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Контрольная работа Rainbow English 5 класс (3 четверть)

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Контрольная работа по англйскому языку для 5 класса разработана в соответсвии с пройденным материалом по учебнику Rainbow English О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой.

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«Контрольная работа Rainbow English 5 класс (3 четверть)»

V-1 Surname___________________________Name_________________________

Task 1. Выберите правильную форму глагола.

1) Polly ____ her goldfish in a big aquarium (аквариум).

a) keeps b) keep c) kept

2) Last Sunday my parents ____ me a hamster and a big cage for it.

a) buy b) are buying c) bought

3) My parents and I ____ to the picture gallery next weekend.

a) go b) will go c) went

4) My friend ____ a very interesting hobby: he grows vegetables.

a) is having b) have got c) has got

5) ____ your friend go to the country last summer?

a) did b) does c) will

Task 2. Выберите правильное окончание разделительного вопроса.

1. Nick never plays chess, __________?

a) does he b) doesn’t he c) did he

2. There is a classical ballet tonight, __________?

a) isn’t it b) is there c) isn’t there

3. Mary could do her homework, ______?

a) couldn’t she b) could she c) could Mary

4. John won’t join us, ________?

a) won’t he b) will not he c) will he

5. The children did not play at the lesson, _____?

a) didn’t they b) did the children c) did they

Task 3.Дополните разделительные вопросы.

1. The film was boring, ____________________?

2. We watch a new film, , ___________________?

3. Ann has an English book, _________________?

4 The pupils have lunch at 11 a.m., ____________?

5. I will not go to Moscow,___________________?

Task 4. Вставьте правильный предлог. Один предлог лишний.

in of by after to for

1) We are proud ___ our uncle. He is a very successful photographer.

2) Jane keeps her pet, a cute little canary, ___ a cage.

3) Mr Smith came to Sidney ___ train.

4) What is Alan famous ___?

5) I look ___ my pets very well. They are very important for me.

Task 5. Соотнести слово и перевод.

1. budgies in the cage

2. a famous trainer

3. to paint beautiful pictures

4. to speak to the audience

5. to watch ballets

6. a proud theatregoer

7. to collect coins

8. an important thing

a) говорить со зрителями

b) гордый театрал

c) собирать монеты

d) попугайчики в клетке

e) важная вещь

f) знаменитый дрессировщик

g) рисовать красивые картины

h) смотреть балет

V-2 Surname___________________________Name_________________________

Task 1. Выберите правильную форму глагола.

1) My friend _______ football every day.

a) plays b) play c) is playing

2) Last Monday my granny ____ me a puppy.

a) buy b) are buying c) bought

3) My parents and I often ________ an interesting book in the evening.

a) read b) are reading c) will read

4) You _______ drawings and pictures at picture galleries tomorrow.

a) will see b) see c) saw

5) ____ your friend go to the country last summer?

a) did b) does c) will

Task 2. Выбрать правильное окончание разделительного вопроса.

1. Kate cooks dinner, __________?

a) does she b) doesn’t she c) did she

2. There is a plant on the windowsill, __________?

a) isn’t it b) is there c) isn’t there

3. Ken could do his homework, ______?

a) couldn’t he b) could he c) could Ken

4. His friend will go to the theatre, ________?

a) won’t he b) will not he c) will he

5. The students listened to the teacher, _____?

a) didn’t they b) did the children c) did they

Task 3. Дополните разделительные вопросы.

1. Nick never plays chess, ________________?

2. There is a classical ballet in the opera tonight, ______________?

3. Mary could do her homework herself, ________?

4. John won’t join us, ______________?

5. The children did not play at the lesson,___________?

Task 4. Вставьте правильный предлог. Один предлог лишний.

in(2) on after to for

1) Acrobats are famous ____ their jumps

2) My cat likes to walk ___ the grass.

3) I am theatergoer. I often go ____ the theatre.

4) I look ___ my pets very well. They are very important for me.

5) We are interested _____ ballet.

Task 5/ Соотнести слово и перевод

1. budgies in the birdcage

2. a playful kitten

3. to paint beautiful pictures

4. to speak to the audience

5. to watch ballets

6. a proud theatregoer

7. to perform in circus

8. an important thing

a) говорить со зрителями

b) гордый театрал

c) выступать в цирке

d) попугайчики в клетке

e) важная вещь

f) игривый котенок

g) рисовать красивые картины

h) смотреть балет


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