heaven (the place where God lives). Legends say that it goes below the earth at the horizon and then comes back up again. In this way it makes a permanent link between what is above and below, between life and death. In some myths the rainbow is compared to a staircase connecting earth to heaven.

D. We all believe that the rainbow is arch-shaped. The funny thing is that it's actually a circle. The reason we don’t see the other half of the rainbow is because we cannot see below the horizon. However, the higher we are above the ground, the more of the rainbow’s circle we can see. That is why, from an airplane in flight, a rainbow will appear as a complete circle with the shadow of the airplane in the centre.

E. In many cultures there is a belief that seeing a rainbow is good. Legends say that if you dig at the end of a rainbow, you'll find a pot of gold. Rainbows are also seen after a storm, showing that the weather is getting better, and there is hope after the storm. This is why they are associated with rescue and good fortune. If people happen to get married on such a day, it is said that they will enjoy a very happy life together.

F. You can never reach the end of a rainbow. A rainbow is all light and water. It is always in front of you while your back is to the sun. As you move, the rainbow that your eye sees moves as well and it will always ‘move away’ at the same speed that you are moving. No matter how hard you try, a rainbow will always be as far away from you as it was before you started to move towards it.

G. To see a rainbow you have to remember some points. First, you should be standing with the sun behind you. Secondly, the rain should be in front of you. The most impressive rainbows appear when half of the sky is still dark with clouds and the other half is clear. The best time to see a rainbow is on a warm day in the early morning after sunrise or late afternoon before sunset.

Task 2. Open the brackets using the verbs in Passive

  1. My question (to answer) yesterday.

  2. The cat already (to find) by my sister when we came home.

  3. Don’t mention the bags again. They (to pack) now.

  4. When I entered the office, the papers (to sign).

  5. His new book (to finish) next year.

  6. Mike just (to ask) at the lessons.

  7. St. Petersburg (to found) in 1703.

Task 4. Insert do or make in the correct form.

  1. Don’t _________ noise. The baby is sleeping!

  2. When you live abroad it is difficult to __________ friends if you don't know the language.

  3. Can you _________ me a favor?

  4. You’ll _________ a mistake if you do that.

  5. I’ll _________ the shopping after work this evening.

  6. Don’t _________ any coffee. We’ll have tea.

  7. He _________ a large fortune when he was working in Australia.

  8. If you are shy, you’ll never _________ friends.

  9. I can't come because I’ve got to ______________ the washing-up.

  10. I'm hungry. I'm going to ____________ a sandwich.

Task 4. Use the derivatives of the words on the right and complete the sentences.

  1. The boys were ______ punished.

  2. The doctor prescribed a new _______ for my sore throat.

  3. The country gained its ______ a century ago.

  4. I can’t see any reason for their ______ of our proposal.

  5. Mrs Morgan is a very ______ teacher.

  6. I have always felt a deep _____ for your parents.








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