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Контрольная работа по теме "«Mass Media: Radio, Television, the Internet», 9 класс, УМК Rainbow English О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева

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Контрольная работа содержит задания по аудированию,чтению, лексике,грамматике и ответы для учителя.

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«Контрольная работа по теме "«Mass Media: Radio, Television, the Internet», 9 класс, УМК Rainbow English О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева»

Контрольная работа №1 по теме «Mass Media: Radio, Television, the Internet»

9 класс (Rainbow English О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева)

Task I. Listening. You will hear five people speaking about the ways they learn news and get information. Listen and match the statements (1-6) with what people say (a-e). There is one statement you don’t have to use.( SB 9 ,ex.1 p. 49 track 20)

  1. The speaker explains that he / she uses only the Internet to find the necessary information.

  2. The speaker prefers to listen to the radio to know the latest news.

  3. The speaker says that the news is of no great importance to him/her .

  4. The speaker says that not all the data on the Internet is correct.

  5. The speaker prefers to watch TV to know what’s going on.

  6. The speaker explains he /she tries to get the current news from all the media possible.








5 баллов

Task II. Read the text , match the statements (1-5) with what people say (a-f).

There is one statement you don’t have to use( extra)

a) Mass media have positive influence on the society.

b) Mass media may have negative influence on young people.

c) Mass media influence the problem of healthy eating.

d) Mass media are responsible for the increase of aggression.

e) Mass media have a great power.

f) Mass media influence the shopping we do.

1. Mass media make billions of dollars advertising different goods. And we are exposed to such advertisements practically every moment. The result is predictable. We buy what we are told to buy by the media. After seeing thousands of advertisements we make our decisions based on what we see on TV.

2. Television is watched by the majority of our population. But what do we often see on the screen? Too many scenes of violence, people hurting and killing each other. We can also see a lot of blood, gun shooting etc. Physiologists say that such programmes provoke the same behaviour in real life. And they are right.

3. Many people say that due to mass media a lot of young people (and not only young) become interested in many things, such as history, literature. They watch TV programmes devoted to ecology or read some information on the Net and become aware of the danger our planet is in. Thus they begin thinking about how to help the situation and many of them turn into responsible citizens.

4. The media have a huge impact on the society in shaping the public opinion. Depending on the aim or target that is put before various types of mass media they are able to manipulate what is called the public opinion, change it in different ways or simply modify it a bit. The repeated telecast or piece of information on the Internet can be crucial.

5. The Internet offers undeniable benefits to the new generation. However, using the Internet unsafely puts teenagers at a very high risk. Boys and girls who spend too much time online tend to become cyber addicts. Cyber addiction can be as harmful as addiction to drugs or drinking alcohol. Those who spend unhealthy amounts of time on the Internet may experience distress, have mental and physical problems.








5 баллов


A.Choose the appropriate forms of the words to complete the sentences.

  1. The situation was becoming dangerous and the police (was/were) called.

  2. I don’t think (this/these) news (is/are) good.

  3. Her hair (is/are) long and beautiful.

  4. (This/these) information (has/have) just arrived.

  5. Where (is/are) the money?

  6. Have you listened to (a/the) news today?

8 баллов

B.Insert the necessary preposition from the box.

On, off( 3), up, down, over, into

  1. Turn…your washing machine before you leave home.

  2. It’s 11 o’clock, time to turn…the computer and go to bed.

  3. You should teach me to turn…and …the new dishwasher.

  4. When I turned the picture…, I saw the painter’s name on the back.

  5. If you can’t hear the music well, turn it…

  6. Don’t turn the second page…: I’m trying to read.

  7. Soon the ice in the fridge turned ………….water.

8 баллов

  1. Choose the appropriate words or forms to complete the sentences

  1. Do you have any idea why the police (is/are) here? Has anything happened?

  2. I tried not to think about what (has/had) been done the day before.

  3. Please don’t turn the television (up/down): it’s my favourite piece of music.

  4. She was busy at that moment and did not hear what (had been discussed/was being discussed) in the talk show.

  5. Don’t be afraid to keep your money in this bank. (It/They) will be safe here.

  6. They are showing a new (serial/series) of programmes about the animal world.

  7. Nobody knows what the film is like, it (was not/has not been) shot yet.

  8. Mass media (is/are) very important in the life of every social community.

  9. In my view it is (im-/in-)possible to spend all your free time in front of the TV or the computer.

  10. I felt I was being spied (on/for) and I became fright­ened.

10 баллов

Task IV.

Write these phrases in English.

1) Клавиатура компьютера;___________________________________________

2) без остановки; ____________________________________________________

3) портативный компьютер;____________________________________________

4) невозможное решение; ______________________________________________

5) средства массовой информации; _______________________________________

6) унижение и стыд; ____________________________________________________

7) шпионить за кем-то в интересах какой-то страны; ________________________

8) грубый ответ; _______________________________________________________

9) угрожать моей жизни; ________________________________________________

10) текущие новости.____________________________________________________

10 баллов

Общее количество баллов - 46

«5» -46 -41 бал.

«4» -40-31 бал.

«3» - 30-24 бал.

«2»- 23-0


Задание I

1B 2A 3E 4D 6C 5extra

Задание II

  1. F 2) D 3) A 4) E 5)B c- extra

Задание III

  1. 1. Were 2. This , is 3.is 4. This , has 5.is 6.the

  2. 1. off 2. Off 3. On, off 4. Over 5. Up. 6.over 7 into

C.1.are 2 had 3 down 4 was being discussed 5 it 6 series7 has not been 8is 9 im- 10 on

Задание 4.

1 a. (computer) keyboard 2. non-stop 3. a laptop/notebook; 4.an impossible decision; 5. mass media; 6. humiliation and shame; 7.to spy for some country; 8. a rude answer; 9. to threaten my life; 10. current news.


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